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Antifascist killed by Nazi!!! Saturday demonstation

AFA West-Germany | 31.03.2005 12:08 | Anti-racism

On saturday night a 31 years old antifascist was killed by a nazi-skinhead in Dortmund, West-Germany. On next saturday (2. of april) there will be a big demonstartion of solidarity.

On last saturday the antifascist was stabed to death on a subway-station in Dortmund (Germany).

Dortmund is one of the capitol cities of nazi-terror in western germany. Even two days after the antifascist was murdered neonazis tried to attac a small demonstration of solidarity.

So on following saturdy there will be a big demonstration of solidarity and against nazi-terror in Dortmund/Germany.

DEMONSTRATION: Saturday 2. april, 12:30 at subway-station "U-Bahnhof Kampstrasse" in Dortmund.

Fight nazi-terror!

more Informations on or german antifascist informationsites! ( )

AFA West-Germany


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