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Antifascist killed by Nazi!!! Saturday demonstation

AFA West-Germany | 31.03.2005 12:08 | Anti-racism

On saturday night a 31 years old antifascist was killed by a nazi-skinhead in Dortmund, West-Germany. On next saturday (2. of april) there will be a big demonstartion of solidarity.

On last saturday the antifascist was stabed to death on a subway-station in Dortmund (Germany).

Dortmund is one of the capitol cities of nazi-terror in western germany. Even two days after the antifascist was murdered neonazis tried to attac a small demonstration of solidarity.

So on following saturdy there will be a big demonstration of solidarity and against nazi-terror in Dortmund/Germany.

DEMONSTRATION: Saturday 2. april, 12:30 at subway-station "U-Bahnhof Kampstrasse" in Dortmund.

Fight nazi-terror!

more Informations on or german antifascist informationsites! ( )

AFA West-Germany


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31.03.2005 14:09

This brave activist paid the ultimate price for standign up for the rights of millions ot be treated as equals.

The fascists will disappear one day, along with their perverted ideas.

Abu Burkan