Iraq contracts [2]
Neil P | 07.02.2004 15:53
Company: International Dispensary Company
Award: $711,850
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 7, 2003
Nature of work: To provide chronic pharmaceuticals to address diabetes, hypertension, and asthma
US Agency for International Development (USAID)
USAID: Iraq Humanitarian and Reconstruction Assistance Fact Sheet No. 7 (FY) 2003
April 8, 2003
Company: International Medical Corps
Award: $4.2 million
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk
USAID and US Department of State
Funding Summary #16 pdf
April 21, 2003
Company: International Rescue Committee
Award: $3 million
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Water, sanitation, primary health care and child protection assistance, humanitarian assistance programs for refugees and displaced persons and helps refugees permanently resettle.
U.S. Outlines Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq
USAID fact sheet summary
Washington File
March 31, 2003
Company: Internews
Award: $160,359
Agency: USAID Office of Transition Initiatives
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Fosters independent media in emerging democracies, trains journalists and station managers in the standards and practices of professional journalism, produces innovative television and radio programming and Internet content, and uses the media to reduce conflict.
USAID and US Department of State
Funding Summary #16 pdf
April 21, 2003
Company: Mercy Corps
Award: $5 million
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 31, 2003
Nature of work: To provide emergency humanitarian relief assistance to up to 250,000 displaced and/or conflict-affected persons in Iraq for a 6-month period
Mercy Corps Press Release
(link no longer active)
Company: Save the Children
Award: $4.9 million
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: prior to March 19, 2003
Nature of work: To provide health care, food, water and sanitation, and shelter for the displaced and refugee women and children.
U.S. Outlines Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq
USAID fact sheet summary
Washington File
March 31, 2003
Company: World Vision
Award: $2.5 million
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Pre-planning: October 2002
Date of Award: April 15, 2003
Nature of work: Christian aid group. Initial relief response would include food, blankets, kitchen sets and water containers for refugees, shipping supplies of medicine, water containers and clothes to Jordan for use in a possible crisis. Staff have been in place since October.
USAID: Iraq Humanitarian and Reconstruction Assistance Fact Sheet No. 13 (FY) 2003
US Agency for International Development (USAID)
16 Apr 2003
Iraqi National Congress: $97 million was originally awarded to the INC as a result of the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act. There is conflicting information on how much is remaining or is currently allocated in total. [Please see information on funding for the INC posted on May 1, 2003 at:]
Company: Iraqi National Congress
Award: $3.1 million
Agency: US Department of State
Date of RFP: ILA 1998
Date of Award: April 10, 2003
Nature of work: To support activities of the leadership of the Iraqi opposition in Iraq. Subject to congressional notification.
State Department Briefing
State Department To Provide $3.1 Million to Iraqi Opposition
11 April 2003
Company: All companies operating in the region
Agency: President George W. Bush
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 17, 2003
Nature of work: "Liability insurance" for companies operating in Iraq under contract to the USAID.
Memorandum for the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development
White House
Office of the Press Secretary
April 17, 2003
Company: CARE(listed as NGO)
Award: $4 million
Agency: USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 25, 2003
Nature of work: Managed by Care Australia. Distributing water, providing humanitarian assistance to hospitals, and manning a repair team for water systems.
US Department of State
Daily Press Briefing
Richard Boucher, Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 25, 2003
Company: Direct assistance to Iraq
Award: $175 million to date of $300 million in grain
Agency: USDAFood for Peace
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 20, 2003
Nature of work: 161,000 metric tons of wheat from the Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust ($84 million), with another 400,000 tons of which 105,000 tons has been sent ($91 million). A portion of the wheat from the reserve will be exchanged for rice.
FAS/USDA News Release
March 20, 2003
Company: Direct assistance to Iraq
Award: $16.3 million in supplies ($6.3 million)
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Emergency supplies including: 161,900 blankets, 39,878 hygiene kits, 7,990 rolls of plastic sheeting, 67,100 water containers, 67 water tanks and six water treatment units. It is unclear where this is listed on the Funding Summary. See Commodity pre-positioning under Logistics for the USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance ($6.3 million).
Washington File
April 14, 2003
(link no longer active)
Company: Interaction
Award: $100 thousand
Agency: USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 25, 2003
Nature of work: To fund an observer to the Humanitarian Operations Center in Kuwait City.
USAID Press Release
US Department of State: Special Briefing on Humanitarian Relief and Reconstruction Efforts for Iraq
