UK Newswire Archive
Public call by the hunger-strikers' doctors
26-11-2003 04:08
After examining the 2 hunger-strikers in the hospital of Koridalos Prison, (24/11 at 18.00) the doctors issued the following announcement:They (all five) could die any minute
26-11-2003 01:53
Reuters are reporting that: "Theoretically they (all five) could die any minute, or they have a week to live."We interrupt this Greek cultural evening
26-11-2003 01:36

Urgent Call To Action in Support of Arrested FTAA Protesters in Miami
26-11-2003 01:08
Unjustly jailed FTAA protesters need your support to get everyone out of jail and get all charges dropped. Send a free fax to Miami City Mayor below or make calls!Gender and diversity advisors sent to Iraq!!
26-11-2003 00:40
THE Government has spent £152,000 sending two Whitehall “gender and diversity” equality advisers to Baghdad.Pictures From Bush's visit to the UK
26-11-2003 00:24

Bush gets Satisfaction
25-11-2003 23:06

From Bristol IM
Caught in the Crossfire?
25-11-2003 22:49

Swindon Peace Folks demonstrate in Paris
25-11-2003 20:45

Modem friendly video from anti-Bush demos in London
25-11-2003 20:31

Thessaloniki Support Actions In Leeds
25-11-2003 20:11
A report on ongoing support activities in Leeds.Youth Music in Oxford
25-11-2003 18:16
of Fusion Arts and Rap’s young people’s music, dance and video at the established local venue The Zodiac, on Friday 12th December, between 7pm – 9pm, free and open to all ages.Bush Plans to Monstrous Fleet of Space Bombers in Bid for Global Domination
25-11-2003 17:59
While the world is looking the other way, diverted by the Bush UK visit and the violence in Iraq, the Pentagon quietly announced last week it has revived the deadly X-37 Space bomber program, aided and abetted by NASA and BoeingNueva Edición de Panorama Internacional
25-11-2003 17:54
El semanario de análisis internacional sobre los sucesos más relevantes que acontecen en el mundo. Combina notas y editoriales de los principales diarios y revistas del mundo y agencias de inteligencia imperialista, la opinión de reconocidos intelectuales y académicos y artículos de análisis marxista, ofreciendo al lector una amplia gama de información, una herramienta para analizar los importantes cambios que estamos presenciando en la arena internacional.En esta nueva edición del 24 de Noviembre, le presentamos sólo algunos de los artículos más relevantes.
25-11-2003 16:44
Tom Hurndall was working with the ISM when he was shot by an IDF sniper and is now in a coma. The family are fighting for justice for Tom and this is one of a number of actions planned to raise awareness of the issue.Spain on trial accused of tortures in the Human Rights Tribunal
25-11-2003 16:15
On the 18th November will take place a trial in the European Court of Human Rights, based in Strasbourg (France). This is a hearing about the accusations made by thirteen people arrested before the Olympic Games of 1992, and who were subjected to brutal tortures by the Spanish police.Georgia
25-11-2003 16:00
Following the examples of the collapse of the old Soviet Bloc, the former-Soviet Republics, and more recent examples from Serbia, Argentina and Bolivia, people power has toppled the corrupt regime in Georgia. Where now democracy?The CocaCola Boycott
25-11-2003 15:54
Resist the Multinational EmpireThe Coca Cola Boycott
Conference organized by the Colombia Solidarity Campaign
Labour "Senior Ministers" visit Bristol this Friday
25-11-2003 15:51
An unmissable opportunity to influence national policy. Today's Guardian (page 11) says that "senior ministers" will be visiting Bristol this Friday as part of their "consultation exercise".