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Colombia Solidarity Campaign | 01.03.2004 15:27 | Indymedia | Repression | World

Trinity students have voted by 1800 votes (aprox.) to 1600 votes aprox to boycott Coke

The students in Trinity are to be congratulated on this victory for the Colombian Union Sinaltrainal. The efforts must be doubled now. German Caetano one of the leaders of the union has recently been threatened. Armed and masked men recently called to the unions offices in Santa Marta looking for him.

As for a rerun of the referendum. That was tried by right wing anti democratic elements in UCD and they lost by an even bigger majority. Siptu handed out leaflets in Trinity. Was this not a violation of referendum rules.

TCD is to be congratulated as yet another Irish university. This act will bring pressure to bear. This campaign is different to the Nestle one. The demands of Sinaltrainal are specific and the court case goes ahead against the bottling companies.

Dublir already kicked out killer coke last october:
Dublin Students Confirm Coke Boycott
Just in case anyone hasn't heard, the referendum to reintroduce Coke was defeated in University College Dublin yesterday.
Students voted by a margin of 600 votes (increased from 57) to boycott Coke. Turnout was up with over 4,000 students voting and 56% voting against the reintroduction of Coke (51% voted for the boycott back in October).

It's good to see that with time more students are backing the boycott. Coke must be regretting pushing for a second vote now.

Coke had taken a number of steps to try and win this time including sending their communications director in from Latin American last week, sponsoring the C+E society (one of UCD's largest societies) and giving them free cans of Coke, taking students out to dinner, and sending their workers in on both Tuesday and Wednesday.

Well done UCD students - now what about the rest of the colleges - anyone with contacts in any of them should be making a push before Christmas

The Colombia Solidarity Campaign expresses its maximum concern based on the following information that has just arrived from Colombia:
1. At 8:30 pm on January 28,strongly armed men in a green truck and two others on a motorcycle (both vehicles lacking license plates) arrived at the SINALTRAINAL headquarters in Santa Marta and asked the guard for Coca-Cola worker and SINALTRAINAL section president GERMAN CATANO. The guard said that Mr. Catano and the other union leaders were not there. The armed men left and returned hours later.

2. Adolfo Hicky Charrys Cantillo was arrested in January, suspected of carrying out the murder of SINALTRAINAL union leader and Coca Cola worker ADOLFO DE JESUS MUNERA LOPEZ in Barranquilla on August 31, 2002. We urge the authorities to continue the investigation until they identify the intellectual authors of the crime. We are concerned about the safety and life of Mr. JOSE POLO LAMBRAÑO, one of the witnesses involved in this case, and his family. We are also worried about the safety of Mr. Munera's family and urge you to take measures to protect them.

3. On the morning of February 16, 2004, unidentified persons left a handwritten note in the home of YESID ESCOBAR, the president of SINTRAMUNICIPIO, which said: "Seguí trayendo extrangeros y Te vas Morir Con Tu Familia Perro HP Sindicalista" ("If you continue to bring in foreigners, you will die along with your family, unionist dog"). These threats occurred just a few days after the visit of a commission from the New York City to Bugalagrande.

This commission, led by a New York City Councilman, was invited by SINALTRAINAL, and arrived with the intention of learning about the working conditions of Nestle and Coca Cola workers in Colombia. The commission also heard testimonies from SINTRAMUNICIPIO members who were fired when they should have been protected by their status as union leaders; this is a clear violation of their right to freedom of association. The threat against SINTRAMUNICIPIO members is an indirect threat against SINALTRAINAL, given that SINALTRAINAL was responsible for inviting the US commission to visit Bugalagrande. SINALTRAINAL believes that the threats were intended to intimidate them so that they will stop denouncing labor and human rights violations.

Please send letters to/Enviar mensajes a :
Presidente de la Rep
ública de Colombia:
Dr. Alvaro Uribe Velez
Palacio de Nariño
Carrera 8 No.7-26
Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA
Fax: 00 57 1 286 74 34/286, 68 42/284 21 86
[Salutation: Excelentisimo Sr. Presidente/Dear President ]
E-mail: to send e-mail to Uribe login to and click on ESCRIBALE AL PRESIDENTE at the bottom of the page
Para enviar correo al Sr Presidente, dirmjase a la pagina Web: y haga clic en ESCRIBALE AL PRESIDENTE ubicado en la parte inferior, al final de la pagina.]
Vicepresidente de la Republica de Colombia Francisco Santos
Consejeria Presidential de Derechos Humanos
Calle 7, No 654, Piso 3
Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA
Fax: 00 57 1 337 1351

Presidential Human Rights Programme
Programa Derechos Humanos Presidencia de la Republica

Ministro de Interior y justicia
Sabas Pretelt de la Vega
Ministerio del Interior y Justicia
Palacio Echeverri, Carrera 8a, No.8-09, piso 2o.,
Santa fe de Bogota, Colombia
Fax:00 57 1 286 8025

Fiscal General de la Nacion/Public Prosecutor Dr Luis Camilo Osorio

Procurador General de la Nacion/Attorney General Dr Edgardo Josi Maya Villazon
Carrera 5 N0 15-80 F Fax: 3429723 E-mail:

Defensor del Pueblo / Public Defender Dr Luis Eduardo Cifuentes

And, in the UK, to Colombian Embassy (UK):
Bill Rammell MP Under Secretary of State Foreign Office
With a copy to the Colombia Solidarity Campaign at

Colombia Solidarity Campaign
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


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  1. Another reason for the world to BOYCOTT COKE! — STOP NYC Inc.
  2. BTW — STOP NYC Inc.
  3. LINK- — STOP NYC Inc.