UK Newswire Archive
Israel Machine-guns 4 Palestinian Schools, Kills 8, Wounds 60
19-10-2002 01:24
Today Israel fired missiles and machine-gunned four Palestinian schools, killing 8, including 3 children (age 4, 12, and 15) and a 70 year old woman.My own private, Gaza Strip
19-10-2002 00:37

Update Bali and possible Mossad involvement
18-10-2002 21:56
No, The Indonesian Air Force didn't do it, and no they didn't find traces of C4...Fantastic Woody Harrelson Piece in Guardian
18-10-2002 19:39
Very moving writing from this wonderful actorTrick or Treat Parliament on October 31st
18-10-2002 19:02 part of the day of disobedience against war on IraqOSCE meeting in Porto
18-10-2002 18:40
Please check our manifesto and subscribe it if you fell it expresses what you feel. Or even best... come to Porto (portugal) by the end of November and stay for a few days. Please feel free to ask for english updates to our mailing listPictures from 11-S demo in Barcelona
18-10-2002 16:53

October 16 – 17 – 18 Stop Global War Parade Northen East Italy
18-10-2002 16:50
These three days of mobilization showed the extraordinary potential, richness and practical effectiveness of issues such as “generalized strike” and “social disobedience”.“Generalized strike” means making up, finding, experimenting a great variety of practices that can easily touch all figures and parts of widespread society work.
Low turnout for Mayoral Election
18-10-2002 16:49
Hackney council have just elected a new major with just under three-quarters of the population deciding not to vote. How low should a turnout be before it is considered nullified?WTO TRIPS council meet on 25th November
18-10-2002 16:33
ActionAid is launching the SeedRights campaign to mark World Food Day(16 Oct) and we're keen to share it with you, and hope that you may
take action with groups from across the world.
Media D Day outside the Daily Mail in London
18-10-2002 16:22
At around 8.45am this morning, in solidarity with Media Democracy Day, a group of media activists gathered outside the offices of associated Newspapers in Kensington, london.India urged to put the rights of poor farmers above big business
18-10-2002 16:17
“If India joins UPOV it could spell disaster for millions of the country’s poorest farmers. India has the opportunity to act as a trailblazer for other developing countries who are also being forced to join. It must resist pressure to adopt damaging international legislation that would shift control over seed production and supply away from farmers and into the hands of multi-national corporations,”Class struggle in a burger bar- Oct. 16th report
18-10-2002 16:07
This is an attempt to give a taste of struggle on October 16th from a workers’ perspective. It’s difficult to know where to start because so much happened- sections of the McDonalds workforce launched an unprecedented counter attack against exploitation and boredom…A Report of the Leiden PGA conference from a UK participant
18-10-2002 14:35
Peoples' Global Action is a non-hierarchical network of activists, organisations and communities resisting capitalism, neo-liberalism and other forms of oppression. Since 1998 it has called International Days of Action and organised conferences. This is an account of the recent European Conference in leiden (Netherlands), 31 August-5th September 2002.The Palestinians love their children more than they hate Jews
18-10-2002 14:34
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