UK Newswire Archive
Deportation torture machine
04-05-2005 08:27
Illegal attempt to deport Anicet Mayela to Congo-Brazzaville. He is a key witness in an investigation by the CID of Global Solutions Ltd, for criminal assault in an earlier deportation attempt.UK Electoral Disenfranchisement
04-05-2005 08:24
The following letter to the Guardian on the subjct of electoral fraud and disenfranchisement was not published by the Guardian:Donate Against the G8!
04-05-2005 08:17
Please post this information as widely as possible!US bunker-buster "mini-nukes" would kill a million people
04-05-2005 07:56
Emperor George II & Cabal will ignore this,and give the nod to use these "bunker-buster"
bombs....after all, murdering people is
standard for the church-state.
(A repost of article e-mailed to me)
How Bliar Manipulated Arabic WMD dossier/More On His LIES
04-05-2005 04:44
A war criminal and pathological LIAR (Lying denotes an utter contempt for the English People) stands to win the national election. I feel sick.Father of slain soldier plots UK “regime change”
04-05-2005 04:36
The Prime Ministerial race isn't as locked as certain people would have you believe. Get into the streets NOW. Watch the postal votes and exit polling.
03-05-2005 22:56

03-05-2005 21:37
If your against the Invasion of Iraq, If your against the Occupation of Iraq, If your against the killing of 100,000 Iraqis by U$ and British forces, If your against attacks of Civil Liberties, then come down to Brighton, Defend the Right to Protest and support the Smash Edo Campaign!Muslim Election Guide - May 5th 2005
03-05-2005 20:45
An election guide giving the low down on each candidate with star ratings. Great source of information on who to vote for.Check it out:

G8 Alternatives Summit - Ideas to Change the World
03-05-2005 20:32
The purpose of the Alternatives Summit is to present a serious ideological challenge to the corrupt policies and ideology of the G8.Yet more photos from Mayday precarity action
03-05-2005 19:46

Darfur “die-in” at Downing Street
03-05-2005 18:09
400,000 murdered, three million refugees and rising. Call for UK, EU & UN action to stop the genocide in Darfur.Southerners have every right to be Bloody Angry!
03-05-2005 18:07

BBC News Online Tuesday, 3 May, 2005
Vandals are being blamed for trying to wreck a scarecrow competition amongst villages in south east Cornwall.
Punk Doc Film Night in Sheffield 8.05.05
03-05-2005 17:39

The Ramen Days and Beyond The Screams. Two films highlighting the DIY ethic and counter cultural activities of many people involved in the hardcore punk scene. From creating liberated spaces to defining what this grass roots music scene means to the individuals involved. Defiant statements that shout out loud - "We are more than music!"
Weak Dollar and Strong Bush: China and US Debts
03-05-2005 17:37
To stabilize the value of the dollar, the US needs a daily currency inflow of $1.8 billion.. The budget plan of the White House rests on unrealistic assumptions and ignores the most costly expenditures.. The Bush administration assumes higher revenues by means of the tax cuts.Personal Account of EuroMayDay Action in London
03-05-2005 16:43
Why was the police so violent during Sunday's MayDay action in Hackney?Mayday 2005 Video: Train to Hackney
03-05-2005 16:34

Tony Blair's Constituency-Sedgefield
03-05-2005 16:30

US First "Lady" Reveals: GWB in Masturbation of Horse
03-05-2005 16:25
03 May 2005 Laura Bush showed the other side of the Sourthern Belle Saturday night (live) when she protrayed your Dear Leader, Pres. George W. Bush, as masturbating a male horse. What other kinds of animal husbandry do they practice down there on the farm?