UK Newswire Archive
First vicitms of the 2012 Olympics
12-05-2005 13:37
students are being evicted from the site of the proposed Olympic Village at Clays Lane, Stratford, East London, even before London knows if it will get the Olympics.University Clampdown on Campus Protest
12-05-2005 12:48
Lancaster University has brought charges against 6 students and graduates after a peaceful protest against Arms Dealers and GM Companies on campus.Still We Ride
12-05-2005 12:12
For Immediate ReleaseStill We Ride to premiere at 5th Annual Bicycle Film Festival

Hundreds of bicyclists arrested in NYC since August; three filmmakers
prepare to release a critical documentary
Fashion outlawed by shopping centres.
12-05-2005 11:55
Yobs skulking in baseball caps and hooded tops deliberately terrorize shopping centres, by shopping for caps and hooded tops.BANNER THEATRE ON TOUR, JUNE AND JULY 2005
12-05-2005 11:43
WILD GEESE looks at migration from the point of view of the migrants themselves, exploring their hopes, dreams and often harsh realities. The show exposes the great divide between those who build fortunes from the forced migration of the world's peoples and those much vilified refugees, asylum seekers and 'economic migrants' forced to leave homes and loved ones in search of work, refuge and survival.
- "It is so important that people speak up about the issues of racism and of prejudice against refugees and asylum seekers, and I believe your production is a wonderful way of doing just that" (Tony Brett Young, Mayor, London Borough of Sutton)
- "It shocked me to see what Britain and America do to cause so many of the world's problems" (6th former, Swinton High School, Manchester)
- "A superb performance" (Peterborough Racial Equality Council)
Catch this exciting and informative new show at one of the following venues, or see the website,

Something maybe beautiful...
12-05-2005 11:37
The rampART is one year old on 21st May...In 'Fences and Windows' (2001), - Naomi Klein wrote, "Social centres are abandoned buildings - warehouses, factories, military forts, schools - that have been occupied by squatters and transformed into cultural and political hubs, explicitly free from both the market, and from state control... Though it may be hard to tell at first, the social centres aren't ghettos, they are windows — not only into another way to live, disengaged from the state, but also into a new politics of engagement. And yes, it's something maybe beautiful."
festival dates at the cowley club
12-05-2005 10:50
Lots of free events happening this month at the brightons collectively owned social centreBBC strike action
12-05-2005 10:35
Journalists and technicians at the BBC have voted to take strike action after the corporation announced 3,780 job cuts in a £350m cost cutting programme.Paul Blackburn - Another Childhood Stolen by the State
12-05-2005 10:20

Quality TV documentary to get film release
12-05-2005 09:50
The Power of Nightmares to be shown at CannesNew Galloway Revelation!!
12-05-2005 09:43

Of course it's just coincidence that all three were totally opposed to the war? It is also unimportant that the senates info has come from a corrupt former Baathist who is presently being detained indefinately by the US occupiers and is desparate to curry favour with them?
I'm just surprised that they didnt manage to implicate Iran and North Korea as well.
G8-Crashing - Benefit gig in London - Tuesday 17th May - Free entry - £1 a pint
12-05-2005 00:04

Tickets still available for Resist G8 Trains!
11-05-2005 23:16

Being Unemployed
11-05-2005 22:48
The developers and council are not interested in community, but they need to be able to say they have 'consulted' with local people, to sanction their plans.
iraq quagmire or Genocide
11-05-2005 22:07
The so-called progressive Neo-liberal media in the US are more closed minded in support of invasion than the the rightwingers who occupied Iraq. That is why not only we don't have anti-war movements but actually there is no credible voice if dissents.Here is one example of a neo-liberal hypocricy. They are using the argument about the Quagmire in Iraq as a sokescreen to cover the genocide in iraq.British Trade Unions
11-05-2005 21:00
We at libcom are planning to create a section on British Trade Unions as part of our organise section.Get involved!
Manchester: nuclear waste management training on 23- 27 May
11-05-2005 19:00
A five day training for nuclear waste management takes place on 23 - 27 May im Manchester. If you look at the last and all the other accidents in Sellafield you will get the impression, that all these nuclear waste managers had only trained five days for there Jobs. Let us protest against such dangerous training which occupies the future over thousands of years with dangerous radioactivty.Help stop Kelda and Aquarion from privatizing Holyoke wastewater!
11-05-2005 18:45

Sign the online petition to stop the contract with Aquarion:

11-05-2005 18:31
POLICE MURDER 15 years old boy during the Day of the workers in BogotaDissent Gathering in Nottingham
11-05-2005 16:26

Organising Gathering in Nottingham,
Friday 20th - Sunday 22 nd May