March 25, 2003
(link no longer active)
Company: International Committee of the Red Cross
Award: $10 million
Agency: US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 25, 2003
Nature of work: Delivering medical, surgical and other supplies. The ICRC acts as a neutral intermediary, facilitating meetings between US forces and key public service representatives. Family Tracing - collect data on prisoners and missing persons and to restore contact between relatives separated by the conflict.
Office of Public Affairs - US Embassy - Sri Lanka
USAID press Release
March 24, 2003
Company: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Award: $3 million
Agency: US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 25, 2003
Nature of work: Manages the Ruweishid Refugee Camp about 65 km from the Iraqi border inside of Jordan.Particpating in a cooperation agreement with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. 30 Emergency Response Units are on stand-by to provide any refugee influx into countries neighbouring Iraq with life-support in the form of field hospitals, clinics, water and sanitation services.
Office of Public Affairs - US Embassy - Sri Lanka
USAID Press Release
March 24, 2003
Company: International Organization for Migration
Award: $8.6 million ($9.3 million)
Agency: USAID & US Department of State (see nature of work)
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 25, 2003
Nature of work: Organizes the safe movement of people for temporary and permanent resettlement or return to their countries of origin. It also provides pre-departure medical screening and cultural orientation programs. Assesses security before the movement of aid. USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance ($5 million) USAID Office of Transition Initiatives ($1.7 million) US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration ($2.6 million)
Office of Public Affairs - US Embassy - Sri Lanka
USAID Press Release
March 24, 2003
Company: U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees
Award: $21 million
Agency: US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 25, 2003
Nature of work: Manages the Ruweishid Refugee Camp about 65 km from the Iraqi border inside of Jordan among several.Participating in a cooperation agreement with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Office of Public Affairs - US Embassy - Sri Lanka
USAID Press Release
March 24, 2003
Company: U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Award: $1.2 million
Agency: USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Coordination and information services.
Office of Public Affairs - US Embassy - Sri Lanka
USAID Press Release
March 24, 2003
Company: World Food Program
Award: $260 million
Agency: USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance & Office of Food for Peace
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 2, 2003
Nature of work: Food aid. Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance ($5 million) Office of Food for Peace ($55 million) additional Food for Peace ($200 million)
Office of Public Affairs - US Embassy - Sri Lanka
USAID Press Release
March 24, 2003
Award: $35.8 million
Agency: US Department of State
Date of RFP:
Pre-planning: March 25, 2003
Date of Award:
Nature of work: To construct a state-of-the-art embassy in Baghdad.
US Department of State
Daily Press Briefing
Richard Boucher, Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 25, 2003
Company: Bechtel Corporation of San Francisco
Award: $680 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: February 12, 2003
Date of Award: April 17, 2003
Nature of work: Emergency repair work on Iraqi infrastructure, including power, water and sewer systems, a seaport and an airport. May also include repair of hospitals, schools, other public buildings and irrigation systems.
USAID Press Office
April 17, 2003
Company: Creative Associates International Inc.
Award: $1 million immediate with $62.6 million cap
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: March 4, 2003
Date of Award: April 11, 2003
Nature of work: Primary and Secondary Education. Revitalization of Iraqi Schools and Stabilization of Education (RISE). Involves upgrading schools, restocking classrooms and training teachers.
USAID Press Office
April 17, 2003
Company: Computer Sciences Corporation
Award: $50 million
Agency: U.S. Department of State
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 18, 2003
Nature of work: Provide up to 1,000 civilian advisors to help the government of Iraq organize effective civilian law enforcement, judicial and correctional agencies.
CSC Press Release on website
April 18, 2003
Company: Fluor Corporation - Team
Subcontractor: Black & Veatch, and Contrack International
Award: $100 million
Agency: USACOE, Transatlantic Programs Center for work in U.S. Central Command's area of 25 countries located throughout the Horn of Africa, South and Central Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, and Northern Red Sea regions.
Date of RFP: February 26, 2003
Date of Award: April 1, 2003
Nature of work: Providing work to the US military in the region. The tasks could include repairing roads and bridges, replacing damaged windows and doors and building barracks for military personnel.
USACOE Press Release
April 4, 2003
Company: International Resources Group
Award: $7.1 million - renewable annually
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: January 23 due January 29
