Smash EDO: Update and dates coming up
Smasher | 30.01.2012 13:13 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Palestine | South Coast | World
Here is a list of Smash EDO related stuff coming up.
Get in touch with your ideas for the Summer of Resistance.
Get in touch with your ideas for the Summer of Resistance.
Hello Smashers,
Here is our long overdue update of events coming up and stuff to get involved in.
Remember that noise demos take place outside the EDO/ITT factory on Home Farm Road every Wednesday, 4-6. Everyone welcome!
The Summer of Resistance will start on the first of May 2012, when a special noise demo will take place at the factory, hopefully involving as many of you as possible. If you can, do come down to get the summer off to a good start and meet other people taking action.
If you have any plans for action during the summer of resistance, do email us and let us know (unless you want it to be a surprise of course!). Planned actions will not be made public in advance unless you want them to be. If you need any help or support just drop us a line and we can come to you for a chat. Or let us know if you want to put on a public meeting in your area. For more info about the Summer of Resistance see
Dates for the diary:
Sunday 5th of February 1.40-2.20 pm: Smash EDO Summer of Resistance talk at People’s Youniversity, Portsmouth. Location to be announced.
Sunday 12th of February, 11am: We'll be at a film showing of 'Not in Our Name' at the Renoir Cinema in London. This has been put on by the London Socialist Film Co-op. Meet us there for a chat.
13-15th of February: Smash EDO at the No Borders Convergence, Location and date of workshop to be announced.
15th March, 7-9pm: Smash EDO Summer Of Resistance info night, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Together with out friends at Campaign Against the Arms Trade.
"Every bomb that is dropped, every bullet that is fired in the name of this war of terror, has to be made somewhere. And wherever that is, it can be resisted."
Here is our long overdue update of events coming up and stuff to get involved in.
Remember that noise demos take place outside the EDO/ITT factory on Home Farm Road every Wednesday, 4-6. Everyone welcome!
The Summer of Resistance will start on the first of May 2012, when a special noise demo will take place at the factory, hopefully involving as many of you as possible. If you can, do come down to get the summer off to a good start and meet other people taking action.
If you have any plans for action during the summer of resistance, do email us and let us know (unless you want it to be a surprise of course!). Planned actions will not be made public in advance unless you want them to be. If you need any help or support just drop us a line and we can come to you for a chat. Or let us know if you want to put on a public meeting in your area. For more info about the Summer of Resistance see
Dates for the diary:
Sunday 5th of February 1.40-2.20 pm: Smash EDO Summer of Resistance talk at People’s Youniversity, Portsmouth. Location to be announced.
Sunday 12th of February, 11am: We'll be at a film showing of 'Not in Our Name' at the Renoir Cinema in London. This has been put on by the London Socialist Film Co-op. Meet us there for a chat.
13-15th of February: Smash EDO at the No Borders Convergence, Location and date of workshop to be announced.
15th March, 7-9pm: Smash EDO Summer Of Resistance info night, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Together with out friends at Campaign Against the Arms Trade.
"Every bomb that is dropped, every bullet that is fired in the name of this war of terror, has to be made somewhere. And wherever that is, it can be resisted."
e-mail: twitter: @smash_edo