Iraq Contracts [1]
Neil P | 07.02.2004 15:50
Company: Halliburton KBR Government Operations
Award: Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity 10 year contract
Task Orders: $596.8 million as of June 20, 2003
Agency: Army Material Command
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: December 14, 2001
Nature of work: For support services to US military in Iraq under LOGCAPIII. KBRGO will provide for the construction of facilities and infrastructure of base camps including billeting, mess hall, food preparation, potable water, sanitation, showers, laundry, transportation, utilities, warehousing and other logistical support. Also included is support of the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, Integration (RSOI) process of U.S. Forces as they enter or depart their theater of operation by sea, air or rail.
Halliburton Press Release
December 17, 2001
Halliburton contract caters to Americans in Iraq
By Mark Fineman / Los Angeles Times
The Detroit News
May 9, 2003
Halliburton Unit Gets Over $800 Million
By Reuters
New York Times
June 20, 2003
Company: Kellogg Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Award: $7 billion (cost plus 7% Implementation Contract) paid by Task Order
Task Orders: $213.786 million as of June 13, 2003 (see below)
Agency: U.S. Defense Department
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 8, 2003
Nature of work: Rebuild Iraq's oil production infrastructure
Halliburton contract could reach $7B
Emergency government contract to fix Iraqi oil fields lasts 2 years, offers 7% profit margin.
By Mark Gongloff
April 11, 2003
Company: Kellogg Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Award: $30 million
Agency: Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: To dismantle and neutralize any chemical or nuclear weapons found in the region
Competing for Work in Postwar Iraq
By Diana B. Henriques
New York Times
April 10, 2003
Task Orders: under the March 8 Implementation Contract
Company: Kellogg, Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Subcontractors:Boots & Coots International Well Control, Inc. and Superior Energy Services' Wild Well Control, Inc.
Award: See original Implementation Contract
TO 1 $14.7 million (Initially $34M)
Agency: USACOE
Pre-planning: November 2002
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 8, 2003
Date of additional work order
Nature of work: To train and advise for safe shut-down, oil spill equipment propositioning and damage assessment:
USACE website
Engineer Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom
Frequently asked questions
June 13, 2003
Company: Kellogg, Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Subcontractors:: Boots & Coots International Well Control, Inc. and Superior Energy Services' Wild Well Control, Inc.
Award: See original Implementation Contract
TO 2 $1.7 million
Agency: USACOE
Pre-planning: November 2002
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 8, 2003
Date of additional work order:
Nature of work: Design for quick repair of oil facilities
USACE website
Engineer Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom
Frequently asked questions
June 13, 2003
Company: Kellogg, Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Award: See original Implementation Contract
TO 3 $87.8 million (Initially $36.9M)
Agency: USACOE
Pre-planning: November 2002
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 8, 2003
Date of additional work order:
Nature of work: Damage assessment, fire fighting and repairs
USACE website
Engineer Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom
Frequently asked questions
June 13, 2003
Company: Kellogg, Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Award: See original Implementation Contract
TO 4 $16.3 million
Agency: USACOE
Pre-planning: November 2002
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 8, 2003
Date of additional work order:
Nature of work: Construction of base camp facilities for workers
USACE website
Engineer Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom
Frequently asked questions
June 13, 2003
Company: Kellogg, Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Award: See original Implementation Contract
TO 5$93.4 million
Agency: USACOE
Pre-planning: November 2002
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 8, 2003
Date of additional work order: May 4, 2003
Nature of work: Preserve distribution capability and fuel distribution support including repairs of fuel product distribution systems, procurement and transportation of refined products to support the Iraqi refining and distribution organizations in order to meet the domestic demand for fuels for power production, domestic humanitarian use within Iraq. (This amount will change because the amounts of gasoline and LPG needed are not finalized. The total amount of gasoline and LPG needed is directly tied to how quickly Iraq can restart the oil system production.)
USACE website
Engineer Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom
Frequently asked questions
June 13, 2003
The total NTE amount for the March 8 Implementation Contract is, as of 13 June 2003, $213,786,000. The TO amounts may incrementally increase or decrease. For example: if not all the money put against TO3, for example, is needed and the cost rises for TO5, the extra money in TO3 may be shifted. Even the NTE amount may change if work is increased or if additional funding is provided
Company: USACOE
Award: $3 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: June 12, 2003
Nature of work: To keep track of Bechtel National Inc.'s $680 million construction contract over the first year
US Army to make Iraq oil well contract competitive
By Niala Boodhoo
June 13, 2003
Company: Language Learning Enterprise
Award: $30,000
Agency: USMC
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: October 2002
Nature of work: To teach Arabic refresher courses to Marine linguists at Camp Lejeune, N.C., who later deployed to Iraq
How do you say 'devil dog' in Iraqi?
By Kris Hundley
April 25, 2003
St. Petersburg Times
Company: Language Learning Enterprise
Award: $200,000
Agency: Department of Defense
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: 2003
Nature of work: To send 15 full-time interpreters to Iraq
Open to interpretation
By Marguerite Higgins
June 12, 2003
The Washington Times
Company: Agricultural Cooperative Development International and Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance
Award: $7 million
Agency: USAID Iraq Community Action Program
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: May 27, 2003
Nature of work: To promote citizen involvement in community development efforts
Washington File
May 27, 2003
(link no longer active)
Company: Cooperative Housing Foundation International
Award: $7 million
Agency: USAID Iraq Community Action Program
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: May 27, 2003
Nature of work: To promote citizen involvement in community development efforts
Washington File
May 27, 2003
(link no longer active)
Company: International Relief and Development, Inc.
Award: $7 million
Agency: USAID Iraq Community Action Program
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: May 27, 2003
Nature of work: To promote citizen involvement in community development efforts
Washington File
May 27, 2003
(link no longer active)
