UK Newswire Archive
BP palms off it's sins as necessary.
24-05-2004 21:05

Hate vivisection? Want to do something about it?
24-05-2004 20:55
People Against Cruelty to Animals have five new supplier targets that do business with Sequani vivisection labs in Ledbury, Herefordshire.Sequani limited practice acute toxicology tests, reproductive toxicology tests, carcinogenicity tests and repeat dose toxicology tests on dogs, pigs, rabbits, guineapigs, rats and mice.
Platt Fields Park:Celebration Picnic
24-05-2004 20:30
A strong campaign by the South Rusholme Residents Association has saved Platt Fields Park.Judi Bari Day! But the Eco-news is bad...
24-05-2004 20:03
What happened to Judi Bari Day in the UK?Where is Earth First!?
Film at the Packhorse Pub about Jeff Lers, Political Prisoner
24-05-2004 18:56
Green With a VengeanceGiving details and carrying ID - new freeBEAGLES article
24-05-2004 18:37
freeB.E.A.G.L.E.S. have posted a new article: Giving Details and Carrying IDIf you aren't doing anything wrong.....
24-05-2004 17:51
Firm chosen to develop ID cards.A private company has been appointed to be the Home Office's "development partner" for the proposed national identity card scheme.

Benefit Meal for Jeff Luers. Environmental Activist and Political Prisoner
24-05-2004 17:29

Interview: Cancer Dr.’s treatment suppressed 20yrs
24-05-2004 17:15

Berg video filmed from inside AbuGhraib prison
24-05-2004 17:05

Abu Ghraib Abuse Scandal gets worse
24-05-2004 16:38
click on the links below-hear the amazing life of Giuliano Giuliani
24-05-2004 16:17
Get inspired and come and hear the amazing life of Giuliano Giuliani.Euro Hustings in Oxford: Candidates talk about Poverty and Europe
24-05-2004 16:04
Euro candidates will battle it out over what to do about world poverty at a meeting in Oxford on Thursday 27th May at 7.30 pm. The public hustings will take place at the Wesley Memorial Church hall, New Inn Hall Street, Oxford.56 windows broken in "goodbye" Bayer action
24-05-2004 15:37
A (belated) action report from the Stop Bayer GM campaign.Have a SAIN Bank Holiday!
24-05-2004 15:21
Slough Anti-Incinerator Network (SAIN) will be holding their second public meeting at 7.30pm this Thursday 27th May, at St. Mary's Church, Slough (behind Upton Hospital).On Sunday 30th May, there will be a 'Bank Holiday March To Grundons', starting from Trelawney Avenue, Langley at 11.00am and marching to Grundons site at Colnbrook, bring placards, banners and noise etc! (approx. 3miles, fundraising BBQ afterwards!!).
SAIN residents battle incineration industry, (and take on pro-business council i
24-05-2004 15:14
Since February, a group of residents have been fighting against an attempt by Grundon Waste Management Ltd and Slough Borough Coucil (Labour) to build two huge new waste incinerators at Colnbrook near Slough.