Pre-planning: started in December 2002
Date of Award: February 21, 2003
Nature of work: Personnel Support for planning and managing reconstruction projects.
IRG press release on website
March 13, 2003
Company: Perini Corporation - Team
Subcontractors: Tetra Tech, POWER Engineers, Willbros Group, and Najad Rock Group
Award: $100 million
Agency: USACOE, Transatlantic Programs Center for work in U.S. Central Command's area of 25 countries located throughout the Horn of Africa, South and Central Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, and Northern Red Sea regions.
Date of RFP: February 26, 2003
Date of Award: April 1, 2003
Nature of work: Providing work to the US military in the region. The tasks could include repairing roads and bridges, replacing damaged windows and doors and building barracks for military personnel.
USACOE Press Release
April 4, 2003
Company: Raytheon Corporation
Award: $30 million
Agency: Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: to dismantle and neutralize any chemical or nuclear weapons found in the region
Competing for Work in Postwar Iraq
By Diana B. Henriques
April 10, 2003
Company: Research Triangle Institute (RTI International)
Award: $7.9 million
Agency: USAID for the ORHA
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 11, 2003
Nature of work: Local Governance. Seeks to maximize Iraqi participation in all phases and aspects of the reconstruction as the transition to Iraqi administration occurs.
USAID Press Office
April 11, 2003
Company: Stevedoring Services of America
Award: $4.8 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: February 12, 2003
Date of Award: March 24, 2003
Nature of work: Seaport Administration including an initial port assessment, develop improvement plans to overcome port-imposed constraints, and supply technical expertise to ensure an adequate flow of through shipment. SSA is also responsible for providing the position of Port Director in Umm Qasr. The Port Director is restricted to an American only.
USAID Press Office
March 24, 2003
Company: UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
Award: $1 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 8, 2003
Nature of work: Provide support for basic education in Iraq
USAID Press Office
April 8, 2003
Company: UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
Award: $8 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 28, 2003
Nature of work: Provide basic health, water supply and sanitation services in Iraq.
USAID Press Office
March 28, 2003
Company: Washington Group International - Team
Subcontractor:: Stanley Group
Award: $100 million
Agency: USACOE, Transatlantic Programs Center for work in U.S. Central Command's area of 25 countries located throughout the Horn of Africa, South and Central Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, and Northern Red Sea regions.
Date of RFP: February 26, 2003
Date of Award: April 1, 2003
Nature of work: Providing work to the US military in the region. The tasks could include repairing roads and bridges, replacing damaged windows and doors and building barracks for military personnel.
USACOE Press Release
April 4, 2003
Company: World Health Organization (WHO)
Award: $10 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: March 3, 2003
Date of Award: March 28, 2003
Nature of work: Public health. Health System Strengthening in Post-conflict Iraq. Support to the Iraqi Ministry of Health to coordinate and report on health activities.
USAID Press Office
March 28, 2003
Company: Vinnell Corporation
Award: $48,074,442 cost-plus-fixed-fee
Agency Army Contracting Agency - Southern Region Contracting Center
Date of RFP: June 9, 2003
Pre-planning Date of Award: June 25, 2003
Nature of work: For training the nucleus of a new Iraqi Army
Defense Link
June 25, 2003
Company: Local Iraqi Contractors in the Ad Diwaniyah area
Award: unknown
Agency: Seabees of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 4
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Repair municipal buildings in the Ad Diwaniyah area of Iraq. 18 schools and 1 courthouse have been renovated.
Local contractors building schools, economy Marine Expeditionary Force Story
Identification Number: 200362555848
by Army Spc. Melissa Walther
US Marine Corps Website
June 25, 2003
Company: Bearing Point
Award: $60 million to $200 million (cost plus 6-10%)
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: June 4, 2003
Date of Award: July 18, 2003
Nature of work: To rebuild Iraq's shattered economy, opening its banks, setting tax rates, issuing a new currency and generating jobs for millions of idle workers.
BearingPoint gets contested Iraq contract
By James Cox
USA Today
July 21, 2003
Company: Abt Associates
Subcontractor: Iraqi Nursing Association (INA)
Award: $137,000
Agency: USAID/ Iraq Health Systems Strengthening Project (IHSSP)
Date of RFP:
Pre-planning :
Date of Award: July 18, 2003
Nature of work: For the purchase of new uniforms, bed linens, and nurses' kits -- which include stethoscopes and pen lights -- and other equipment for the Yarmouk Hospital.
Iraqi Nursing Association Receives U.S. Grant
USAID website
July 21, 2003
This page is updated courtesy of The Blogiston Post
Award: $711,850
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 7, 2003
Nature of work: To provide chronic pharmaceuticals to address diabetes, hypertension, and asthma
US Agency for International Development (USAID)
USAID: Iraq Humanitarian and Reconstruction Assistance Fact Sheet No. 7 (FY) 2003
April 8, 2003

