UK Newswire Archive
EDL Leicester 4th Feb Preview
31-01-2012 23:24

Occupy everything...Oakland style
31-01-2012 23:04

Pop Up Social Centre Fri. 10th Feb. Glasgow
31-01-2012 22:28

43 Cornwall Street
G41 1BA
UAF demonstration Leicester Sat 4th Feb
31-01-2012 16:55
Stop the racist and fascist EDL on Leicester Sat 4th
The EDL have announced they are marching in Leicester on Saturday Feb 4th.
Unite Against Fascism are holding a counter demonstration against the EDL in Leicester City Centre to show these thugs that they are NOT welcome.
Nottingham Unite Against Fascism are sending a coach to Leicester. The coach leaves at 9.30am outside Nottingham Royal Centre (opposite Cornerhouse), Nottingham City Centre. Tickets cost £4 unwaged and £10 waged. To book a coach place, please contact 07816 041548, or email
The momentum against the edl is building...Over 170 people attended a public meeting against the edl in Leicester two weeks ago, The Indian Workers Association, Leicestershire County UNISON, the local branch of the CWU are supporting the demo. Aylestone Labour Party have voted unanimously to affiliate to Leicester UAF ahead of Saturday's demo.
In solidarity
Nottingham Unite Against Fascism
Cuts to Bus Services Come to Cambridgeshire Today.
31-01-2012 16:25

