UK Newswire Archive
Iraq Elections hits UK - Only Large numbers Call for Its Boycott!
25-12-2004 17:56
On Jan 30th, Iraqis from all over the UK will be voting for the first time, in an illegal election, that is not recognised by International law because it is a government that has been established by the USA which is also an occupying power within a country that is still at war.In the UK, Iraqis are also going to be able to vote for fellow Iraqis, who also happen to be fellow British Citizens like Aiyad Allawi - the Prime Minister and through the process of democracy, they will be allowed to govern a foreign country.
Love or loath Saddam, atleast he had an Iraqi passport!
24-12-2004 23:29
Los Angeles Unified 8th grade student NICHOLAS BAKER receives Los Angeles Times Community Service Award.IRAQ: The Children of Iraq, part 1 of 1.
24-12-2004 14:14

New Dissent! Poster
24-12-2004 12:04

Please print, copy and distribute!
Man in Knife Attack Should Not Be Feared As a Major Threat to Society.
24-12-2004 09:01
Detectives are questioning a man after a series of knife attacks in London yesterday. Sadly, it left one man dead and five people injured, of which four are in hospital and two of them are in a critical condition.Sensationalising such attacks, which are very rare, does little to advance the way our society deals with mental health issues, and deal with the prejudice suffered by those with mental health problems.
New Zealand/Aotearoa GE FREE Victory!
24-12-2004 04:44
In a major victory for the GE Free movement in Aotearoa/ New Zealand, the main target of the current GE Free campaign stated in a news item that KFC are "committed" to continue using GE-free soy from Inghams Enterprises LTD "as long as world supply enabled it to". (See:
The World Bank and the Politics of Hunger
24-12-2004 01:45
Backgrounder on the social origins of world hunger and on the policies of the I.M.F. and World Bank.Voices in the Wilderness in Parliament Square
24-12-2004 00:34

23-12-2004 23:58
A 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.Band Aid Pop Star Piss Take Flash Animation
23-12-2004 22:42
Alternative Band Aid 20: Banned Aid - from the ace art attack crew faithful at the brilliant if not a little cynical 3bta.Alt lyric audio with class flash animation
- bandaid: coke gozzling celeb media whore scum :-)
london rising tide film night presents
23-12-2004 21:55
free film showing presented by london rising tide. Jan 9th, Cheeky Apocalypse and The Day After Tomorrowalternative fashion week
23-12-2004 20:04
call for participation at the alternative fashion week to the posh 'london fashion week'from 13.-17.2.05 at the rampart creative centre, 15-17 rampart street, whitechapel, E1 2LA
with workshops, talk/diskussion, shows and entertainment.
Call centers don't pay .....
23-12-2004 18:47
The callcenter Consatis GmbH in Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany (Tempelhofer Ufer 11, 10963) employs mainly English speaking foreign workers living in Berlin. The pay and conditions have steadily worsened and now employees must wait for up to 5 months for payment.Galloway brings Zapatista to book
23-12-2004 18:04
Both are high-profile, left-wing mavericks famous for their political theatricality, snappy style and taste in fine tobacco. Now a publishing venture brings them together for the first time.More Questions for UK Home Office
23-12-2004 17:50

The power of social forums: 3000 words on why we should fight for them
23-12-2004 17:42
"Once the logic of power is adopted, the struggle against power is already lost… for what is at issue in the revolutionary transformation of the world is not /whose/ power but the very existence of power." [Holloway / Peláez]-------
Throughout the ESF process, I kept on having this dark vision: the European Social Forum office in London as an encampment deep in the Congolese Jungle. Like the Heart of Darkness – Ken Livingstone a 21^st Century Kurtz. Picture him: lurking in shadow, brooding in the last rays of a blood red sunset, deep within his humid, plastic-plant-filled office. Picture him: at the end of a long, dark corridor lined with the heads of SWP members and GLA officials who displeased him…
23-12-2004 17:00

23-12-2004 15:09
Sesto San Giovanni (Milan) 12 november 200421 DAYS AT MELFI FIAT
Please Help! Plea from Los Angeles.
23-12-2004 14:21
We cannot wait another 4 years to stand against the war and rampant social injustice of another Bush Administration. A coalition of social, political, and religious activists have come together to protest the coronation of George W. Bush. We invite you and all your friends and family to join hundreds of thousands in the streets of Washington, festival at rampART
23-12-2004 13:50
Movements in Motion: An Indian Film FestivalA week of documentary films and discussions food, music, dance performances
from 10 - 15 January 2004
at the rampART Creative Centre and Social Space (
15-17 rampart street, E1 2LA