UK Newswire Archive
fluffy blockade at DSEi
09-09-2003 20:31
more pictures and video of samba & fluffy today's actionspolice stop me filming
09-09-2003 20:06

No Sweat (anti-sweatshop) Meeting
09-09-2003 19:57
The next Sheffield No Sweat meeting is on Thurs 11th Sept at St Matthews Hall on Carver St (opposite the central Fire Station in city centre)at 7.30pm. We'll be concentrating on finalising details for the local dayschool on October 4th but also planning future local actions.Sheffield: A Divided Village, Conference 13/09/03
09-09-2003 19:51
important anti-poverty 'and' positive solutions conference in SheffieldPolice occupy school near DSEi
09-09-2003 18:58

DSEi Fluffy Demonstration, 9 Sept 2003
09-09-2003 18:34

Pocket Sized Police, Press & Race Complaints
09-09-2003 18:21
A Handy Sized Guide To Police, Press & Race Complaints350 strike at Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station
09-09-2003 18:20
350 workers walked out on strike at Hinkley 'B' last week after a serious accident to a contractor.Kill your TV
09-09-2003 18:09
This is an extremely good analysis of the danger of TV. From The Times of all places!Chechnya: Ecological Disaster Zone
09-09-2003 17:50
1/3 the land area of Chechnya is an ecological disaster zone, experts say. The decades of Soviet environmental degredation combined with New Russia's genocidal war have taken their toll on a rich natural environment.John Ashcroft Gets Ridiculed in Boston
09-09-2003 17:42
John Ashcroft Came to the Cradle of Liberty to Promote Fascist Bullshit, But the People of Boston Aren't Buying!Met Deputy Commissioner to do live Question & Answer session - Weds. 10th Sept
09-09-2003 16:56
The Met's Deputy Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair will be doing a live question and answer session on BBC London 94.9 FM at 11 am on Wednesday - 020 7224 2000Testimony of one day of protest against the DSEI arms exhibitions
09-09-2003 16:28
My testimony and disbelief at the number of police present and their aggressive behaviour. And how the government distorts the reality of a peaceful protest and reacts against it as if it was war against terrorist criminals.Israeli Troops in Tulkarem
09-09-2003 16:01
Israeli trops surround and enter Tulkarem refugee camp.200 demonstrators detained
09-09-2003 15:58
A small breakaway group of protestors earlier outwitted slow-footed cops and attempted to storm the eastern entrance to the Excel Centre hosting the arms fair DSEi 2003.