In fact, decisions made today in that building will change many peoples' lives forever, as there was a meeting by county councillors to decide which rural bus services are to have their funding cut.
30 Days of Action at Faslane
31-01-2012 15:53
Faslane Peace Camp are announcing 30 days of non-violent direct action against the Faslane Naval Base to mark the 30th birthday of the Peace Camp.Protest in Peckham against Mass Deportation
31-01-2012 14:55
On Thursday evening Anti-deportation campaigners rallied in Peckham to condemn the mass deportation of Nigerians scheduled later that night (26 January 2012). The demonstration was a small tribute to a man on an 8-day hunger strike in protest against his deportation. Protesters from the "No Borders" network brandished a banner demanding "Stop Deportations To Nigeria" and played music as they marched from Peckham Rye Station to the Library. Read more & pics ...
The protest was well received by the largest British Nigerian community signalling a positive start to an outreach campaign aiming to raise awareness and forge links with local people. Passers-by shared stories of their personal struggles against the inequalities of the border system. One man explained that the UK Border Agency detained him for a year and deported his brother despite both living in Britain since childhood.
Just hours before the deportation an inquiry by MPs was published that warned potentially lethal force and racist language is used by security guards during the removal process [1]. And on arrival in Nigeria, these men and women face a deteriorating security situation spreading from the north as Boko Haram increase in strength. Human Rights Watch claim that the militant Islamist group killed 235 people in the first 3 weeks of 2012 [2].
Mass deportation has become regular policy in the governments efforts to "crackdown on immigration". Deportations to Nigeria happen every 6 weeks with 75 people forcibly deported by 150 private security guards on a plane specially hired by the UK Border Agency (UKBA). Each flight on average costs £150,000 of public money. UKBA uses mocking and sinister code-names for these deportations such as ‘Operation Majestic' , whilst using coaches branded ‘Just Go' to drive deportees to the airport. Since 1991 six Nigerians have died during deportations from Europe - the highest number of fatalities from any one nationality- demonstrating the deadly nature of these operations. Most recently, Nigerian man Joseph Ndukadu Chiakwa died on a deportation flight from Switzerland [3].
During previous deportations angry scenes have erupted outside the Nigerian High Commission in London. In December 2011, the High Commissioner was ambushed by No Borders activists who called on him to stop collaborating with UKBA. Nigerian Immigration staff have been issuing emergency travel documents that the UKBA need to remove people [4]. The fee charged for this service is unknown.
A No Borders activist invited people to take part in the "No Borders Convergence": a week-long gathering in London between 13 - 18 February 2012. He said: "From Monday to Wednesday at Goldsmiths College in New Cross, south east London, there will be workshops about stopping deportations, resistance in detention, migrant workers struggles, reports from the borders (Calais, Greece, Palestine...) plus films and food! Then from Thursday there will be 3 days of demonstrations, finishing with a "No Borders Carnival" from St Paul's at midday on the Saturday" [5].
- Contact: respect.nigerians[AT]
- Twitter: fcukba
- No Borders London
- More information on mass deportations:
"The Nigerian community makes up the oldest Black community in the United Kingdom. Over 200 years ago some of the earliest Nigerian arrivals found themselves in London as a direct result of the transatlantic slave trade."
BBC [6]
1 Parliament
2 Human Rights Watch
3 Institute of Race Relations
4 You Tube "Nigerian High Commissioner in London turns his back on deportees"
5 No Borders Convergence
Bring a tent and head for occupy LSX outside St Paul's Cathedral
31-01-2012 12:51
Occupy LSX is facing eviction within days and we need as many people as possible to come down to the occupy lsx site to pitch tents and to stay there until the eviction happens which would be just two or three days away. We want to make the eviction as long and as difficult as possible for the authorities so come down as soon as you can. There is plenty of room to pitch more tents.Catholic Workers Jailed in U.S. as part of the Occupy Movement
31-01-2012 12:04
Des Moines (iOWA/ USA) Catholic Worker founder Frank Cordaro was sentenced to 30 days in Polk County, Iowa early this morning, after he and 10 other members of Occupy Des Moines were arrested for criminal trespass at "People's Park" at the Iowa State Capitol at 11pm last night. Des Moinies Catholic Worker Eddie Bloomer was sentenced to 14 days.Dale Farm: Second Eviction Threat
31-01-2012 06:31
Following clearance from their own land
last October, families on the Dale Farm
estate have now been warned they could
face imprisonment for contempt of court
if they continue to live within the eviction
Leicester EDL march: route announced
31-01-2012 02:55
The EDL will be meeting from 11am on Saturday 4th Feb for their Leicester march. The muster point is St Margaret’s Pastures, just outside the ring road. The march will start at 12.30pm when they’ll go onto St Margaret’s Way, Burley’s Way, Abbey St, right onto Belgrave Gate, then Church St and back to St Margaret’s Pastures where they will be allowed a static demo for a limited period of time. Pubs in the city centre are being discouraged from serving alcohol for the duration.
The route of the march goes perilously close to the Somalian area of St Matthews, a likely target for fascist trouble making on the day. Leicester Police’s Rob Nixon, who patronisingly told the local Asian community to leave it to him last time, is in charge again. We do not have any confidence that this idiot or his colleagues will defend the local community and call on anti-fascists to support the well organised community defence against this fascist invasion.
Meanwhile UAF are having a pointless parade at the other end of town, proving once more that they are more interested in self-promotion than actually helping to defend communities.
The EDL have been making their intentions clear on Facebook. Leicester Casuals United have said that “We will not be meeting in the town centre as we refuse being herded like cattle for the day, we will go where we want when we want” adding ominously “we have a good idea where we’re heading”. As EDL LGBT division leader Liam Woods put it “YAY WERE GONNA GET TO SMASH LEIECESTER UP”.
The Leicester public are not impressed by this EDL invasion or the lockdown of the city for the day. Despite increasingly desperate denials and justifications from the leader of the Leicester Division, most have seen through the shoddy excuse for a fight with Leicester’s Asian community and wish the EDL would leave the city alone.
Obviously it takes a lot more than distaste to stop these fools. If we are serious about turning the EDL away, we need to be out in numbers in the communities they are likely to target on the day. It would be a good idea for anti-fascists to join the local communities of St Matthews and Highfields and make sure that the fascists do not assault these areas. They shall not pass!
Free Video Training from Camcorder Guerrillas
30-01-2012 22:55
Camcorder Guerillas are running a series of free video workshops aimed at small community or grassroots campaigners with little or no funding.
Please feel free to circulate this email and flyer to people who may benefit from this training.
Nazi thugs attack Morning Star sellers & Communists
30-01-2012 22:55
Morning Star sellers and supporters were "abused and spat at" by nazi-saluting thugs in Glasgow on Saturday.
Eyewitnesses said eight men rounded on the stall in Buchanan Street in the centre of the city with one filming the encounter while the others attempted to intimidate the sellers.
Fuel protesters storm British Gas headquarters
30-01-2012 20:55
A grioup of activists have barricaded themselves into meeting rooms on two floors of British Gas offices in Staines, Middlesex, as part of the "Winter Warm-Up" weekend called by the campaign group Fuel Poverty Action. British Gas is being targeted as one of the Big Six energy companies making profits out of rising energy bills. It is planned to stream the occupation live on the internet, with a "Heat or Eat" comedy quiz played by the occupiers, and audience participation over Twitter.
Hannah Edler, 27, a Heat or Eat contestant, said "Heat or Eat is a choice no-one should have to face. The Big Six energy companies are raking in record profits while our bills rise, and thousands die unable to heat their homes. We’re here to put ourselves in the way of this shameless profiteering.”
Edler added: "Instead of paying billions to Big Six bosses every year, we could have a fairer system where our energy is owned by communities who decide how it is priced and produced. Money could be better spent on giving homes proper insulation, and investing in moving away from the dangerous fossil fuel system which the Big Six have trapped us in. To provide for everyone’s needs and stop wrecking the planet’s climate, we need democratic control of our energy system!"
This action is part of a national weekend of protests called by campaign group Fuel Poverty Action targeting energy companies, local government and housing providers over fuel poverty and corporate greed. The protests, dubbed "Winter Warm Ups" and organised by community, environmental and Occupy groups, also took place in Lewisham, Haringey, Hackney, Swindon (outside RWE Npower office), Leeds, Manchester, Cambridge, and the City of London. They demand a fair democratic energy system which provides warm housing for all and a safe climate for our future.
Fuel Poverty Action hopes that other actions will be carried out against British Gas and other energy companies and that their directors will be held to account for the way that they are abusing their position to exploit ordinary people.
At least 20 police are now on site and are attempting to get inside the rooms by breaking down the doors.
London protest against ACTA, Sat Feb 11
30-01-2012 20:23
PROTESTS against the ACTA attack on web freedom are spreading fast, with one planned for the UK on Saturday February 11.Spotlight on Elish Angiolini and the stories that refuse to go away
30-01-2012 16:48
Following on from the £1/2million Breach of the Peace trial to silence accusations of paedophilia amongst Scotland’s establishment figures, and the laying of a complaint against Angiolini for the use of public funds in a private legal action come new accusations of corruption and cover up at the highest levels of the Scottish Government.Shift Magazine: Review Paul Mason's new book
30-01-2012 15:11
Of all the events of 2011, the least predictable may well be the adoption of the economics editor of Newsnight as an avuncular figure for the left’s new generation. But Paul Mason’s gift for being in the right place at the right time, and reporting from there with enthusiasm, vitality and sympathy has made him stand out from the crowd, not only amongst mainstream journalists but also intellectuals, who tend to have neither his wit or reach.Smash EDO: Update and dates coming up
30-01-2012 13:13
Here is a list of Smash EDO related stuff coming up.Get in touch with your ideas for the Summer of Resistance.