UK Newswire Archive
War Criminals?
26-03-2004 00:54
Is it time to consider the argument? The United States is a nation of laws and no man or men are above the law. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al. all presented false evidence to Congress and the American people for their reasons to preemptively invade the nation of Iraq. The Congress and the American people were told the primary justifications for war in Iraq were twofold...Excellent new anti-G8 2005 website
25-03-2004 23:50
The G8 Summit is taking place in the UK in the summer of 2005. have just put up a webpage with really good info about the Dissent! mobilisation against the Summit, and capitalism in general.David Shayler and Annie Machon speak at the "Trial of Tony Blair" - video
25-03-2004 22:31
"The Trial of Tony Blair" was a fringe event at the Labour Party Spring conference.Indymedia Lab at the SSF Launch
25-03-2004 21:49

Sheffield IMC (

Scots author backs Scottish CND's Easter demo
25-03-2004 21:03
More details about Scottish CND's demo at EasterSheffield Social Forum Launch
25-03-2004 20:38
As part of the worldwide Social Forum movement the Sheffield SocialForum was set up to help tackle issues local to Sheffield by bringing
together many groups and individuals and help in skills sharing and
campaigning. The day will be introduced by opening speakers including
Hillary Wainwright. There will also be food, music, and poetry.
Campaign workshops will focus on local issues such as Poverty in
Sheffield, Environmental Regeneration and Community Involvement and the
Struggle for Equal Rights. Skills workshops will include Non-Violent
Direct Action, Consensus Decision Making and Creative Action for Social
and Political Change.
10am - 5pm, Royal Institute for the Blind, Mappin St. Free but
donations welcome!
See more at

(Click here (

Plenary speaker, Hilary Wainwright, will give feedback from the recent World Social Forum held in Mumbai (India) and from the process to create the next European Social Forum in London.
Evening Standard "Police wear down May Day anarchists"
25-03-2004 20:02
The Evening Standard ran same story about MayDay as BBC, with a little more detail, managing to get the usual anti-wombles angle in "The Wombles - who dress in protective gear before trying to attack police", and failing utterly, like the BBC, to mention the MayDay NoBorders Dublin weekend of events, running from Friday April 30th to Monday May 3rd, and coinciding with the EU Enlargement Summit and welcome celebrations...No Cages - No Oxford Animal Lab
25-03-2004 17:22
Demonstrate against the building of a new university animal lab in South Parks Road, Oxford.Be at the site (next to Dept. of Psychology) at 8AM Friday 26 March TOMORROW!
Disarm Farnborough Airshow 2004
25-03-2004 16:15
Take action against Farnborough Airshow 2004Palestine needs your solidarity - Protests in Manchester
25-03-2004 15:51
Palestine needs your solidarity - Protests in ManchesterNo Borders Mayday Weekend - Dublin, Ireland
25-03-2004 15:48
NO BORDERS MAYDAY WEEKEND - DUBLIN, IRELANDFriday April 30th to Monday May 3rd
Mark Thomas urges the unions to take on Coca-Cola
25-03-2004 15:33
Mark Thomas urges the unions to take on Coca-ColaCoke hunger strikers solidarity actions tomorrow and Saturday
25-03-2004 14:13
URGENT SOLIDARITY IN LONDON AND IRELAND WITH COCA COLA WORKERS ON HUNGER STRIKEVigil 7.30 p.m. Friday 26 March coincide with negotiations in Bogotá
Picket 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday 27 March
Both outside Coca Cola Great Britain and Ireland HQ headquarters, 1 Queen Charlotte Street, Hammersmith, London W6 (adjacent to Hammersmith tube).
Parklife Newsflash-Direct Action Taking Place Thursday 25th March 2004
25-03-2004 13:30
A team of Parklife climbers this morning began a treeoccupation at the site of the proposed F5 road scheme,
planned for the A1159 Priory Crescent north, Southend
on Sea, Essex.
Phone and Email Blockade of Bayer Cropscience
25-03-2004 13:10
Monday 22nd of March saw a phone and email blockade of Bayer Cropscience, aimed at undermining their communications and disrupting the smooth running of their offices.Kids 'banned' from Social Centre
25-03-2004 12:40
The wombles occupied social centre in Tufnel Park was forced to close it's doors to under 16s today....Danger Mouse screws around with EMI + other record copyrights
25-03-2004 12:38

support low paid striking Scottish women workers
25-03-2004 12:37
Support low paid nursery workersCritical Mass Manchester
25-03-2004 12:15
There's a Critical Mass cycle ride this Friday (March 26th) in Manchester. Gathering at 5pm at the central library in St. Peter's Square and setting off at 5.30.