UK Newswire Archive
airburst radio
09-09-2003 15:25
a 17 second jingle for the radio crew hope you like it
Further information from Liberty
09-09-2003 14:59
Telephone discussion with Liberty Press Office about their plans following today's events in London.Liberty launches High Court Action to protect right to protest
09-09-2003 14:32
Press release from Liberty Human Rights watchprotesters detained on Connaught Overpass
09-09-2003 14:28
Report phoned in from Sheffield anti-DSEI protestors currently on Connaught Overpass [west of Exel Centre].DSEI: Tuesday block at Excel Centre Pictures
09-09-2003 13:58

Terry Mckay
09-09-2003 13:52
The nasty BNP have won Hecky, and im absolutely devastated. We spent week after week walking the streets of the town to no avail, to no effect whatsoever. God knows how we will manage to mount any kind of campaign next year when the Nazis stand all over Kirklees. All my friends from all over West yorkshire (all twenty of them) will have their own problems in their own areas as Wakefield and Huddersfield BNP field candidates for the first time. Damn that Griffin, damn him, damn him.Internet Cafe List
09-09-2003 13:27
Here a list of Internet cafe's in the area around DSEIChildren at local schools near Excell are prevented from leaving school bt Polic
09-09-2003 13:24
In the schools local to Excel conference centre housing the DSEI arms fair, the pupils have been forbidden to leave the school at lunch time.They have been told that if they leave the school premises they could face expulsion.
Some children have left the school grounds and were escorted back by the police.
Police officers are stationed in local schools to enforce this curfew.
How to complain to the BBC about their DSEI coverage
09-09-2003 13:15
This morning's Radio 4's Today programme had a piece on DSEI where those protesting against the arms traders were described as "a motley collection" and the arms industry was described as creating loads of jobs for British workers.Video of Disarm DSEi demonstration, Tuesday 9th
09-09-2003 12:53
Here's a 1 minute long video of this morning's anti-DSEi demonstration that took place in Victoria Dock Road near the Excel building where the arms fair is taking place. The video show when police lines are brought in to block the demonstrators from approaching the Excel building.Coca Cola Killers organising for action
09-09-2003 12:47
Building resistance and education for all Coca Cola employees regarding the murder of workers and trade unionists in Latin AmericaArrest count - update on legal situation from DSEi radio
09-09-2003 12:38
Update on the number of people arrested so far in anti DSEi actions...Live from the Excel Indymedia Centre
09-09-2003 12:19
This is a report live from the anti-DSEI actions at Excel.