UK Newswire Archive
Lets share and print
02-03-2004 19:12

A Tale of Two Road Blockades - Blackwood
02-03-2004 18:07

Photos from Exeter GM Animal feed Sainsburys action
02-03-2004 17:39

Young people protest in trenches against the arms trade
02-03-2004 16:32

link between animal cruelty, later violence
02-03-2004 16:30

Coke’s Killers. Soft drink giant to review union deaths
02-03-2004 16:13
Coca-Cola representatives told a fact-finding delegation that its employees may have collaborated with paramilitaries in the deaths and torture of Colombian union membersRob Update (& the NHS)
02-03-2004 15:22

Anti-Capitalist Bloc on March 20th Stop the War Demo
02-03-2004 13:56
This is a call for solidarity among direct action activists/anarchists/libertarians (and all round anti-authoritarians). We are proposing we march together as a Bloc on the March 20th Stop the War Coalition demonstration.We invite all who believe in anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian direct action to join in a show of solidarity.
Palestine Refugee Film Night - Wednesday March 3rd, Bristol
02-03-2004 13:25

RESPECT - the Unity Coalition regional convention
02-03-2004 13:00
On Sunday 7th March RESPECT - the Unity Coalition, a new political formation to challenge New Labour in the European and GLA elections will hold a special Convention in Leeds.Fairtrade Message Spelt Out To Launch Fortnight
02-03-2004 12:58

do summat social event
02-03-2004 12:25
do summat social event on monday 8th march... 6.30pm... at the Britains Protection Pub behind the GMEX...Free poster against local War Criminal Andrew Smith MP
02-03-2004 12:04

Cows Dance on Sainsbury's Roof to launch National actions against GM animal feed
02-03-2004 11:49
Anti GM animal feed actions at 7 sainsbury's supermarketsBlackwood Bypass - Action Alert
02-03-2004 11:24
Blackwood Bypass - Action Alert- phone fax email web blockade on Blackwood sub-contractor -
US Sponsored Coup d'Etat The Destabilization of Haiti
02-03-2004 10:09
The armed insurrection which contributed to unseating President Aristide on February 29th 2004 was the result of a carefully staged military-intelligence operation.US intervention in Haiti is not as humanitarian as it seems
02-03-2004 09:19
On the surface the US military invention in Haiti looks like a straightford humanitarian intervention to stop bloodshed and disorder. But people should ask why is the US intervening in Haiti and not other trouble spots around the world, is the real motivation for this intervention more sinister.7 Questions with Carolyn Leckie
02-03-2004 08:37
An interview with Carolyn Leckie, member of parliament for the Scottish Socialist Party