UK Newswire Archive
We are leaving College Green
13-01-2012 19:25
One of the key concerns for us at this stage is to minimise any expense to the taxpayer. We hoped that the above route would mean that the Council would not need to spend unnecessary money on a legal battle. Occupy Bristol therefore decided not to legally contest the proceedings today.
We demand the truth about British involvement in torture
13-01-2012 17:30
The announcement by the CPS and Scotland Yard regarding the decision not to pursue certain individuals from British intelligence in relation to allegations of complicity in torture may, on the face of it, seem to have brought the matter to a close. That, however, is not quite it.
Protest against Atos & police repression
13-01-2012 16:55
Now more than ever!
In September 2011, two Nottingham residents, a retired paediatric nurse and a wheelchair user were arrested following a peaceful protest at the local offices of Atos ‘Healthcare’. Faced with an impressive solidarity campaign and having a pathetically weak case, the CPS and Atos backed down and the charges of aggravated trespass were dropped.
However, this case of political policing, an attempt to intimidate protesters and deter further acts of direct action, is not an isolated one: just before X-Mas three arbitrary arrests were made in relation to a Notts Uncut protest. Aside from coppers manhandling one arrestee these events are particularly disturbing as the third arrest took place as supporters were simply waiting for the others to be released.
In recent years Notts Police had been better known for their frequent blunders and blatant incompetence rather than a particular urge to repress peaceful protests. However, recent arrests and charges, along with other attempts of harassment and intimidation (e.g. confiscating tapes from a photography student who had filmed an arrest) indicate a change in policy. This was summed up by one copper’s comment who said with regards to the ‘Atos Two’ that “There has been too much of this sort of thing going on and we've been told to crack down on it.”
Atos remains however one of the many examples of why we need much more of “this sort of thing”. The company, who administers the Work Capability Assessments for the Department of Work and Pensions, has been the subject of national protests.
Being paid £100m a year, Atos is happy to do their very best to support the government’s attack on disabled people. The company quickly became infamous for its atrocious conduct towards claimants, driven by a fierce determination to force as many people as possible off disability benefits – regardless of their physical and/or psychological abilities.
Atos has helped the government to worsen the living conditions of thousands of people. Many have been denied vital benefits and forced into a job market offering no jobs, which leads to further harassment by Job Center Plus and assorted poverty pimps like A4E, Working Links, etc.
‘Atos Two’ case “discontinued”
13-01-2012 14:55
We are glad to announce that the case against the ‘Atos Two' is being ‘discontinued', i.e. dropped.
However, it is now more than ever necessary to continue the protests against Atos, to defy any attempts of police repression and to stand with those whose actions are being criminalised.
In September 2011, two Nottingham residents, a retired paediatric nurse and a wheelchair user were arrested following a peaceful protest at the local offices of Atos ‘Healthcare’. Faced with an impressive solidarity campaign and having a pathetically weak case, the CPS and Atos backed down and the charges of aggravated trespass were dropped.
The prosecution stated that they would “discontinue” the case, the reason given was that the “complainant no longer supports the prosecution”. It is unknown whether this change of mind was due to Atos’ concerns of further bad publicity or whether coppers and/or CPS advised the “complainant” to back off before their case would have been dismantled in court (or maybe both).
In any case it is without question that the remarkable acts of solidarity by hundreds of people did make a significant impact. The public pressure mounting up even before the trial had started will have made an impression, demonstrating the importance of such practical acts of solidarity and the potential of mutual aid and support.
The ‘Atos Two’ have asked us to express their gratitude to everyone who has supported them over the last few months and let you know that you’re all fantastic!
However, it mustn’t be forgotten that this case of political policing, an attempt to intimidate protesters and deter further acts of direct action, is not an isolated one. The arrests of Notts Uncut activists just before X-Mas and the confiscation of a photography student’s tapes after he filmed an arrest indicate that the local force is changing their attitude towards peaceful protest. This seems to have been confirmed by a police officers’ remark who commented on the arrest of the ‘Atos Two’ by stating that there “had been too much of this sort of thing and we were told to crack down on it”.
Furthermore Atos is still committed to make people’s lives a misery and the company remains one of the many examples why we need much more of “this sort of thing”.
Therefore we must continue to protest against Atos and to defy any attempts of intimidation by direct action. We must also engage in acts of practical solidarity with those who find themselves subject to police repression and/or caught up in the justice system.
Whether someone is being harassed or assaulted by law enforcers in the streets, put through a WCA, dragged through the courts or locked away in prisons or detention centres, an injury to one is an injury to all!
Join us for a protest against Atos ‘Healthcare’ and police repression on Friday 3rd February 2012 at 12.30pm.