Company: International Medical Corps
Award: $4.2 million
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk
USAID and US Department of State
Funding Summary #16 pdf
April 21, 2003

Company: International Rescue Committee
Award: $3 million
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Water, sanitation, primary health care and child protection assistance, humanitarian assistance programs for refugees and displaced persons and helps refugees permanently resettle.
U.S. Outlines Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq
USAID fact sheet summary
Washington File
March 31, 2003

Company: Internews
Award: $160,359
Agency: USAID Office of Transition Initiatives
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Fosters independent media in emerging democracies, trains journalists and station managers in the standards and practices of professional journalism, produces innovative television and radio programming and Internet content, and uses the media to reduce conflict.
USAID and US Department of State
Funding Summary #16 pdf
April 21, 2003

Company: Mercy Corps
Award: $5 million
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 31, 2003
Nature of work: To provide emergency humanitarian relief assistance to up to 250,000 displaced and/or conflict-affected persons in Iraq for a 6-month period
Mercy Corps Press Release
(link no longer active)

Company: Save the Children
Award: $4.9 million
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: prior to March 19, 2003
Nature of work: To provide health care, food, water and sanitation, and shelter for the displaced and refugee women and children.
U.S. Outlines Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq
USAID fact sheet summary
Washington File
March 31, 2003

Company: World Vision
Award: $2.5 million
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Pre-planning: October 2002
Date of Award: April 15, 2003
Nature of work: Christian aid group. Initial relief response would include food, blankets, kitchen sets and water containers for refugees, shipping supplies of medicine, water containers and clothes to Jordan for use in a possible crisis. Staff have been in place since October.
USAID: Iraq Humanitarian and Reconstruction Assistance Fact Sheet No. 13 (FY) 2003
US Agency for International Development (USAID)
16 Apr 2003

Iraqi National Congress: $97 million was originally awarded to the INC as a result of the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act. There is conflicting information on how much is remaining or is currently allocated in total. [Please see information on funding for the INC posted on May 1, 2003 at:

Company: Iraqi National Congress
Award: $3.1 million
Agency: US Department of State
Date of RFP: ILA 1998
Date of Award: April 10, 2003
Nature of work: To support activities of the leadership of the Iraqi opposition in Iraq. Subject to congressional notification.
State Department Briefing
State Department To Provide $3.1 Million to Iraqi Opposition
11 April 2003

Company: All companies operating in the region
Agency: President George W. Bush
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 17, 2003
Nature of work: "Liability insurance" for companies operating in Iraq under contract to the USAID.
Memorandum for the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development
White House
Office of the Press Secretary
April 17, 2003

Company: CARE(listed as NGO)
Award: $4 million
Agency: USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 25, 2003
Nature of work: Managed by Care Australia. Distributing water, providing humanitarian assistance to hospitals, and manning a repair team for water systems.
US Department of State
Daily Press Briefing
Richard Boucher, Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 25, 2003

Company: Direct assistance to Iraq
Award: $175 million to date of $300 million in grain
Agency: USDAFood for Peace
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 20, 2003
Nature of work: 161,000 metric tons of wheat from the Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust ($84 million), with another 400,000 tons of which 105,000 tons has been sent ($91 million). A portion of the wheat from the reserve will be exchanged for rice.
FAS/USDA News Release
March 20, 2003

Company: Direct assistance to Iraq
Award: $16.3 million in supplies ($6.3 million)
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Emergency supplies including: 161,900 blankets, 39,878 hygiene kits, 7,990 rolls of plastic sheeting, 67,100 water containers, 67 water tanks and six water treatment units. It is unclear where this is listed on the Funding Summary. See Commodity pre-positioning under Logistics for the USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance ($6.3 million).
Washington File
April 14, 2003
(link no longer active)

Company: Interaction
Award: $100 thousand
Agency: USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 25, 2003
Nature of work: To fund an observer to the Humanitarian Operations Center in Kuwait City.
USAID Press Release
US Department of State: Special Briefing on Humanitarian Relief and Reconstruction Efforts for Iraq
March 25, 2003
(link no longer active)

