UK Newswire Archive
Ecotopia 2005 - international youth festival in Moldova
27-06-2005 20:01

---------- in_ M o l d o v a
---------- 1st - 14th_ of_ A u g u s t
- - - - - c a l l o u t
We would like to invite you to E K O T O P I A 2005
taking place in the nature reserve Saharna, in Moldova
This year's theme is Alternative Technologies [AT], but as always the program is to be created by the participants. We choose AT as the theme because we would like to have a lot of skill-sharing on issues such as renewable energy, solar power, waste management and recycling, green building and eco-housing, green food production, windmills, green economy, green design and architecture, and green-everything.
Beside the alternative technologies there will be special focus on
- east-west issues in Europe
- planing of local and global actions
- developing ideas for new projects and campaigns on the European level
The most important is that the program of EKOTOPIA is dependent on YOU:::: to give a workshop, on AT, east-west or any topic you are interested in, climate change, sustainable transport, GMOs, organic food, action planing, alternative media, global politics and economics, migration, racism and xenophobia, etc.
If you want to give a workshop, please fill in the online workshop form [available soon]
If you want to participate fill in this form [available soon]
Also, we would really appreciate if you fill in the EKORATES questionnaire and send it to

People applying for the travel reimbursements are expected to fill in the questionnaire.
People who need travel reimbursement apply before June 20th. If you don't need travel reimbursement you can register until July 10th. Registering in advance is very helpful for the people organising the logistics!!
A great way to come to Ekotopia is the annual Ekotopia BikeToUr. This year, the BikeToUr starts in Banja Luka June 17th, Bosnia.
More about EKOTOPIA
Questions & remarks:

Hope to see you in Moldova!!
EYFA (European Youth for Action) and the ekotopia hosts: AVI, SalvaEco, Gutta-Club and the Environmental Movement of Moldova
Bristol Indymedia server seized tonight
27-06-2005 18:59
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We press-released a version of this in the early hours. See you in Scotland.Corruption in "Good Ol" North Carolina?
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Press Release - 27 June 2005Regardless of the outcome of today's verdict on the killing of Tom Hurndall, the International Solidarity Movement, London maintains that justice cannot been served while the culture of impunity in the Israeli army remains in tact. Tom was one of hundreds of civilians killed in Rafah alone in the past four years. He was shot whilst trying to get children out of the line of Israeli army gunfire. As he bent down to pick up a young boy, he was shot in the head.
Politically modified research?
27-06-2005 15:58
PERMISSION TO REPOSTBy Eileen Marshall Margaret Williams
26th June 2005
On 22nd June 2005 Laurie Taylor presented a programme called "Thinking Allowed" on the UK's Radio 4, one of a series of programmes in which contributors discuss topical items coming out of the academic and research worlds. Taylor ended that particular programme with an explosion: "….the last word on methodology, and the importance of valid and reliable empirical work, must go to the anonymous political insider who recently characterised the present Government's approach to research in the following manner: it is not, he said, so much evidence-based policy-making as policy-based evidence-making". Never was there a truer word, as the ME community knows to its considerable cost: it has been saying so for many years but has been systematically denigrated and ignored, so it is refreshing to hear this acknowledged and confirmed in such precise terms on the BBC.
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Blair's apparent fave consultancy firm McKinsey.Chris Ntirandekura - request to stay
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