UK Newswire Archive
get a life - TV turn-off week
12-04-2001 08:13

Bristol election to go ahead May 3rd
11-04-2001 22:20
nobody VERSUS the council go head to head in May3rd poll in Bristol.Watch out for this BBC guy
11-04-2001 17:40
A daft little encounter with `a BBC documentary maker`. Please read the emails, note `urban terrorism` and `but we'd...` The first message is last...Mayday briefing at scotland yard
11-04-2001 14:11
Met police are holding a Mayday press briefing tomorrow april 12Global food takeover? - MAFF makes a move!
11-04-2001 11:01
"Ministers expect that by 2005 as many as 25% of farms - almost all small ones - will have closed or merged, with 50,000 people forced to leave the industry." - Yeah, right!Tar Alliance - no room for stars
10-04-2001 22:01

We choose tar. Our source of power.
Irrelevance of Marxists (Leninists/Trots/Maoists)
10-04-2001 07:47
This is a response to a rant entitled "Revolutionary Theory(!)" (a comment on the article "Race, Anarchy, and Punk Rock") which can be found on:
Animal Activists Barricade the Bank of New York's London Offices
09-04-2001 23:28
Activists targeting major shareholders of animal testing firmHuntingdon Life Sciences occupied offices inside the Bank of New
York's London offices; and over ten hours after they entered they
are still there negotiating!
High Court Turns Back the Clock on International Nuclear Law
09-04-2001 22:36
In 1999 three activists accused of property destruction on a nuclear submarine base in Scotland successfully argued that their actions were justified by international law. That case opened the door for others to challenge the legality of nuclear weapons. But a British High Court’s ruling throws that argument into question.Bill Clinton is Coming to UK
09-04-2001 22:24
Clinton (NATO bomber-Globalisation sensation) is coming to town. 'CATCH' him in small country town at Hayfestival May 25th-Jun 04 - 8% + Solution
09-04-2001 14:11
If the election ever takes place, here's what I think we should do. I know you cant wait to hear my opinion, after all its the one that counts...Dublin Kyoto demo and pics
09-04-2001 13:36

UK Government to OK commercial planting of GM crop
09-04-2001 08:54
The Government is planning to give the go-ahead for the UK's firstGM crop, a variety of maize called T25, to be planted commercially even
though serious questions remain about its impact on the environment and
its safety to both humans and animals.
Stealth Threat, Hidden Agenda: ICANN=the WTO of the Internet
08-04-2001 22:16
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers was formed in 1998 behind closed doors by bureuacrats inside the US Department of Commerce and their friends from the corporate sector. At most ICANN should only be responsible for keeping track of domain assignments and acting as a repository for technical data about the domain system. Instead ICANN is bullying itself into the position of World Government over the Internet, in the corporate interest, casting the rights of individuals to the wayside.The Ultimate Rogue State (And Alternatives)
08-04-2001 18:05
Now that most Americans and most of the world know that US elections are illegitimate, and now that Europe, Japan, Russia, China, Korea, India and almost all of the Third World now consider the "US government" (multinational corporate mafia) to be a demented rogue state, who is the real, citizens' government? Perhaps
War against the farmers
08-04-2001 14:21
Government plans growing ever more clear, yet murkier too.Monopolies Choke the Web
07-04-2001 23:34
Adding new domain extensions to the net is a matter of a simple "copy and paste" of some lines of text. It has become however an international political issue that media activist Paul Garrin has spent the past 5 years trying to resolve to preserve the net from total control by corporate giants.