UK Newswire Archive
Sectarian Attacks in north of Ireland
22-10-2002 14:46
the Pat Finucane Centre, an independent, community based human rights centre based in Derry, Ireland, publishes the most complete monthly log of sectarian incidents in the north of Ireland. (sources at bottom)Bringing this vile order crashing down!
22-10-2002 14:44
At last! The Gathering Storm! A gathering of people committed to bring about the collapse of this present Civilisation/Empire.For authentic resistance and world wide rebellion, insurrection and revolution.
The Asian Revolution!
22-10-2002 14:33
Learning from our brothers and sisters from all over the Earth, check out this web-site! Inspiring StuffSuicide car bombers kill 14, injure 42
22-10-2002 14:26

Disobedience Against War
22-10-2002 14:26
OCCUPY THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, 6PM HALLOWEENDetails of US atrocities in Korean War exposed for first time
22-10-2002 14:21
What's new on this week. Matthew Collin writes for the first time, Mark Metcalf on who the Coutryside Alliance really are plus all the communiques discussion and more...Ruddock sends refugees to their deaths
22-10-2002 13:50
Four years ago, Colombian dissident Alvaro Morales fled to Argentina and then to Australia to escape death threats from Colombian government-backed paramilitaries. In May, following the Refu gee Review Tribunal's (RRT) rejection of his application for refugee status, Morales re turned to Argentina, which deported him back to Colom bia. Three weeks after his arrival back in Colombia, Morales was shot dead by right-wing on the rank and file union revival!
22-10-2002 13:38
there is a conference (not sitting there being talked at, but workshops and sessions to get stuck in to) in london on 26 october. speakers include mark serwotka (pcs general sec.) (personal capacity); and firefighters, tube workers, hospital workers, campaigners, activists, economists, etc. come along and discuss how the fightback can be spread and built upon in the workplace and in your communityA Scottish Anarchist Dayschool, 09 Nov 2002
22-10-2002 13:18
Interested in anarchist ideas?A dayschool for anarchists and for people interested in libertarian ideas.
anti-sweatshop latest
22-10-2002 13:09
Pickets, conference, speaker tour, comedy benefit:the latest from the anti-sweatshop campaign No Sweat
Central London Critical Mass This Friday! (25th)
22-10-2002 12:47
Central London Critical Mass This Friday!Police kick journalists out of public meeting
22-10-2002 12:32
Reporter Rebecca Camber and photographer James Sandercock were at a meeting about rising crime in Bristol when police told them to leave or be activities for the 31st
22-10-2002 11:32
lots happening around the country, even accounting for theswp hyperbole
ISRAEL: Six refusenik imprisoned - one more to be imprisoned tomorrow
22-10-2002 11:27

Support the fire fighters
22-10-2002 11:14
Take 5 minutes to vote in favour of strike action by the firefighters on the BBC's news site.HELP! ...War on Peace Camp
22-10-2002 11:00
No, not due to any weather patterns -- its nice and warm, but because legal proceedings have started.B£air $old jet$ at Ka$hmir talk$
22-10-2002 10:42
Tony Blair used a private meeting with his Indiancounterpart to push the sale of British Hawk jets while
urging peace with Pakistan, it has been confirmed.
A Downing Street spokeswoman said: "We make no
apology for supporting a legitimate defence industry."
british troops gang raped masai women
22-10-2002 09:19
Elizabeth says the rape took place 24 years ago when British troops training on Masai land were building Dol Dol primary school. Erecting the building was an exercise in community relationsVery good comparison between the Washington D.C Sniper and Israel.
22-10-2002 05:32
Good thoughts belowNew anti-war/peace campaign....
22-10-2002 00:29
This is a revitalized campaign designed to make the anti-war movement more visible.