UK Newswire Archive
Anti war posters, stencils and propaganda
04-10-2002 12:04

Mossad warned C.I.A. for attacks.
04-10-2002 11:37
According to an article in Die Zeit, Mossad-agents warned the C.I.A for the attacks of 11-9.They were arrested and deported out of the U.S.
Video of huge London peace demo
04-10-2002 11:18
this is the undercurrents peace demo video up on SF IMC as The video streaming seams to be dowen on UK indymedia.Anti-nuclear activist murdered
04-10-2002 10:44
The vice-chairman of a group protesting against the construction of two nuclear reactors in Ukraine in exchange for closure of Chernobyl has been gunned down in Kiev.resistance anarchist bulletin - issue 42
04-10-2002 09:29

Oct 4: Latest News From Iraq--US Hijack UN Resolutions? More US Air Attacks
04-10-2002 09:21
By: PeaceNoWar.netAt the recent report done by the congressional budget office (CBO) in Washington DC., CBO estimates that the incremental costs of deploying a force to the Persian Gulf would be between $9 billion and $13 billion. Prosecuting a war would cost between $6 billion and $9 billion a month-although how long such a war may last cannot be estimated. After hostilities end, the costs to return U.S. forces to their home bases would range between $5 billion and $7 billion, CBO estimates.
SCAR (South Coast Against Road building) Interview
04-10-2002 07:43
link to real media file plus text re SCARAnarchist bloc for saturday's protest
04-10-2002 06:58
Anti-war protest on saturday, 5th OctShattered Illusions - Analyzing the War on Terrorism
04-10-2002 03:53

Arrest in the streets of Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (by Latuff)
04-10-2002 01:50

The New Warlords
04-10-2002 01:21
Part 1.1 of the book The New Warlords: from the Gulf War to the Recolonisation of the Middle East. For 1.2 - 1.8 see of Rogue States
03-10-2002 22:39
as seen in the new "National Security Strategy of the United States"Salma Yacoub Speech at London Demo
03-10-2002 20:25
Text of Salma Yacoub (Birmingham Stop the War Coalition) speech given at London demoSelf defence—major offence
03-10-2002 20:12
Read about the Burnley show trials. Thanks to Socialist WorkersMEETING FOR STOP THE WAR *CRITICAL MASS*!
03-10-2002 19:29
03-10-2002 17:44
How can I reach Zimbabwe Indy media site?