UK Newswire Archive
02-03-2004 07:32
Sometimes when faced with an apparently insoluble problem, I have found that the best approach was to try to prove that it was insoluble. The flaws in my proof might then give clues how the problem actually could be solved.The Destabilization of Haiti
02-03-2004 07:28
Some background for the Operative here who questions America's desire for a Haitian dictatorship. You have to look at the big picture, which in this case, is the monstrosity known as "Globalization". The newly-installed Canadian (Bilderberg) Government ewas entirely complicit in this crime.BOYCOTT COCA COLA!
02-03-2004 00:20
We see now fascist america has perpetrated a coup in Haiti-so its evil corporations can further enslave and murder Haitian people!Tree Destruction at Blackwood - Pics
01-03-2004 22:41

ERIO calls for urgent measures for Roma in Slovakia
01-03-2004 20:34
ERIO Press release on Roma prostest in Eastern Slovakia and call on the Slovak Government and the European Union to work towards the improvement of the situation of Roma across Europe.Get Down Bayer!
01-03-2004 20:21
This is from the Independent yesterday (29th feb).All I can say is...Get down Bayer. You started the war but we'll finish it!
Indymedia Cinema in Brixton
01-03-2004 20:11

Leeds Uni Students Against War present D. Shayle (ex MI5 employee) 4/3 @19:30
01-03-2004 19:36
With Leeds University Union Students Against the War SocietyStop the War * No to Racism * Defend Civil Liberties
Callout to International Mobilization Against the FTAA/bFTA's for April 17
01-03-2004 18:47
This is a callout from the anti-FTAA campaign based in Quito, Ecuador. Recognising that bilateral free trade agreements with the United States have replaced the FTAA as the new and immediate threat for the Andean and Central American nations, we call out for an international network of solidarity to fight neoliberalist politics and mobilize on April 17 international day of peasant strugglesS. Korea: Migrant Workers Struggle (updated)
01-03-2004 18:44

LAUNCH Leeds Social Forum
01-03-2004 17:45
On 19th Frbruary 2004, Leeds Social Forum had its first meeting at Leeds Civic Hall. Below are some of the aims of Leeds Social Forum and minutes from the meetig.President Aristide Says 'I WAS KIDNAPPED. TELL THE WORLD IT WAS A COUP!
01-03-2004 16:58
Kirkby Swimming Pool closed after serious fire
01-03-2004 15:42
On a day when the local New Labour Party leaflet the area (more later on that) Kirkby Swimming Pool has been hit by a serious fire. The fire, according to workmen at the scene began at around 9.00am today (29th Feb 2004), the fire has caused extensive damage to the sauna/steam/workout suite and surrounding areas and as yet there is no indication as to what caused the blaze. Other facilities such as the 'suncabs' or sunbeds may also be damaged.Unarmed Palestinian Boy Shot in the Back
01-03-2004 15:32
WASHINGTON ( -- Yousef Bashir, a 15-year-old unarmed Palestinian, was recently shot in the back by the Israeli Defense Forces as he waved goodbye to United Nations aid workers, who were also threatened by the IDF.COKE KICKED OUT FROM TRINITY COLLEGE IN IRELAND
01-03-2004 15:27
Trinity students have voted by 1800 votes (aprox.) to 1600 votes aprox to boycott CokePerversion for profit - big business and pornography
01-03-2004 14:39
Two films discussing the link between peddling smut and profiteering international globalist capital.Graduates courted by militarists
01-03-2004 12:43
Graduates are to be courted into joining militarist adventures and arms manufacturers. Perhaps someone should attend and tell these companies and organisations what they think of luring young people into such destructive occupations.What Hebron's Israelis do under pressure
01-03-2004 12:16