UK Newswire Archive
Gasp! Antarctica Is Melting!
21-05-2014 20:50
NASA scientists say the melt of one Antarctic glacier set is now "unstoppable". You hear directly from their press conference. Plus top scientist Kevin Trenberth warns El Nino is coming with direct impacts on world weather. Radio Ecoshock 1405211st International Self-organized Antifascist Martial Art Tournament of Salonika
21-05-2014 19:19

Putin-Xi Huge Gas Deal Could End US Dollar's Domination
21-05-2014 18:06

The German Sustainability Scam and its Fascist Purpose
21-05-2014 00:02
For the military-industrial complex it is a lethal menace, such as is sunlight for the ants under a pile of debris that is taken away to make room for a garden: The coming revolution of the political and economic system without which it would only take a few generations to leave nothing but debris of the planet. The environmental cost of war machines are so obviously totally irresponsible once the human consciousness expands across the generational horizon that it is an easy temptation to factor them out of any such calculation in an early stage. It appears perfectly reasonable to put out the debris on the street and treat the land as if it was already gone, so when it is finally being collected for incineration, the renaturation process has yet accumulated some momentum. But the political fallout of three major reactor meltdown incidents which were followed by the missile rampage (Three Mile Island), the fence breakdowns (Chernobyl) and the digital blowback (Fukushima) teaches a different lesson: With every deterioration of the state of the planetary waste, it has become ever more aggressive against its immediate surroundings. Under these circumstances, the disposal service might never arrive and all the efforts put into the garden be wasted to a predictable risk. Hence an analysis of the unsolicited remainder is mandated for the purpose to reduce its amount, its presence and its risks.THEIR CLASS WAR AND OURS: Ideas for Freedom 2014
20-05-2014 13:32
A weekend of socialist discussion and debate hosted by Workers' Liberty3-6 July. 5 and 6 July will take place at University of London Union, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY

Sydney : 3 Luxury Cars Torched By FAI/IRF (Australia)
19-05-2014 10:36

Full article | 1 addition | 9 comments
26 May - 1 June: Newport Rising: Come & prepare for NATO Summit in Sept
19-05-2014 08:05

Daring dawn blockade of Britain's Nuclear weapons factory
19-05-2014 06:39
This morning at 7.20am a group of peace campaigners began blockading the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) site at Burghfield, near Reading. The protesters, acting as part of ActionAWE campaign of non-violent direct action, are trying to disrupt construction of a new nuclear warhead factory on the site.Melbourne : Historic Colonial Buildings Torched (Australia)
18-05-2014 14:04

' Corruption revealed of.Frack giant ('Rathlin') Director 'Dermot Nesbitt
18-05-2014 11:58

Six years on: Remembering Pauline Campbell and her campaign against prisons
17-05-2014 18:56

I spent a couple of hours today in Malpas, Cheshire with Joan Meredith, who walked alongside and supported Pauline Campbell in her campaign from 2003-2008 to prevent the deaths of women and young people in the prison system and to close all prisons. Afterwards, I visited the grave of Pauline and her daughter Sarah in Malpas cemetery, pictured below.
Pauline Campbell's only child Sarah died aged just 18 in Styal Prison in 2003. Thereafter, Pauline would protest outside prisons where a death had occurred, stand in front of prison vans arriving with new prisoners and demand that the women inside be taken instead to a place of safety. After five years of tireless campaigning during which Pauline was arrested numerous times but rarely brought to court and never convicted, she was found dead on her daughter's grave in Malpas on 15 May 2008. That was six years ago this week and Pauline is remembered by Joan in a post on her blog. [ See also: Guardian obituary | Remember Pauline | Pauline Campbell Remembered, 11 Aug 2008, Styal | Prisoner Justice Day, 13 Aug 2008, Holloway ]
Reports on indymedia of some of Pauline's prison protests: [ 5 Feb 2008, Styal | 17 Jan 2008, Holloway | 27 Sep 2007, Not Guilty | 12 Jul 2007, Holloway | 23 Oct 2006, Eastwood Park ]
An Attack on the Zapatistas is an Attack on us all: A Call to Action in Support
17-05-2014 10:59
A CALL TO ACTION IN SUPPORT OF THE ZAPATISTASJustice for Galeano; Stop the war against the Zapatista communities
Week of action: May 18th-24th
Ripple Effect 2, total proof that the 7/7 attacks were done by the government!
16-05-2014 19:42
Here is the video Ripple Effect 2, which provide total proof that the 7/7 attacks in London were in fact carried out by the British government!Nottingham Green Picnic
16-05-2014 15:51
Bring your sun hats and vegan delights!!Lancaster UKIP Billboard Improved
16-05-2014 03:42

[a] Water is an Issue in Africa
15-05-2014 21:09
Editorial Note: This analysis is being reproduced here for archival reasons because the indymedia site where it first appeared at June 3, 2013 went down or survived neighbouring sites going down in regime attacks. Please see the list at the bottom of this page for current writing and the complete Internationalist Observer archive.[a] Demon Dawn in the Drone Debacle
15-05-2014 21:07
Editorial Note: This analysis is being reproduced here for archival reasons because the indymedia site where it first appeared at May 25, 2013 went down or survived neighbouring sites going down in regime attacks. Please see the list at the bottom of this page for current writing and the complete Internationalist Observer archive.It's Pie Time We Hit Them, And Hit Them Hard
15-05-2014 18:18
It's Pie Time We Hit Them, And Hit Them HardPoliticians, bankers, every one of those bloodsuckers, the ruling class, the toffs, the 10% who profit by plunging us in to further misery...
World War I, a lost generation and conscientious objection
14-05-2014 22:12

Conscientious Objectors Day, 15 May
World War I Centenary, 2014
15th May is Conscientious Objectors Day and this year it's 100 years since the start of WWI. Mindful of these two anniversaries, I spent this afternoon visiting my friend the great anti-war campaigner Lib Rowlands-Hughes, who was born right at the end of the First World War and is now 95 years old, and learning a little of her family's history. This includes four uncles lost in the war, a military man turned pacifist and a conscientious objector imprisoned for resisting war.
Katy Bourne SPCC “SCANDALOUS” Screams the Argus.
14-05-2014 19:35