Largest ever Gitmo protest demands Gitmo be closed
13-01-2012 13:17
Video: The march to the Supreme Court and the speakers there -
37 anti-Guantanamo activists arrested outside White House
13-01-2012 12:22
Eire: Guantanamo Protest at US Embassy In Ballsbridge on 10th Anniversary
13-01-2012 12:15
Blood & Iron
13-01-2012 10:11
This is a message to the punks on Aceh island from inside the social conditions that have hit you like a toxic tsunami. Scattered and from far away, we are watching you in solidarity. In your undomitable will, that led you on the path walked by so many intimate witnesses of the banality of evil, we recognise ourselves, and in the iconic scenario of your entrapment we perceive echoes from our own hunts. Deep inside the ancient caverns of our tortured souls, we love you for what you are, because that is all we can do, love and fight, until we have permanently taken back our heads from the oppressors of humanity. In this age of discord and denial, we happened to experience what must end for everyone so that it can finally end for ourselves. Therefore, we are trying to stay alive and grasping for language to penetrate the flood of lies that were made from stolen truths. In seeing you face the very same challenges, we are humbly being reminded that everything we have not said we meant just like that.Phase three of the 'war on terror'
13-01-2012 01:38
Phase three in the "war on terror" now looks closer than ever. An attack on Iran.Occupy Sheffield: Press Statement
13-01-2012 00:45
Occupy Sheffield started 2012 in determined fashion; unlike banks, parliament and many corporations we did not suspend activity or trading over Christmas and New Year. Instead we continued working for the many, expanding our Occupation and opening Sheffield’s Citadel of Hope.Jock Palfreeman Solidarity Demo in London
13-01-2012 00:29
Jock Palfreeman Solidarity Demo. Thursday 15th March 2012. 11am – 2pm. London.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Census Refuser Trials Liverpool 17 & 18 Jan. Solidarity and support needed
12-01-2012 23:55
Sarah, Derek and Andy (possibly with others) are in Liverpool Magistrates Court on Tuesday and Wednesday 17 and 18 January for their trials. All are being prosecuted for refusing to complete the 2011 census and all have cited weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin's involvement in the census data processing among their reasons for refusal. Their initial hearings were on 8 December [see report and photos plus background].
Join us inside and outside the court to offer solidarity and support to all the defendants. Vigil and demo outside the court from 9.30am both days. Continue the vigil or watch the proceedings in court from 10am.
Military refers all charges against Bradley Manning to court martial
12-01-2012 22:33
William Singletary, 65, Courageous Witness of Mumia's Innocence
12-01-2012 21:28
The movement of the indignados began in the Lacandon Jungle:
12-01-2012 19:57
Pablo González Casanova, now nearly 90, is a former rector of UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). A sociologist, academic and researcher, he is one of Mexico’s most respected intellectuals. This article was his contribution to the recent seminar “planet earth: anti-systemic movements” held in Chiapas on the 18th anniversary of the Zapatista uprising.
Prof David Nutt Lecture at University of Derby
12-01-2012 18:55
Wednesday 11 January 2012
At 6.30pm on Wednesday evening, I was pleased to attend a lecture by one of my heros, Professor. David Nutt in the series "Scientists In The Firing Line".
David Nutt had been the Chair of the Government Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. A post he was sacked from by the then Home Secretary Alan Johnson.
The point of the lecture was to illustrate the fact that law and policy is supposed to be predicated on the scientific advice derived from this committee and the expertese it represents. Bloody hell, they are supposed to consult.
However, in the interests of political expediency, they sacked the good professor on 30th October 2009 because he didn't agree with the drug classifications the govenments wanted. Probably because they think there are votes to be had from the "war on drugs" and a tough stance.
In January 2009, the Professor published an article debating how society assesses various risks and claimed the risks of horse riding and other activities could be equal or more in society than the risks of ecstasy use.
The article sparked fury from anti-drugs campaigners and ministers, who accused him of going on a personal crusade to downgrade illegal drugs.
Here is a copy of the exchange between David Nut and the Home Secretary Alan Johnson:
David Nutt insists that his advice is based on evidence and not expediency. That comparitive harms are supposed to be taken into account. Such as the relative dangers of smoking cannabis, consumption of alcohol, taking of class A's such as Ecstacy and as he'd said horse riding!
He maintains that classification should be based on such relative harms .... and they at the moment, they are not.
Following his sacking, Professor Nutt established the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (ISCD). The Committee investigates and reviews the scientific evidence relating to drugs to promote widespread informed public understanding; promoting effective policies and practice in the UK, and internationally.
Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (ISCD)
University of Derby Lecture listing:
Can we bring reason to government policy on alcohol and other drugs?
Education Health and Science Faculty guest speaker Professor David Nutt, of Imperial College, London.
The regulation of drugs - including alcohol and tobacco - is an issue of pressing importance due to the increasing health care costs associated with their use and the new sorts of synthetic agents being developed and sold over the internet.
The talk will reflect on these issues in the light of Professor Nutt's ten years experience on the government's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs from which he was sacked about a year ago.
Professor Nutt shall present new analyses that compare the harms of drugs and alcohol using more sophisticated methodology and challenge many of the current misconceptions about drugs - their harms - and how to deal with them.
Scientists In The Firing Line:
Can we bring reason to government policy on alcohol and other drugs?
Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (ISCD)
David Nutt's Blog: Evidence not Exaggeration
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
From Evolution to Revolution (London Anthropology meetings)
12-01-2012 13:56
Shell's tree cutting disrupted for second day running in Mayo
12-01-2012 12:13
Disruption to the felling of the Coillte (state) woodland for Shell's planned onshore pipeline (along with the stopping of haulage trucks to the Aughoose compound), continued today as protestors intercepted a specialist 8-track tree felling machine between the Aughoose tunnelling compound and Leenamore forest.