Ideas for a new youth organisation / network
Generation Terrorist | 02.08.2001 17:44
Some vague ideas about starting a new youth organisation / network in order to start a discussion and maybe even set it up, if enough people like it.
Following the new measures introduced by the government to impose curfews, and also the various instances of young people defending their communities, I thought it might be a good idea to set up some sort of loose network or organisation of young people spread around Britain to defend our interests. This could be made up of lots of little autonomous cells (groups of friends, gangs, whatever), similar in some basic aspects to the Edelweiss Pirates of Nazi Germany (who basically fought back against the States attempts to stop them having a good time), connected up my twice yearly gatherings or something where we could discuss stuff.
The principles of the organisation could be something along the lines of:
1) we are only young once, and as young people it is our duty to have a good time;
2) this duty is being impeded by the actions of the State and by capitalism's constant buying out and selling back of our culture;
3) therefore we are opposed to both and shall fight them wherever we meet them.
or something. This is only and idea.
We could do lots of stuff like organise free parties, hopefully with the help of existing free party people, and punks, and other genres of music which don't seem to be catered for very well by the radical community.
Also, the organisation would have to be explicitly non-hierarchial, although not necessarily anarchist (anyone who wants to start up an anarchist youth organisation can get in touch with me too), and make sure that it involves all sexes, races, sexualities, etc.
Even if you think this idea is crap, if anyone has some ideas as to how the brave youth of oldham/bradford/burnley could be encouraged to come down to london, or maybe manchester as that's nearer, for a big anti-capitalist thing, then that would be cool too. There are obvious relations between capitalism, the state and racism, so it shouldn't be too hard, as long as we find the right way of doing it (this is assuming they don't already have anti-capitalist ideas, which may not be the case of course). It would accomplish several things: help even up the balance of working-class people involved in this movement, as well as the balance of "ethnic minorities" (actually, surely they're majorities, worldwide, but anyway) involved, plus bring in some experienced militants.
Anyway, anyone who wants to discuss any of these things further can e-mail me at, write stuff on the message board of my website at, or comment under this article, although don't expect me to reply for three weeks because I'm going on holiday.
For Anarchist Revolution
The principles of the organisation could be something along the lines of:
1) we are only young once, and as young people it is our duty to have a good time;
2) this duty is being impeded by the actions of the State and by capitalism's constant buying out and selling back of our culture;
3) therefore we are opposed to both and shall fight them wherever we meet them.
or something. This is only and idea.
We could do lots of stuff like organise free parties, hopefully with the help of existing free party people, and punks, and other genres of music which don't seem to be catered for very well by the radical community.
Also, the organisation would have to be explicitly non-hierarchial, although not necessarily anarchist (anyone who wants to start up an anarchist youth organisation can get in touch with me too), and make sure that it involves all sexes, races, sexualities, etc.
Even if you think this idea is crap, if anyone has some ideas as to how the brave youth of oldham/bradford/burnley could be encouraged to come down to london, or maybe manchester as that's nearer, for a big anti-capitalist thing, then that would be cool too. There are obvious relations between capitalism, the state and racism, so it shouldn't be too hard, as long as we find the right way of doing it (this is assuming they don't already have anti-capitalist ideas, which may not be the case of course). It would accomplish several things: help even up the balance of working-class people involved in this movement, as well as the balance of "ethnic minorities" (actually, surely they're majorities, worldwide, but anyway) involved, plus bring in some experienced militants.
Anyway, anyone who wants to discuss any of these things further can e-mail me at

For Anarchist Revolution
Generation Terrorist
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