UK Newswire Archive
Genoa and the World Capitalist Crisis
02-08-2001 18:20
The ruling class is watching in dismay the determined and persistent growth of a youthful, ascending, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist movement, while each new economic report brings with it renewed confirmation of the descending spiral of the world capitalist economy.Ideas for a new youth organisation / network
02-08-2001 17:44
Some vague ideas about starting a new youth organisation / network in order to start a discussion and maybe even set it up, if enough people like it.Portlaoise jail fast as political status denied
02-08-2001 16:58
THE three Continuity IRA prisoners in Portlaoise jail in the 26 Counties commenced a hunger strike from midnight on Sunday, July 29 in protest at the prison Governor denying them political status in collusion with the seven INLA prisoners incarcerated there."Austria asks for release of arrested, Italy says no"
02-08-2001 16:57
Re inflate Iraq's economy march on sunday against sanctions, with 1000 balloons
02-08-2001 16:54
march against 11 years of sanctions, 1pm, meet temple place, embankment (nearest open tube embankment).Talk in the evening in Picadilly- The Grotto Club, downstairs from 23 Golden Square, 7.30pm- the effects of 11 years of sanctions, with Richard Byrne, Voices in the Wilderness (visited Iraq jan 2001)
Genoa eyewitness report
02-08-2001 13:28
Eyewitness report on Police brutality against pacifists on July, 20th on Piazza Manin and earlier.picture collection Genoa 2001
02-08-2001 12:54

Loony Lobby's Genoa Protestors Code of Conduct
02-08-2001 09:03
The New Economics Foundation is a Blairite think tank/Lobby which pretends to be advocating a sustainable type of New Economy which marries social awareness with profit. They are the sort of people who get rich, and have a fairly easy life... in a job which seems to have the effect to hinder more justifiable strategies (like ours!) to generate real, lasting sustainable change. Should we try and work with them?The rigged missile defense test
02-08-2001 09:00
The target destroyed in the "successful" defense shield test contained a global positioning satellite beacon that made it easier to detect. Why has the media mostly ignored the story?YearZero issue 6 out now: Genoa G8 coverage
02-08-2001 08:50
New issue out now - full Genoa coverage.The Blairian's Rome correspondant digs deeper hole
02-08-2001 05:55
Remember Philip Willan,(
Here's some links to his previous unsubtle meanderings, think it must be time for The Blairian management to get him out of there, clearly not up to the job.
2. Fini and The Media
02-08-2001 05:13
Opponents say that as prime minister, Mr Berlusconi will effectively control Rai as well as its main competitor Mediaset - giving him influence over six of Italy's eight main channels.1. Fini and the Police
02-08-2001 04:57
"There were no fascist salutes, swastikas or shaven heads in the piazza at Lecce but key rings with theinscription "The book and the gun make a perfect fascist" were a good seller. " Independent May 10th 2001
Palestinians 580- Israelis 130
02-08-2001 01:23
Palestinians and Israelis are engaged in fierce gun battles across the West Bank and Gaza Strip.Suicide bombers are killing civilians and children. Israeli troops have killed children. Intentional or
not, innocent people on both sides are being killed.
pedophilia not a laughing matter
01-08-2001 23:22

art for "pedophile hysteria satirized online!"
01-08-2001 23:08

In an online downloadable show that could not be produced in mainstream or "alternative" media in the u.s.a., England's "Channel 4" has just become a pioneer for DARING to take on the ONE issue which even the most *devout* "radicals" and "anti-authoritarians" foam at the mouth over
pedophile hysteria satirized online!
01-08-2001 23:04

In an online downloadable show that could not be produced in mainstream or "alternative" media in the u.s.a., England's "Channel 4" has just become a pioneer for DARING to take on the ONE issue which even the most *devout* "radicals" and "anti-authoritarians" foam at the mouth over
'Free Dmitry Sklyarov' protest this Friday in London
01-08-2001 22:42
Information related to the 'Free Dmitry Sklyarov' campaign.