UK Newswire Archive
Hypocritical Arabists and leftists.
17-03-2003 12:47
Hypocritical Arabists and leftists.Virual sit-in of DOW "greenwash' site - all week
17-03-2003 12:15

Action Ends on March 17th, 2003
Blood on the steps, reality of war at the MOD
17-03-2003 12:04
Fake blood splashed around entrance to MOD this morning, NO WAR painted on walllook out for pictures
Militants assaulted in Milan by fascists, 1 killed
17-03-2003 11:25
Last night in via Brioschi, near the Navigli area (Milan) a small group of fascists deliberate attacked three militants with knives. One of the three, hit at the throat and chest, fell down on the ground and died in a few minutes. Afterwards some people spontaneously gathered at the S. Paolo Hospital for a demonstration.Bulgarian beatuy queen for peace
17-03-2003 11:13
Former Miss Bulgaria, Tania Karabelowa, protested naked for peace outside the US embassy in Sofia.Imperialist war and 'Peace' in the Gulf
17-03-2003 10:50

Hastings Community Learning Centre
49-51 Cambridge Road - Hastings
Direct Action Against the WAr!
17-03-2003 10:49
Bring the country to a standstill on the outbreak of war!Links to Middle East Media
17-03-2003 10:42
Here's some links for online media in the Middle EastSEE IT! NO WAR
17-03-2003 08:26

NO WAR - Protest and resistance are visible, cannot be overlooked. Transcending external and internal borders. International. Decentralized. Democratic.

Welford Campers Arrested for Conspiracy
17-03-2003 07:30
Three people from Welford anti-militarist camp were arrested for conspiracy earlier this morning. More people desperately needed at camp.Ossory Road Eviction 14th March 2003 (Wide Shot)
17-03-2003 02:28

Bringing to light the impact on the local area of massive supermarkets. One of which is planned on this site. OfCourse of late this communal area has become a focal point for anti war benefits.
Will Bush Heed LaRouche’s Warning?
17-03-2003 02:26
Lyndon LaRouche has forcefully warned President George W. Bush that if he plunges ahead into a war with Iraq, he will have squandered the last opportunity to avert an even more grave military confrontation on the Korean Peninsula. In combination, such an Iraq-Korea crisis would likely be catalogued, by future historians, as the beginning of a global war, even more horrible than the "Clash of Civilizations" conflict promoted by Dr. Bernard Lewis and the "war party" inside Bush's own Administration.Ossory Road Eviction 14th March 2003
17-03-2003 02:18

Bringing to light the impact on the local area of massive supermarkets. One of which is planned on this site. OfCourse of late this communal area has become a focal point for anti war benefits.
War on Iraq, end of the UN? The biggest disaster in UK foreign policy
17-03-2003 02:06
When Tony Blair flew to Washington at the end of January to meet George W. Bush it was his fifth visit in the two years and a bit since Dubya attained office.Correspondent - 'Israel's Secret Weapon' Mon BBC2 11.20pm
17-03-2003 01:09
Unfortunately rescheduled - now on Mon BBC2 11.20pm, so Joe Public isn't going to see it (and the hypocrisy)
17-03-2003 00:57
Rachel Corey, an American ISM activist was murdered by an Israeli bulldozer yesterday. Demonstrate tonight (Monday the 17th) at 6pm. So far the Israeli government has described her death as 'regrettable'. Lets make sure they regret it.Foil the Base at Menwith Hill will go ahead on March 22nd!
17-03-2003 00:36
This message is to confirm that even if war breaks out this week, the Foil the Base event will still take place at Menwith Hill on Saturday 22nd March.Petition for the Resignation of Prime Minister Tony Blair
17-03-2003 00:28
Petition calling for the Resignation of PM Tony BlairWelford Anti-Militarist Camp Update
17-03-2003 00:03
Section 44 of Terrorism Act now covers Welford area. Lifts available to camp on Mon and Tue.