UK Newswire Archive
MEETING AGAINST ALL DEPORTATIONS. Meeting 2-4 pm Saturday September 3rd
18-08-2005 19:43

Meeting 2-4 pm Saturday September 3rd
Friends Meeting House, Mount St, Manchester Centre
Tube shooting family inquiry call
18-08-2005 18:37
Um ... where did the articles from the past two days disappear to? If Bliar and his minions are LYING about this incident, what AREN'T they lying about? Perhaps it's time we see the still-missing video evidence to support their Conspiracy Theories about 7/7/21 before allowing them to seize new powers for themselves ...How The FBI Let 911 Happen
18-08-2005 18:34
What truly damns the Bush/PNAC Regime's Conspiracy Theory about that day is their complete inability to provide compelling and independently-verifiable evidence to support their case, such as airport surveillance video which would show "ze terrorists" boarding the planes that day - if their story was true.Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax: Intelligence Was Cooked in Israel
18-08-2005 18:31
The recent FBI indictment of two members of AIPAC, Israeli spies who worked in the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, from which the Iraq LIES originated, is sure to crack this wide open.However, as of yet, the media is only reporting the part of the scandal dealing with those spies passing classified information from the Pentagin to Israel.
Deportations in Iceland!
18-08-2005 18:29
Icelandic government attempt to deport 21 anti-dam protestors.No CCTV due to police removing tapes. Ian Blair tries to delay IPCC enquiry
18-08-2005 18:12
Scotland Yard / Ian Blair attempting to delay the investigation and the fact that the BBC news at 6pm reported that it was police who removed CCTV tapes from Stockwell the day before in relation to the investigation into the "failed bombings" and then failed to replace the tapes.Call for articles: Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice
18-08-2005 17:14
Something for armchair anarchos perhapsSorry (JCdM Shooting)
18-08-2005 17:09
Last month I posted several messages on here defending the police over the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes...The killing of Jean Charles de Menezes
18-08-2005 15:56
Craig Murray reacts to the latest revelations about the probable murder of Jean Charles de MenezesProtest at Market Square against Deportations to Northern Iraq (Kurdistan)
18-08-2005 15:06
There is to be a demonstration in Market Square this Saturday (12 to 3pm) in support of Kurdish and Iraqi people who fear deportation to Northern Iraq.Helsinki World Games are over – murder attempt by the police
18-08-2005 14:58
For yet not known reason has Vantaa Police Force in Finland tried to contact Finnish Millionaire Åke Tyvi (age 37) by using lethal force by disguising their approaching attempt as closing by pulling guns for police protection.Defend Civil Liberties - No Racist Scapegoating
18-08-2005 13:50
Thursday 25 August 2005, 7.30pm
Oxford Town Hall
21/7 suicide bombers had no bombs or desire to commit suicide
18-08-2005 13:36
Bits of information in an arrest warrant show that the 21/7 bombs were, by design, not capable of damage. They are a mix of flour and hair gel! Only the detonators had explosives in. Probably as powerful as a french banger firework. Original article linked.Israeli settler kills 4 Palestinians (PHRMG press release)
18-08-2005 12:13
On the 17th of August, a West Bank settler; Asher Weissgan (38), shot to death four Palestinians and wounded two others, one of them seriously. This is the second Jewish terror attack in less than two weeks. On the 4th of August, another settler; Eden Natan-Zada (19), opened fire on a bus in the Arab town of Shfaram, killing four Palestinians.DSEi: Exhibitor addresses in London
18-08-2005 12:01
Below is a list of exhibitors at this year's DSEi who have offices at the following addresses in London.Lydd Airport- protest at expansion- Aug 27th
18-08-2005 11:24
Newly formed coalition group ( Lydd Airport-No Expansion LA-NE, Shepway Friends of the Earth, Shepway Green Party, Shepway Lib Dems ) protest. Aug 27th 1100 amSee also below:meeting Aug 23rd Hythe Town hall 7.30pm (LAAG group)
Urgent: Help Needed to Stop Dangerous Oil Pipeline in Co. Mayo, Ireland
18-08-2005 11:17

pipeline. Five local farmers are currently in prison for blocking access to their land. This fight is winnable - but it needs support.
Troops and police forcibly remove immigrants
18-08-2005 10:40
The army and police are dragging children out of schools, teachers out of nurseries and religious folk from their places of worship in a brutal crackdown on Middle Eastern immigrantsNottingham Afro-Caribbean Carnival: Day 2
18-08-2005 10:16

Nottingham Afro-Caribbean Carnival: Day 2 Parade
18-08-2005 10:11