Company: Mercy Corps
Award: $7 million
Agency: USAID Iraq Community Action Program
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: May 27, 2003
Nature of work: To promote citizen involvement in community development efforts
Washington File
May 27, 2003
(link no longer active)
Company: Save the Children Federation, Inc.
Award: $7 million
Agency: USAID Iraq Community Action Program
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: May 27, 2003
Nature of work: To promote citizen involvement in community development efforts
Washington File
May 27, 2003
(link no longer active)
Company: WorldCom (also known as MCI)
Award: $45 million
Agency: Department of Defense
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: early May 2003
Nature of work: To build a small wireless network for use by reconstruction officials and aid workers in the Baghdad area.
WorldCom's Iraq deal assailed
By Brian Bergstein
Associated Press
Seattle Post Intelligencer
May 22, 2003
Company: Motorola Corp
Award: $25 million
Agency: Department of Defense
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: May 2003
Nature of work: To set up a radio communications network for Iraqi security and coalition forces in Baghdad.
Motorola lands large contract for Iraq-security radio network
Bloomberg News
The Arizona Republic
May. 21, 2003
Company: Television program: Iraq and the World
Award: $165,000 per week x4
Agency: U.S. Office of Management and Budget & Broadcasting Board of Governors
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: prior to April 9, 2003 completed May 8, 2003
Nature of work: To provide a short-term American TV presence in Iraq
LA Times
May 9, 2003
(link no longer active),1,1988257.story?coll=la%2Dhome%2Dleftrail
U.S. to Take Its Message to Iraqi Airwaves
By Karen DeYoung and Walter Pincus
Washington Post
May 11, 2003¬Found=true
Company: Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
Award: $7,715,691 (guess based on start date of IRDC)
Agency: U.S. Joint Forces Command's Joint Experimentation Directorate
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: February 2003
Nature of work: Technical operations of the new radio station Voice of the New Iraq, funding and training of the Iraqi Reconstruction and Development Council (IRDC)
February 13, 2003
Company: SkyLink Air & Logistic Support, Incorporated (USA)
Subcontractor: Patrick Corporation (Australia)
Award: $10.2 million cap
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: February 19, 2003
Date of Award: May 5, 2003
Nature of work: Airport Administration. Management of humanitarian and trans-shipment operations by air. Airport Director for each airport (minimum of 5 airports) is required to be American citizen.
Washington File
May 6, 2003
(link no longer active)
US firm wins Iraq airports deal
May 6, 2003
Patrick wins first Iraq contract
May 7 2003
The Age
Company: Iraqi Antiquities
Award: $2 million
Agency: US Department of State
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 29, 2003
Nature of work: To help protect and restore key museums and archeological sites in Iraq
U.S. Contributes $2 Million to Protect and Restore Iraqi Antiquities
US Department of State Press Statement
Richard Boucher, Spokesman
Washington, DC
April 29, 2003
Company: Abdel Majid al-Khoei
Award: $13 million
Agency: CIA
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 3, 2003
Nature of work: To enlist covert support within the splintered Shia community
May 2, 2003
(link no longer active),0,5925895.story?coll=ny-worldnews-headlines
Company: Abt Associates, Inc.
Award: $10 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: March 3, 2003
Date of Award: April 30, 2003
Nature of work: Public health. Health System Strengthening in Post-conflict Iraq. Support to the Iraqi Ministry of Health to coordinate and report on health activities.
USAID Press Office
April 30, 2003
Company: The community of Umm Qasr
Award: $41,000
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP:
Pre-planning: April 9, 2003
Date of Award: April 30, 2003
Nature of work: To enhance the capacity of the town council to meet the town's needs. The grant will provide for a pre-fabricated unit of four partitioned rooms, equipped with water, electricity and furniture, for use as interim town council offices. The grant will also provide computers and other office equipment, as well as training to develop the council members' leadership skills and increase their knowledge of democratic principles.
Washington File
April 29, 2003
(link no longer active)
Company: The community of Umm Qasr
Award: $30,000
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: April 9, 2003
Date of Award: April 30, 2003
Nature of work: To establish a community communications center consisting of several telephones and an Internet server with computers and printers to help in the reunification of families and to increase access to independent information for students and adults alike.
Washington File
April 29, 2003
(link no longer active)
Company: The community of Umm Qasr
Award: $5,000
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: April 9, 2003
Date of Award: April 30, 2003
Nature of work: To provide sports and other recreational activities for the town's youth.
Washington File
April 29, 2003
(link no longer active)
Company: Air Serv
Award: $2.1 million
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 30, 2003
Nature of work: Provide air logistical support for humanitarian personnel and emergency relief commodities in Iraq
U.S. Outlines Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq
USAID fact sheet summary
Washington File
March 31, 2003
Company: The Cuny Center
Award: $40,629
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: prior to March 19, 2003
Nature of work: Research and educational institute that studies and develops practical solutions to address the needs of societies affected by disasters and complex emergencies
U.S. Outlines Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq
USAID fact sheet summary
Washington File
March 31, 2003
Company: Development Alternatives, Incorporated (DAI)
Award: $473,253
Agency: USAID Office of Transition Initiatives
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Rehabilitating and repairing small-scale infrastructure, improving livelihoods and providing skills training, and encouraging inter-ethnic and inter-religious cooperation within communities
U.S. Outlines Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq
USAID fact sheet summary
Washington File
March 31, 2003
Award: Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity 10 year contract
Task Orders: $596.8 million as of June 20, 2003
Agency: Army Material Command
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: December 14, 2001
Nature of work: For support services to US military in Iraq under LOGCAPIII. KBRGO will provide for the construction of facilities and infrastructure of base camps including billeting, mess hall, food preparation, potable water, sanitation, showers, laundry, transportation, utilities, warehousing and other logistical support. Also included is support of the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, Integration (RSOI) process of U.S. Forces as they enter or depart their theater of operation by sea, air or rail.
Halliburton Press Release
December 17, 2001

