build on the rank and file union revival!
BUILDER | 22.10.2002 13:38
there is a conference (not sitting there being talked at, but workshops and sessions to get stuck in to) in london on 26 october. speakers include mark serwotka (pcs general sec.) (personal capacity); and firefighters, tube workers, hospital workers, campaigners, activists, economists, etc. come along and discuss how the fightback can be spread and built upon in the workplace and in your community
'Building on the rank & file revival' Conference
Sponsored by Solidarity newspaper and Workers' Liberty
Saturday 26 October 2002
University of London Union, Malet St, London WC1
11am - 5pm
More information: or phone 07979 241 998.
11.00 - 11.15 Registration
11.20 - 1.00 Plenary Discussion (speakers in a personal capacity)
Speakers: Mark Serwotka (General Secretary, PCS)
Steve Godward (Birmingham firefighter)
Jane Clarke (Bedfordshire firefighter)
Alison Brown (South Yorkshire ambulance worker)
Discussion from the floor
1.00 - 2.00 Lunch
2.00 - 3.00 Workshops
Workshop 1
'Organising to fight PFI & rebuilding a union branch' - using Leicester Hospitals as a case study (Alan Fraser & Nick Holden)
Workshop 2
'Arguing socialist politics in the workplace & running a workplace bulletin' (Janine Booth)
Workshop 3
'No Sweat: campaigning against sweatshop labour' (Martin Smith, London GMBU lead organiser)
3.00 - 3.15 Break
3.15 - 4.15 Workshops
Workshop 1 continued
Workshop 4
'Economics for trade unionists' (Martin Thomas)
Workshop 5
'Trade unions and anti-trade union laws' (Sean Matgamna)
4.30 - 5.00 Closing Plenary
Speaker: Mark Sandell
Sponsored by Solidarity newspaper and Workers' Liberty
Saturday 26 October 2002
University of London Union, Malet St, London WC1
11am - 5pm
More information:

11.00 - 11.15 Registration
11.20 - 1.00 Plenary Discussion (speakers in a personal capacity)
Speakers: Mark Serwotka (General Secretary, PCS)
Steve Godward (Birmingham firefighter)
Jane Clarke (Bedfordshire firefighter)
Alison Brown (South Yorkshire ambulance worker)
Discussion from the floor
1.00 - 2.00 Lunch
2.00 - 3.00 Workshops
Workshop 1
'Organising to fight PFI & rebuilding a union branch' - using Leicester Hospitals as a case study (Alan Fraser & Nick Holden)
Workshop 2
'Arguing socialist politics in the workplace & running a workplace bulletin' (Janine Booth)
Workshop 3
'No Sweat: campaigning against sweatshop labour' (Martin Smith, London GMBU lead organiser)
3.00 - 3.15 Break
3.15 - 4.15 Workshops
Workshop 1 continued
Workshop 4
'Economics for trade unionists' (Martin Thomas)
Workshop 5
'Trade unions and anti-trade union laws' (Sean Matgamna)
4.30 - 5.00 Closing Plenary
Speaker: Mark Sandell