UK Newswire Archive
Aachen trial, 4th day: urgent call
31-03-2005 19:41
Aachen trial: 4th day (31-03-2004) Today the tension in court heightened considerably (after yesterday, when we kept rather calm in respect to the two people who had been taken hostage and came to testify).COME DOWN ON THE BNP LIKE A TONNE OF BRICKS
31-03-2005 16:03
Anti-fascists use direct action to break up fascists meeting.bnp demo halifax
31-03-2005 13:32
Regarding the bnp rally in halifax on wed 6th april .Val leaves voters in the lurch
31-03-2005 13:16
Backbird Leys Labour councillor resigns from city council in face of IWCA challengeFree Film Nite London Rising Tide Presents The Forth World War
31-03-2005 13:11
Free Film Nite, food and dicussion at LARC, 62 fieldgate St, whitechapel10 MYTHS ABOUT IRAQI ELECTIONS - WHY I VOTED
31-03-2005 12:19
There hasn't been much real debate about the Iraqi elections. A lot of superficial rhetoric, but not much substance. Here is an exploration of some of the most common objections.Antifascist killed by Nazi!!! Saturday demonstation
31-03-2005 12:08
On saturday night a 31 years old antifascist was killed by a nazi-skinhead in Dortmund, West-Germany. On next saturday (2. of april) there will be a big demonstartion of solidarity.Going to Manchester Demo on Saturday?
31-03-2005 09:22
For any people from Liverpool wishing to go to Manchester for the demo in support of migrant rights on Saturday, why not come with us!Equality Bill excludes gay rights
31-03-2005 08:31
Protection from discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation has been excluded from five key provisions of the government’s new Equality Bill.Liverpool Social Forum Meeting TUESDAY
31-03-2005 08:31
The next meeting of the LSF will be on Tuesday 5th April (i.e. this Tuesday coming) at 7.30pm in the Casa, Hope St.GIVE UP THE JOB? HELL NO! : ANNAN
31-03-2005 05:53

Stolen American Presidential Election
31-03-2005 04:37
I believe this is likely the most important story in several months. I am sending this to you for distribution as the story greatly impacts the whole world. Thusfar, the US has not paid much attention to it and it needs to be addressed globally. It is about a scientific study showing that the US Presidential election of 2004 was stolen. Thank you.John Macchietto, Ph.D.
Dots: American Social Insecurity
31-03-2005 03:29
The real motivations of the American Political Directorate and their push for "Social Security Refiorm"Incitement to racial hatred
30-03-2005 23:37
The Conservative Party escalated the political arms race on refugees and immigration yet further on Tuesday, proposing a new "tax" on employers who give jobs to non-British and EU citizens and a new security force "to secure Britain's borders".G8 to tackle AIDS? I don't think so....
30-03-2005 23:08
Blair has much to say about how he and the G8 are committed to help Africa.Council threatens dissident with ASBO!
30-03-2005 22:38
Political activist and council tenant in Manchester is threatened with an ASBO and eviction for posting anti-war in Iraq leaflets.Bloomsbury, MSN fear TV/web "war" over "gay bowel syndrome"
30-03-2005 22:22
"Gay Bowel Syndrome" must be deleted from MSN EncartaAntiG8 mobilization. Antiglobalists and Mass Media
30-03-2005 21:13