Halliburton contract caters to Americans in Iraq
By Mark Fineman / Los Angeles Times
The Detroit News
May 9, 2003

Halliburton Unit Gets Over $800 Million
By Reuters
New York Times
June 20, 2003

Company: Kellogg Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Award: $7 billion (cost plus 7% Implementation Contract) paid by Task Order
Task Orders: $213.786 million as of June 13, 2003 (see below)
Agency: U.S. Defense Department
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 8, 2003
Nature of work: Rebuild Iraq's oil production infrastructure
Halliburton contract could reach $7B
Emergency government contract to fix Iraqi oil fields lasts 2 years, offers 7% profit margin.
By Mark Gongloff
April 11, 2003

Company: Kellogg Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Award: $30 million
Agency: Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: To dismantle and neutralize any chemical or nuclear weapons found in the region
Competing for Work in Postwar Iraq
By Diana B. Henriques
New York Times
April 10, 2003

Task Orders: under the March 8 Implementation Contract
Company: Kellogg, Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Subcontractors:Boots & Coots International Well Control, Inc. and Superior Energy Services' Wild Well Control, Inc.
Award: See original Implementation Contract
TO 1 $14.7 million (Initially $34M)
Agency: USACOE
Pre-planning: November 2002
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 8, 2003
Date of additional work order
Nature of work: To train and advise for safe shut-down, oil spill equipment propositioning and damage assessment:
USACE website
Engineer Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom
Frequently asked questions
June 13, 2003