Company: International Committee of the Red Cross
Award: $10 million
Agency: US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 25, 2003
Nature of work: Delivering medical, surgical and other supplies. The ICRC acts as a neutral intermediary, facilitating meetings between US forces and key public service representatives. Family Tracing - collect data on prisoners and missing persons and to restore contact between relatives separated by the conflict.
Office of Public Affairs - US Embassy - Sri Lanka
USAID press Release
March 24, 2003

Company: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Award: $3 million
Agency: US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 25, 2003
Nature of work: Manages the Ruweishid Refugee Camp about 65 km from the Iraqi border inside of Jordan.Particpating in a cooperation agreement with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. 30 Emergency Response Units are on stand-by to provide any refugee influx into countries neighbouring Iraq with life-support in the form of field hospitals, clinics, water and sanitation services.
Office of Public Affairs - US Embassy - Sri Lanka
USAID Press Release
March 24, 2003

Company: International Organization for Migration
Award: $8.6 million ($9.3 million)
Agency: USAID & US Department of State (see nature of work)
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 25, 2003
Nature of work: Organizes the safe movement of people for temporary and permanent resettlement or return to their countries of origin. It also provides pre-departure medical screening and cultural orientation programs. Assesses security before the movement of aid. USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance ($5 million) USAID Office of Transition Initiatives ($1.7 million) US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration ($2.6 million)
Office of Public Affairs - US Embassy - Sri Lanka
USAID Press Release
March 24, 2003

Company: U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees
Award: $21 million
Agency: US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 25, 2003
Nature of work: Manages the Ruweishid Refugee Camp about 65 km from the Iraqi border inside of Jordan among several.Participating in a cooperation agreement with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Office of Public Affairs - US Embassy - Sri Lanka
USAID Press Release
March 24, 2003

Company: U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Award: $1.2 million
Agency: USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Coordination and information services.
Office of Public Affairs - US Embassy - Sri Lanka
USAID Press Release
March 24, 2003

Company: World Food Program
Award: $260 million
Agency: USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance & Office of Food for Peace
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 2, 2003
Nature of work: Food aid. Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance ($5 million) Office of Food for Peace ($55 million) additional Food for Peace ($200 million)
Office of Public Affairs - US Embassy - Sri Lanka
USAID Press Release
March 24, 2003

Award: $35.8 million
Agency: US Department of State
Date of RFP:
Pre-planning: March 25, 2003
Date of Award:
Nature of work: To construct a state-of-the-art embassy in Baghdad.
US Department of State
Daily Press Briefing
Richard Boucher, Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 25, 2003

Company: Bechtel Corporation of San Francisco
Award: $680 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: February 12, 2003
Date of Award: April 17, 2003
Nature of work: Emergency repair work on Iraqi infrastructure, including power, water and sewer systems, a seaport and an airport. May also include repair of hospitals, schools, other public buildings and irrigation systems.
USAID Press Office
April 17, 2003

Company: Creative Associates International Inc.
Award: $1 million immediate with $62.6 million cap
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: March 4, 2003
Date of Award: April 11, 2003
Nature of work: Primary and Secondary Education. Revitalization of Iraqi Schools and Stabilization of Education (RISE). Involves upgrading schools, restocking classrooms and training teachers.
USAID Press Office
April 17, 2003

Company: Computer Sciences Corporation
Award: $50 million
Agency: U.S. Department of State
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 18, 2003
Nature of work: Provide up to 1,000 civilian advisors to help the government of Iraq organize effective civilian law enforcement, judicial and correctional agencies.
CSC Press Release on website
April 18, 2003

Company: Fluor Corporation - Team
Subcontractor: Black & Veatch, and Contrack International
Award: $100 million
Agency: USACOE, Transatlantic Programs Center for work in U.S. Central Command's area of 25 countries located throughout the Horn of Africa, South and Central Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, and Northern Red Sea regions.
Date of RFP: February 26, 2003
Date of Award: April 1, 2003
Nature of work: Providing work to the US military in the region. The tasks could include repairing roads and bridges, replacing damaged windows and doors and building barracks for military personnel.
USACOE Press Release
April 4, 2003

Company: International Resources Group
Award: $7.1 million - renewable annually
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: January 23 due January 29
Pre-planning: started in December 2002
Date of Award: February 21, 2003
Nature of work: Personnel Support for planning and managing reconstruction projects.
IRG press release on website
March 13, 2003

