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A Cynical Piece of Manipulation

Henry | 25.05.2004 12:28

The situation in Iraq goes from bad to worse. Our public services are in crisis. European policy is in chaos.

So what is Tony Blair's latest initiative? Why, revive plans for a ban on

Leave aside the merits of this debate and consider the Prime Minister's motives, which owe little to moral conviction and everything to manipulating the levers of power to suit his short term needs.

In the last seven years he has reached for anti-fox hunting legislation - time and time again - to appease his angry and disillusioned backbenchers.

But he is equally quick to ensure there is little real Governmental momentum
- threats to use the Parliament Act to block opposition from the Lords have always been rapidly abandoned.

And Mr Blair invariably manages to avoid a personal commitment. When it comes to votes on fox hunting he is more often than not somewhere else.

So, what will happen this time?

Consider his record.

New Labour's 1997 manifesto promised a free vote on the issue, but the Government refused to give support to a private member's bill, causing it to fail.

Next the Prime Minister announced he wanted legislation by the next election....but this was delayed by an inquiry into the impact on the rural economy.

Eventually, in 2001, a Bill to ban fox hunting is passed by the Commons but, following its rejection by the Lords, is quietly dropped.

After yet another manifesto pledge, the Government proposes that hunting with hounds could be licensed, but MPs reject this in favour of a total ban. Ministers warn the Lords they will force through this legislation....but do nothing when the Bill runs out of time.

Those on either side of the argument will be dismayed to se this issue treated as a political convenience by Mr Blair.

And, given such cynical legerdemain, is it any surprise that the latest polls suggest that New Labour's support is at its lowest level since the early 1980s?



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  1. The truth about the fox hunting bill — Zinfandel