Company: Kellogg, Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Subcontractors:: Boots & Coots International Well Control, Inc. and Superior Energy Services' Wild Well Control, Inc.
Award: See original Implementation Contract
TO 2 $1.7 million
Agency: USACOE
Pre-planning: November 2002
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 8, 2003
Date of additional work order:
Nature of work: Design for quick repair of oil facilities
USACE website
Engineer Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom
Frequently asked questions
June 13, 2003

Company: Kellogg, Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Award: See original Implementation Contract
TO 3 $87.8 million (Initially $36.9M)
Agency: USACOE
Pre-planning: November 2002
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 8, 2003
Date of additional work order:
Nature of work: Damage assessment, fire fighting and repairs
USACE website
Engineer Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom
Frequently asked questions
June 13, 2003

Company: Kellogg, Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Award: See original Implementation Contract
TO 4 $16.3 million
Agency: USACOE
Pre-planning: November 2002
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 8, 2003
Date of additional work order:
Nature of work: Construction of base camp facilities for workers
USACE website
Engineer Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom
Frequently asked questions
June 13, 2003

Company: Kellogg, Brown & Root (subsidiary of Halliburton)
Award: See original Implementation Contract
TO 5$93.4 million
Agency: USACOE
Pre-planning: November 2002
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 8, 2003
Date of additional work order: May 4, 2003
Nature of work: Preserve distribution capability and fuel distribution support including repairs of fuel product distribution systems, procurement and transportation of refined products to support the Iraqi refining and distribution organizations in order to meet the domestic demand for fuels for power production, domestic humanitarian use within Iraq. (This amount will change because the amounts of gasoline and LPG needed are not finalized. The total amount of gasoline and LPG needed is directly tied to how quickly Iraq can restart the oil system production.)
USACE website
Engineer Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom
Frequently asked questions
June 13, 2003

The total NTE amount for the March 8 Implementation Contract is, as of 13 June 2003, $213,786,000. The TO amounts may incrementally increase or decrease. For example: if not all the money put against TO3, for example, is needed and the cost rises for TO5, the extra money in TO3 may be shifted. Even the NTE amount may change if work is increased or if additional funding is provided
Company: USACOE
Award: $3 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: June 12, 2003
Nature of work: To keep track of Bechtel National Inc.'s $680 million construction contract over the first year
US Army to make Iraq oil well contract competitive
By Niala Boodhoo
June 13, 2003

Company: Language Learning Enterprise
Award: $30,000
Agency: USMC
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: October 2002
Nature of work: To teach Arabic refresher courses to Marine linguists at Camp Lejeune, N.C., who later deployed to Iraq
How do you say 'devil dog' in Iraqi?
By Kris Hundley
April 25, 2003
St. Petersburg Times

Company: Language Learning Enterprise
Award: $200,000
Agency: Department of Defense
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: 2003
Nature of work: To send 15 full-time interpreters to Iraq
Open to interpretation
By Marguerite Higgins
June 12, 2003
The Washington Times

Company: Agricultural Cooperative Development International and Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance
Award: $7 million
Agency: USAID Iraq Community Action Program
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: May 27, 2003
Nature of work: To promote citizen involvement in community development efforts
Washington File
May 27, 2003
(link no longer active)

Company: Cooperative Housing Foundation International
Award: $7 million
Agency: USAID Iraq Community Action Program
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: May 27, 2003
Nature of work: To promote citizen involvement in community development efforts
Washington File
May 27, 2003
(link no longer active)

Company: International Relief and Development, Inc.
Award: $7 million
Agency: USAID Iraq Community Action Program
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: May 27, 2003
Nature of work: To promote citizen involvement in community development efforts
Washington File
May 27, 2003
(link no longer active)

Company: Mercy Corps
Award: $7 million
Agency: USAID Iraq Community Action Program
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: May 27, 2003
Nature of work: To promote citizen involvement in community development efforts
Washington File
May 27, 2003
(link no longer active)

Company: Save the Children Federation, Inc.
Award: $7 million
Agency: USAID Iraq Community Action Program
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: May 27, 2003
Nature of work: To promote citizen involvement in community development efforts
Washington File
May 27, 2003
(link no longer active)

Company: WorldCom (also known as MCI)
Award: $45 million
Agency: Department of Defense
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: early May 2003
Nature of work: To build a small wireless network for use by reconstruction officials and aid workers in the Baghdad area.
WorldCom's Iraq deal assailed
By Brian Bergstein
Associated Press
Seattle Post Intelligencer
May 22, 2003