Company: Perini Corporation - Team
Subcontractors: Tetra Tech, POWER Engineers, Willbros Group, and Najad Rock Group
Award: $100 million
Agency: USACOE, Transatlantic Programs Center for work in U.S. Central Command's area of 25 countries located throughout the Horn of Africa, South and Central Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, and Northern Red Sea regions.
Date of RFP: February 26, 2003
Date of Award: April 1, 2003
Nature of work: Providing work to the US military in the region. The tasks could include repairing roads and bridges, replacing damaged windows and doors and building barracks for military personnel.
USACOE Press Release
April 4, 2003

Company: Raytheon Corporation
Award: $30 million
Agency: Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: to dismantle and neutralize any chemical or nuclear weapons found in the region
Competing for Work in Postwar Iraq
By Diana B. Henriques
April 10, 2003

Company: Research Triangle Institute (RTI International)
Award: $7.9 million
Agency: USAID for the ORHA
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 11, 2003
Nature of work: Local Governance. Seeks to maximize Iraqi participation in all phases and aspects of the reconstruction as the transition to Iraqi administration occurs.
USAID Press Office
April 11, 2003

Company: Stevedoring Services of America
Award: $4.8 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: February 12, 2003
Date of Award: March 24, 2003
Nature of work: Seaport Administration including an initial port assessment, develop improvement plans to overcome port-imposed constraints, and supply technical expertise to ensure an adequate flow of through shipment. SSA is also responsible for providing the position of Port Director in Umm Qasr. The Port Director is restricted to an American only.
USAID Press Office
March 24, 2003

Company: UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
Award: $1 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 8, 2003
Nature of work: Provide support for basic education in Iraq
USAID Press Office
April 8, 2003

Company: UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
Award: $8 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 28, 2003
Nature of work: Provide basic health, water supply and sanitation services in Iraq.
USAID Press Office
March 28, 2003

Company: Washington Group International - Team
Subcontractor:: Stanley Group
Award: $100 million
Agency: USACOE, Transatlantic Programs Center for work in U.S. Central Command's area of 25 countries located throughout the Horn of Africa, South and Central Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, and Northern Red Sea regions.
Date of RFP: February 26, 2003
Date of Award: April 1, 2003
Nature of work: Providing work to the US military in the region. The tasks could include repairing roads and bridges, replacing damaged windows and doors and building barracks for military personnel.
USACOE Press Release
April 4, 2003

Company: World Health Organization (WHO)
Award: $10 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: March 3, 2003
Date of Award: March 28, 2003
Nature of work: Public health. Health System Strengthening in Post-conflict Iraq. Support to the Iraqi Ministry of Health to coordinate and report on health activities.
USAID Press Office
March 28, 2003

Company: Vinnell Corporation
Award: $48,074,442 cost-plus-fixed-fee
Agency Army Contracting Agency - Southern Region Contracting Center
Date of RFP: June 9, 2003
Pre-planning Date of Award: June 25, 2003
Nature of work: For training the nucleus of a new Iraqi Army
Defense Link
June 25, 2003

Company: Local Iraqi Contractors in the Ad Diwaniyah area
Award: unknown
Agency: Seabees of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 4
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Repair municipal buildings in the Ad Diwaniyah area of Iraq. 18 schools and 1 courthouse have been renovated.
Local contractors building schools, economy Marine Expeditionary Force Story
Identification Number: 200362555848
by Army Spc. Melissa Walther
US Marine Corps Website
June 25, 2003

Company: Bearing Point
Award: $60 million to $200 million (cost plus 6-10%)
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: June 4, 2003
Date of Award: July 18, 2003
Nature of work: To rebuild Iraq's shattered economy, opening its banks, setting tax rates, issuing a new currency and generating jobs for millions of idle workers.
BearingPoint gets contested Iraq contract
By James Cox
USA Today
July 21, 2003

Company: Abt Associates
Subcontractor: Iraqi Nursing Association (INA)
Award: $137,000
Agency: USAID/ Iraq Health Systems Strengthening Project (IHSSP)
Date of RFP:
Pre-planning :
Date of Award: July 18, 2003
Nature of work: For the purchase of new uniforms, bed linens, and nurses' kits -- which include stethoscopes and pen lights -- and other equipment for the Yarmouk Hospital.
Iraqi Nursing Association Receives U.S. Grant
USAID website
July 21, 2003

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Neil P
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