UK Newswire Archive
US troops in Georgia
07-02-2004 15:44
US in Georgis to "protect" the pipeline and "train" Georgian troops.....or are they? Their real agenda is quite quite different: read on...Workers Rights are Human Rights
07-02-2004 15:33
Gangster Capitalists probably from Liverpool murder 19 workers-immigrants without access to the protection of the Law or the solidarity
of the rest of the working class.
Tony Blair comes to Inverness Feb 28
07-02-2004 15:32
On 28th February Tony Blair will address the Scottish Labour Conference in InvernessPalestine and Free Rave at Occupied Social Centre
07-02-2004 14:56
Saturday 7th Feb [tonight!] at the Occupied Social Centre, 93 Fortess Road, Kentish Town, London NW5.Video from Blackwood protest camp, S. Wales
07-02-2004 13:46

21st Century Dambusters - Fighting Itoiz
07-02-2004 13:33

Your fearless Freedom reporter caught up with two activists from the Solidari@s asked them some questions. I refer to the two activists only as 'M' and 'C' to keep their identities secret. [from Freedom, Anarchist News and Views newspaper]
New Flood Defences Failing in Worcester
07-02-2004 13:17

Democracy is failing us.. What next? - opening a discussion
07-02-2004 12:45
Representative democracy does not represent. There are no popular checks on those who sit in parliament; the media are either corrupt or cowed down. The law now allows us all to be termed terrorist. This is far from the democratic ideal that I hold.What is a possible solution?
Beyond TV/Do Summat events 16th-19 Feb at the University of Manchester
07-02-2004 12:01

How Legalized Killing is Done In the U$A
07-02-2004 04:55
The insanity. A taste of what goes on before just one state execution in the U.S.A.This is institutionalized terrorism.
One has the choice to either bow to the terrorists our of fear (as they hope) , or, out of fear again, oppose these terrorists. If one isn't afraid of US policies and influences, one isn't paying attention.
Blackwood Anti-Road Protest camp
07-02-2004 01:27

Seattle WTO Free Speech Case Heard By US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
07-02-2004 00:09
Free Speech Case From WTO 1999 In Seattle Heard By 9th US Cicuit Court of AppealsGreen Leader Visits Merseyside
06-02-2004 23:10
John Whitelegg, leader of the North West Green Party will be speaking at two meetings in Liverpool on Monday 9th February.Canatxx Gas Storage Ltd propose massive underground gas storage in Lancashire
06-02-2004 21:50
American gas companies application to Wyre Borough Council to store two billion cubic feet of gas in salt caverns under the Wyre estuary with huge impact on safety and the environment.