Company: Motorola Corp
Award: $25 million
Agency: Department of Defense
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: May 2003
Nature of work: To set up a radio communications network for Iraqi security and coalition forces in Baghdad.
Motorola lands large contract for Iraq-security radio network
Bloomberg News
The Arizona Republic
May. 21, 2003

Company: Television program: Iraq and the World
Award: $165,000 per week x4
Agency: U.S. Office of Management and Budget & Broadcasting Board of Governors
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: prior to April 9, 2003 completed May 8, 2003
Nature of work: To provide a short-term American TV presence in Iraq
LA Times
May 9, 2003
(link no longer active)

U.S. to Take Its Message to Iraqi Airwaves
By Karen DeYoung and Walter Pincus
Washington Post
May 11, 2003

Company: Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
Award: $7,715,691 (guess based on start date of IRDC)
Agency: U.S. Joint Forces Command's Joint Experimentation Directorate
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: February 2003
Nature of work: Technical operations of the new radio station Voice of the New Iraq, funding and training of the Iraqi Reconstruction and Development Council (IRDC)
February 13, 2003


Company: SkyLink Air & Logistic Support, Incorporated (USA)
Subcontractor: Patrick Corporation (Australia)
Award: $10.2 million cap
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: February 19, 2003
Date of Award: May 5, 2003
Nature of work: Airport Administration. Management of humanitarian and trans-shipment operations by air. Airport Director for each airport (minimum of 5 airports) is required to be American citizen.
Washington File
May 6, 2003
(link no longer active)

US firm wins Iraq airports deal
May 6, 2003

Patrick wins first Iraq contract
May 7 2003
The Age

Company: Iraqi Antiquities
Award: $2 million
Agency: US Department of State
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 29, 2003
Nature of work: To help protect and restore key museums and archeological sites in Iraq
U.S. Contributes $2 Million to Protect and Restore Iraqi Antiquities
US Department of State Press Statement
Richard Boucher, Spokesman
Washington, DC
April 29, 2003

Company: Abdel Majid al-Khoei
Award: $13 million
Agency: CIA
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: April 3, 2003
Nature of work: To enlist covert support within the splintered Shia community
May 2, 2003
(link no longer active)

Company: Abt Associates, Inc.
Award: $10 million
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: March 3, 2003
Date of Award: April 30, 2003
Nature of work: Public health. Health System Strengthening in Post-conflict Iraq. Support to the Iraqi Ministry of Health to coordinate and report on health activities.
USAID Press Office
April 30, 2003

Company: The community of Umm Qasr
Award: $41,000
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP:
Pre-planning: April 9, 2003
Date of Award: April 30, 2003
Nature of work: To enhance the capacity of the town council to meet the town's needs. The grant will provide for a pre-fabricated unit of four partitioned rooms, equipped with water, electricity and furniture, for use as interim town council offices. The grant will also provide computers and other office equipment, as well as training to develop the council members' leadership skills and increase their knowledge of democratic principles.
Washington File
April 29, 2003
(link no longer active)

Company: The community of Umm Qasr
Award: $30,000
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: April 9, 2003
Date of Award: April 30, 2003
Nature of work: To establish a community communications center consisting of several telephones and an Internet server with computers and printers to help in the reunification of families and to increase access to independent information for students and adults alike.
Washington File
April 29, 2003
(link no longer active)

Company: The community of Umm Qasr
Award: $5,000
Agency: USAID
Date of RFP: April 9, 2003
Date of Award: April 30, 2003
Nature of work: To provide sports and other recreational activities for the town's youth.
Washington File
April 29, 2003
(link no longer active)

Company: Air Serv
Award: $2.1 million
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: March 30, 2003
Nature of work: Provide air logistical support for humanitarian personnel and emergency relief commodities in Iraq
U.S. Outlines Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq
USAID fact sheet summary
Washington File
March 31, 2003

Company: The Cuny Center
Award: $40,629
Agency: USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Date of RFP:
Date of Award: prior to March 19, 2003
Nature of work: Research and educational institute that studies and develops practical solutions to address the needs of societies affected by disasters and complex emergencies
U.S. Outlines Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq
USAID fact sheet summary
Washington File
March 31, 2003

Company: Development Alternatives, Incorporated (DAI)
Award: $473,253
Agency: USAID Office of Transition Initiatives
Date of RFP:
Date of Award:
Nature of work: Rehabilitating and repairing small-scale infrastructure, improving livelihoods and providing skills training, and encouraging inter-ethnic and inter-religious cooperation within communities
U.S. Outlines Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq
USAID fact sheet summary
Washington File
March 31, 2003

Neil P