UK Newswire Archive
urgent: fax to stop political activist from deportation
22-12-2004 13:56
Bangladeshi activist faces deportation on 24th Dec from Heathrow, Terminal 3, Flight GF2. Will start flyering passengers at check in at 6.30am (flight is 9.30am). PLease come if u can or fax Gulf Air on Thursday 23rd: 0208 600 1715/0208 600 7460 (model attached). He will probably be killed on his return and leaves his wife and 2 young children in the UK.Please email for more info/with ideas.
urgent: deportation @ Heathrow 24th Dec
22-12-2004 13:47
Political activist from Bangladesh will be deported from Heathrow Terminal 3 Flight GF2 on Friday 24th. Check in opens at 6.30 when I will start flyering passengers. The flight is at 9.30am. PLEASE come and help! Airport security means the more people the safer it is. If you can't come, fax the airline on Thursday 23rd: Gulf Air: 0208 600 1715/0208 600 7460. He has been in detention, separated from his wife and 2 children, and it is likely he will be killed on his return. Model Fax attached. email with ideas/more info.LET’S NOT SAINT ANYONE JUST YET; HYPOCRISY IN CELEBRITY CHARITY
22-12-2004 10:57
This article identifies and analyses certain inconsistencies in the charitable actions of celebrities involved in Band Aid II.ESF Arrests Update
22-12-2004 05:06
This is an update of the people arrested & charged during the European Social Forum in London October 2004. Of those arrested only one was a UK national. (This may or may not have any significance).THE EARTH MUST UNITE TO FREE AUNG SAN SUU KYI IN BURMA
22-12-2004 02:45
FREE AUNG SAN SUU KYI MOVEMENT BY A BURMESE PLAYWRIGHT; MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL CHRIST-LIKE PEOPLEreflections & analysis: the wombles, the esf & beyond - extract
22-12-2004 02:33
Below are extracts from the document 'reflections & analysis: the wombles, the esf & beyond', the full text of which can be seen at:
Bliar aids US nuke targets
22-12-2004 01:44

By Clayton Hirst
19 December 2004
Item from The independant shows how far the bliar poodler has gone.
How long can he last is open to question, given that poodlers tend to crack up in the end. As the poodler's own poddlers get caught out lying etc., we maty see the psychopathology play out in a suicide in the family as the awareness of his aiding the USUK atrocities in Iraq dawn.
Vendetta against Anna Scher must stop now
22-12-2004 00:34
Mind UK Service Users in Campaign to support Anna Scher 2005(BAYER) Naproxen increases heart attacks: NIH
21-12-2004 23:21
WASHINGTON -- An Alzheimer's disease prevention trial was suspended after researchers said there were more heart attacks and strokes among patients taking naproxen, an over-the-counter pain reliever in use for 28 years and commonly known under the brand name Aleve.The study, involving some 2,500 patients, was to test whether naproxen or Celebrex, both pain relievers, could reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease among healthy elderly patients who were at an increased risk of the disease.
Foriegn Observers of Palestinian Elections To Be Handpicked By Israel
21-12-2004 21:05
Israel announces plans to screen foriegn observers of the upcoming PA elections.SUPPORT WEST PAPUAN PRISONERS
21-12-2004 20:20
Urgent: phone prisoners asap and especially on Tues 21st Dec when therewill be a mass phone in...
Two Dozen Soldiers Killed
21-12-2004 19:06
The force of the explosions knocked soldiers off their feet and out of their seats. A fireball enveloped the top of the tent, and shrapnel sprayed into the men.Amid the screaming and thick smoke that followed, quick-thinking soldiers turned their lunch tables upside down, placed the wounded on them and gently carried them into the parking lot.
"Medic! Medic!" soldiers shouted.
So you think you live in a free country?
21-12-2004 18:08
The experiences of a council tax refusenik, sick of being forced to pay for services he does not receive - and finding out what the real priorities of the police are.Support Pit Stop Ploughshares
21-12-2004 17:33
***APPEAL****To Help The
PIT STOP PLOUGHSHARES(Deirdre Clancy, Nuin Dunlop, Karen Fallon, Damien
Moran, Ciaron O'Reilly)
Blunkett let off the hook
21-12-2004 16:21
Another government inquiry, another whitewash. Blunkett gets let off the hook.U.S. Criticism of Chávez Unfounded
21-12-2004 16:06
The recent round of Venezuela-bashing from the U.S. State Department and Washington- based foreign-policy organizations is symptomatic of a broader problem. And it's not Venezuela's problem; it's ours.Frontline Screenings
21-12-2004 15:19
The Frontline Club- London: January screenings....Come along.. £5 entry for non members13 Norfolk Place London W2 1QJ 020 7479 8950

Cambridge Meeting about Pensions
21-12-2004 14:53

21-12-2004 14:47
The people of the free world have not forgotten that half of America’s population opposes the ultra-right wing regime of Bush. A similar situation occurred in Nazi Germany with the rise of another madman to power. The population became polarised; however, the half with the conscience was swept along with the fanatics to the ruin of all. Failure to act against the regime in the early stages resulted in a greater calamity for the entire nation. Let it not happen again!Correspondence with UK government over server seizures
21-12-2004 13:53
Correspondence between Yakoub Islam, director of the Tasneem Project website, and the UK government regarding FBI seizure of Indymedia servers this October.