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DIY cafe at Ocset

Terri Dactal | 24.05.2004 12:04 | Free Spaces | Oxford

Tomorrow (Tuesday 25th May) there will be a DIY cafe at Ocset (78 St Clements), possibly followed by a film screening. Food for donations, or free if you're really skint. Arrive early to help cook, stay late to help clear up.

We're in court for the eviction on Friday 28th, so this is a very short term squat but it's a great space and should be used while it's available.
Court support and ideas for where to go next would be most welcome.

Terri Dactal


Display the following 6 comments

  1. time — PS
  2. Just overheard the building owner in St Clements — bettysnake
  3. St Clement was a Top Pope — Sadie
  4. The point is... — the Poo
  5. ¾d worth of veg — Sadie
  6. proper procedures — bettysnake