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Links to Middle East Media

gnome | 17.03.2003 10:42

Here's some links for online media in the Middle East

Here's some links for online media in the Middle East
Hopefully we may get some more accurate reporting of the situation in Iraq from them than we will from the US/UK corporate media if/when war is started - US & UK journalists
will be subject to severe restrictions on their reporting - we may not even hear whats happening for a day or two, & they'll certainally try to cover up any civilian casualties - sorry 'collateral damage' - I'm not saying the Media in the Middle East is free from censorship either - it isn't - but it may help us to get a bit more of the real picture

AVOID the enticingly named 'Radio Free Iraq' -
It's part of Radio Free Europe - a US Congress funded radio news network that:
"provides balanced, reliable information to bolster democratic development and market economies in countries where peaceful evolution to civil societies is of vital national interest to the U.S."



Display the following 4 comments

  1. best sites — Dan
  2. Check this one Dan — Intifada
  3. Dan is Joel in disguise — daniel gurney
  4. & more — gnome