UK Newswire Archive
P10K Palestine
24-05-2004 14:12
Ian Hodgson has been in Palestine helping set up this initiative which if supported can make a great difference to the peace iniitative.A great opportunity to make a difference in a real way. Depends on how strong our convictions are I guess
Critical Mass London - Friday 28th May - 6pm South Bank
24-05-2004 13:24
Summer is here and this Friday (28th May) is London Critical Mass! Join hundreds of other cylists in London as we reclaim the streets from traffic for an evening of bicycle sweatshops
24-05-2004 13:19
workers making computers in Thailand, Mexico andChina are being exploited
RussianBabyseals:Embassy meet 24 May
24-05-2004 13:08
Russian Ambassador confronted over 9 day old babysealculls on the White Sea,Russia.DIY cafe at Ocset
24-05-2004 12:04
Tomorrow (Tuesday 25th May) there will be a DIY cafe at Ocset (78 St Clements), possibly followed by a film screening. Food for donations, or free if you're really skint. Arrive early to help cook, stay late to help clear up.Lovelock and Global Warming
24-05-2004 10:30
James Lovelock, Nuclear Power and Global WarmingCampaign saves Platt Fields from development
24-05-2004 09:56
U-turn on green haven car parksCAR parks will NOT be built on two historic city-centre parks after plans were dramatically withdrawn.
indymedia video workshop - 29th May
24-05-2004 09:50
oxford indymedia presents 2 day-long video workshopsDeaths in Police Custody
24-05-2004 09:45
One death in police custody is too many, one thousand is an outrage!Paxman interviews Chomsky
24-05-2004 09:34
A short interview with Noam Chomsky, including transcript and video stream (Realplayer, low bandwidth). Jeremy Paxman, conducting the interview, is obviously trying to do what he can to hit Chomsky with the "tough questions", in notable contrast to his extremely subservient interview with Tony Blair before the war started...personally, I'd appreciate it if Mr. Paxman would secure another interview with Mr. Blair and ask some real questions this time.Annual BRS/CCC Bicester to Campsfield Bike Ride - 29th May
24-05-2004 09:14
Please join in or sponsor the 3rd Bicester Refugee Support / Campaign to Close Campsfield Annual Bike Ride, Saturday 29 May 2004Salaam Berlin - film screening May 27th
24-05-2004 08:47
The Oxford University Anthropological Society presents:SALAAM BERLIN
A Film by Judith Albrecht (Free University Berlin) Thursday, 27th May, 6pm
Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, 61 Banbury Road
South West renewable energy update
24-05-2004 08:16
Update on planned and new renewable energy projects in the South West, including the approval of a new wind farm in Devon and targets for biofuels.Holocaust revival (by Latuff)
24-05-2004 07:28

The Free Market Ends in Robbery: Professor Rademacher
24-05-2004 02:18
"The free market ends in robbery." Professor Rademacher urges an alternative to "naive market fundamentalism". "Seek and you will find. Rhine capitalism and the social market economy could be modles of a global, eco-social market economy. Information- and commu-nication technologies combined with modern transportation annul the separating function of state borders.."More On Torture Of Women In Iraq
23-05-2004 23:46
RE: Black Women's Rape Action Project; Women Against RapeMore photographs have come to light, which have been sent out recently with our statement to women legislators in US and UK about the rape of Iraqi women by the military. Please demand an answer from your MP, and send them our statement (, and send us their reply.
Pix from Iraq Demo Saturday May 22nd
23-05-2004 23:29

September 11th video evidence of missile.
23-05-2004 21:12
New video evidence archived at the LA Times substantiates missile claim