UK Newswire Archive
Just criminals with medals (by Latuff)
25-05-2004 13:54

Roger Morris: A Call to Conscience
25-05-2004 13:03
Please circulate this article widely, to friends, family, lists, the papers (Guardian and Independent?) and American Embassies, MPs...Creative and social space needs your input
25-05-2004 12:37
The new creative centre and social space in east london needs your input...INVESTIGATE THIS!
25-05-2004 12:34
New Corporate Watch newsletter uncovers: Which right-wing pro war corporation is in line to own your radio station (and everyone else's)? Who's being threatened by the Olympics? Who's raising the stakes in Venezuala? What did we win from Bayer? and more...A Cynical Piece of Manipulation
25-05-2004 12:28
The situation in Iraq goes from bad to worse. Our public services are in crisis. European policy is in chaos.postal vote
25-05-2004 12:25

Honest Food
25-05-2004 12:23
Honest FoodThe Countryside Alliance has an "Honest Food" Campaign which defends and promotes diversity in food production, consumer choice and rural livelihood.
Kensington Academy
25-05-2004 11:21
Less an article than a question. I am surprised, considering the recent local controversy surounding the building of a new secondary school in Kensington, that there is no comment on this site.Iran tricked U.S into war
25-05-2004 10:34
According to reports in the Guardian, The war was based on manipulation by the Iranians. They "had us for breakfast, lunch and dinner"Canadian Supreme Court Tramples Farmers' Rights
25-05-2004 09:49
Civil society and farmers' organizations worldwide reacted withoutrage to today's 5-4 decision by the Canadian Supreme Court,
affirming Monsanto's right to prosecute farmers who are found to have
GM crops growing on their land - whether they wanted them or not.
Embassy demo for prisoner.
25-05-2004 09:49

yuk yuk yuk
25-05-2004 09:44

Troops Out Network
25-05-2004 09:32
Troops Out Network, gathering at the steps of the royal concert hall at the top of Buchanan Street, this Friday 5pm.Takin' Aim at the Mainstream.
25-05-2004 09:08

Update on Blackwood and the Sherriff-Egg saga.
25-05-2004 07:41
An update on the alledged sherriff egging and the situation at Blackwood.Another will follow after Fridays court appearance.
Torture, America's New World Order
25-05-2004 05:10
The pictures of tortures that hit the news, as bad as they are, do not reflect the depth and extent of the crimes perpetrated against the Iraqi prisoners. Rumsfeld himself admitted that. Torture against Iraqi detainees should simply be viewed as a continuation of the destruction of Iraqi society, murders, and crimes against Iraqi people. These pictures are not any worse than the pictures that show children’s body parts blown apart. What sets these pictures apart from other scenes of brutality is that they reveal to us a purposeful brutality being perpetrated by US functionaries. If murder of innocent civilians during the war and military confrontations can be portrayed as an accident, the torture of prisoners cannot.Go To Hell Bush!!!
25-05-2004 02:24
European leaders are now under fire by the Bush to bail his ass out of Iraq. The Bush administration is seeking support for a UN resolution for a US led multination security force to uphold order in Iraq. Over sixty years ago the leaders of France and England confronted another madman in Munich. Instead of standing firm they agreed to sell out Czechoslovakia after Hitler assured them that he had no aims for further expansion. However, before the war was over Hitler had conquered all of Europe. Tyrants are never satisfied.BBC misreports the facts: the Fire dispute
24-05-2004 22:52
BBC does it every timeabsolutely clueless
Audio: US Marine Speaks Out on Iraq
24-05-2004 22:38
Ex-Marine Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey talks about his time in Iraq where he admitted the U.S. treatment of Iraqi civilians is fueling the Iraqi resistance. In a recent interview he said "I felt like we were committing genocide in Iraq."