UK Newswire Archive
04-05-2005 19:35
Today was the Annual General Meeting for shareholders of BAe SYSTEMS PLC, (the corporation formally known as British Aerospace).BAe SYSTEMS produce weapons of mass destruction and torture implements, both of which they sell to governments with attrocious records on human rights.
Vote Howard and Vote Colombian FARC-EP
04-05-2005 18:57

Blair to resign after Labour election disaster
04-05-2005 18:27
this is a much more likely scenario than the ludicrous statement dictated to the times editor by rupert murdoch today:"Blair set for third landslide as campaign wraps up"
'Blairgate' - Britain's Election Tsunami
04-05-2005 16:54
Felicity Arbuthnot who has been working with independent candidate Reg Keys, who is standing against Tony Blair in the Sedgefield constituency, gives an overview of the anti-war candidates who are trying to reveal Labour cover-up over the Gulf warIraqi Union Calls for a "Freedom Congress" and UN Intervention
04-05-2005 16:52
Iraqi Union Calls for a "Freedom Congress" and UN InterventionBy David Bacon
On March 18, the Federation of Workers' Councils and Unions of Iraq, one of Iraq's three trade union federations, announced the formation of the Iraqi Freedom Congress.
disaster help: Eliminate Hunger, Solar Hospitals, Water Purify
04-05-2005 16:38
Using Advanced sustainable technology during times of emergency in the UK.Also, many links provided to sustainable tech and emergency tech.
Climate Change debate
04-05-2005 16:19
Rising Tide, Campaign against Climate Change, People & Planet and Tearfund campaigners are debating the future of climate change campaigning on the openDemocracy websiteSaddam Hussein Gives Don Rumsfeld a Smackdown!
04-05-2005 16:17
While the April 2005 meeting wasn't Donald Rumsfeld's first with Saddam, it will certainly be his last if these minutes, leaked to the Egyptian Magazine al-Usbu' by "a reliable American source", are accurate.Free Shops - easy positive action
04-05-2005 15:59
I did a Free Shop this weekend, and it was brilliant. Free Shops make a positive stand against landfill, consumerism, social isolation and climate change. Let's have a summer of free shops everywhere - at your local community festival, on your high street and heck, why not, lets have one against the G8 in Auchterarder too!Anti-Evciction March Saturday May 12th 2005 -
04-05-2005 15:56
Facing Bulldozers In UK Ethnic-Cleansing - Be with us on the Freedom March! Saturday 14 May. 12 Noon nr Basildon EssexMuslim call for Islamic reformation
04-05-2005 13:39

Irshad Manji plans progressive Muslim think-tank
London meeting to challenge fundamentalism
04-05-2005 13:22
Critical Mass rides are starting again in Birmingham after a winter break.IFJ launches press freedom/civil liberties report condemning "war on terrorism"
04-05-2005 12:52

Dopwnload full pdf report:

Statewatch website:

Mayday 2005 Video: Police Create "Bubble" Trapping Protestors - Hackney
04-05-2005 12:17

Local Residents Fight Parkwood Landfill Expansion Proposals
04-05-2005 10:55
Proposals are being put before the council this weekfor a massive enlargement of the Parkwood Landfill
site, allowing a substantial increase in capacity from
just 266,000 tonnes a year to a staggering 1 million
tonnes. The Parkwood Landfill site is on the edge of
Shirecliffe and overlooks many areas including
Hillsborough, Upperthorpe and Walkley. Local residents
are fighting these proposals and demanding a public
consultation. However, their on going investigation
into the proposals is raising more questions than
answers. Residents are beginning to see a possible
link emerging between the new massive incinerator in
Sheffield, which is nearing completion, and the
proposals for the enlargement of the Parkwood Landfill
Site. If under these proposals the Parkwood landfill
site was to have its suspended special waste licence
reinstated, the expansion of the landfill site would
enable the ash from the new Bernard Roads incinerator
to be dumped there.

04-05-2005 10:33
7pm WEDNESDAY 4th MAY LINCOLN COLLEGE. CONDEMN THE GENOCIDE OF 400,000 IN DARFUR.British General Election [1] Shows Bankruptcy of New-Liberal Ideolgy
04-05-2005 10:00
War ciminal Bair, puppet of the new-Liberal capitalist elite, should still Cling to Power in UK National Election. But for how long?
Blair Wacker
04-05-2005 09:26
providing aural stimulation causeing adrenal glands to secrete anti-blair anti-bush resistance.rub some on.
Blair's next war
04-05-2005 08:32
"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. (Short pause) And having said that, all options are on the table." (Laughter)George Bush - press conference, Brussels, 22 February 2005