UK Newswire Archive
MAJOR successes for N30 Strike!!
30-11-2011 21:02

Royal Holloway Occupied
30-11-2011 20:55
Today at 1.18pm GMT Royal Holloway students, including activists from Royal Holloway Anti-Cuts Alliance (RHACA) and the Save Classics campaign, occupied the senior management corridor at Royal Holloway, University of London. Demands have been issued to the Principal, asking Senior Management to withdraw staff redundancy notices and for the Principal to sign a ‘Pledge’ issued on Wednesday 23rd November 2011 against cuts, restructuring, the HE white paper and fees.
RHACA, who are affiliated to the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC), have been joined by a fresh wave of new education activists, galvanised by the restructuring taking place at the university and a fast-growing education campaign within the Students’ Union of Royal Holloway, University of London (SURHUL). Students handed their demands to the Principal and discussions took place about the absence of students from decision making processes and a lack of consultation over major issues, as well as the lack of response regarding the recent pledge. Students have also asked that management allow free access in and out of the occupation for all students and lecturers.
“At Royal Holloway there’s been a serious lack of any meaningful consultation over the restructuring taking place,” said one activist. “We’ve held lobbies and issued the Principal’s Pledge and management haven’t even had the courtesy to reply.”
Another activist said, “The white paper will make way for privatization and a market in higher education, and Royal Holloway has already said it will be charging £9,000 fees. Rather than enter into any sort of democratic discussion, the management are carrying out their own plans regardless of bothering to find out what students actually think.”
“College management have been unable to provide any economic or business case for the redundancy notices they’re issuing to our lecturers, which is unbelievable considering we’re raking in a huge surplus year on year.”
Students have also expressed their support for the public sector workers strike, and say they will leave when demands are met.
Notes for Editors
. This is the fourth occupation of a Royal Holloway building in the last year
. Pictures and interviewees available
. Royal Holloway, University of London, has announced tuition fees of £9,000 (Principal’s Pledge)
Name: Craig Tel: 07824 331240
Royal Holloway Anti-Cuts Alliance
Royal Holloway, University of London
#N30 Trafalgar Square Barrier Crazy Containment
30-11-2011 20:55
A few snaps of the largest use I've seen of the police mobile road barriers - blocking access through Traf Sq in london today. Also as with the recent student demonstration on Nov 9th, the entire route of the march had every single possible exit street barricaded and guarded by a mix of police, vans, mounted riot officers (horses) and dogs.
Fuck total policing.
Message from Big Society to all
30-11-2011 20:52
Big Society blog ask for a Wake-Up Call!N30 Reports from WYSF
30-11-2011 20:33

N30 strikes in Wrexham.
30-11-2011 19:11

Birmingham N30 Strike photos part 2
30-11-2011 18:54

Birmingham N30 Strike photos part 1
30-11-2011 18:37

N30 march and rally in Oldham
30-11-2011 18:30
Oldham saw a 1,000 strong march and rally in the town centre by public sector strikers, the biggest, if not the only, demonstration the town has seen for a decade.
Oldham is a medium-sized town where there is very little political activism, so for it to muster a demonstration is a significant event. The demo was twice as big as the organisers expected, which shows how much strength of feeling there is on the pensions issue. I counted six different public service and education unions represented on the march. It did a short circuit twice round the commercial district of the town centre and ended with a rally outside the market hall.
There were at least six speakers, from different unions. All expressed indignation, if not outrage, that they were being expected to take a pension cut by millionnaire government ministers. Some saw an injustice particularly because the government had no problem finding public money to bail out the bankers. But all of the speeches were confined to the pensions issue, I did not hear anybody link this to public sector cuts in general, nor anybody using the language of class warfare, or offering to escalate the strike. So much for the strikers being "militants spoiling for a fight"! The talk was about fairness and honouring employment contracts, nothing more subversive.
Unison members were handing out a leaflet that aims to nail the three main lies the government is putting about on pensions. The first is that they have a concern for the welfare of pensioners. In fact, the state retirement pension has steadily decreased on value over the past thirty years, as have all other welfare state benefits. None have kept pace with inflation. Since this is so, people need to supplement their state pension. Second, public sector pensions are not a unfair drain on other taxpayers. Workers contribute towards their own pensions, so they are subsidising themselves and other workers in retirement. What about the billions of pounds spent on (means-tested) pension credit, is that also an unfair drain on taxpayers? Lastly, the lie that public sector pensions are unaffordable has already been disproved by the National Audit Office, which found that the cost of pensions will shortly reduce as a proportion of GDP, and will eventually be 3 per cent.
I myself do not have a pension and I am unlikely to ever have one. I support the people who are fighting to protect theirs. I don't 'do' envy and no Tory politicians are going to induce me to. There is no case for demanding that workers living standards should be dragged down, but rather. people working in all sectors should be accorded a dignified retirement.
N30 Strike! MARCH
30-11-2011 18:30
A few photos of N30 Strike Demo at Victoria Embankment. I'm afraid my kids were a bit unco-operative - they thought the whole thing was very boring and no fun! Quite perceptive... anyway this is what I managed to photograph.
Better luck next time perhaps.
Callout From Occupied Lancaster
30-11-2011 18:30
Currently very small (but growing!) occupation has began in lancaster.
We have no regular internet access, but the police have OK'd our stay for the time being.
Help us get the word out
love and solidarity,
#occupied lancaster
Currently very small (but growing!) occupation has began in lancaster.
We have no regular internet access, but the police have OK'd our stay for the time being.
Help us get the word out
Pics: Storming of Panton house -Xstrata #OccupyN30
30-11-2011 18:30
About 60 protestors gained entry into the offices of mining company Xstrata, a ‘leading light' of the FTSE 100 and British industry to highlight the fact that CEO Mick Davies was the highest compensated CEO of all the FTSE 100 companies in the last year, when his companies had losses and the economy collapsed. He received £18,426,105 for his efforts.
The action announced by OccupyLSX left piccadilly circus and marched down Haymarket before taking a sharp left into Panton street and rushing through the doors of Panton House. After a couple of minutes police arrived and started violently pushing people back from the doors. An announcement was made via a human mic about why the occupation was taking place (see below). There were reports of very rough treatment inside. Police then moved to kettle the crowd with some violent attacks as they pushed people back. Other people were dragged to the side of the street and searched. A samba band kept playing in solidarity with those still inside (the building and the kettle).
As of 5pm there are still many people kettled and a coach with police officers at the front has been brought in - perhaps to arrest people?
This comes in a year when the average pay rise of executives across FTSE 100 companies was 43%, with ‘top’ directors at 49%. [2]
Led by a samba band to the building from Piccadilly Circus, the protesters entered the HQ at 25-7 Haymarket, London, with the protesters chanting against the corporate greed of Mick and other executives, in support of all those striking for fair pensions for all today. The protestors also unfurled a banner saying “All power to the 99%” from the roof top.
There are currently about 20 protesters inside – being held down on knees, of which many are women. There are a few hundred people kettled outside.
The protesters today are making the connection between the slashing of private and public sector pensions, while supposed ‘top’ executives cash in by increasing their own pay levels, leaving many without pensions. These CEOs like Mick Davies lavishly secure their own futures while ignoring the security and wellbeing of their own workers.
Mines have closed in Australia, South Africa and Spain within the last decade resulting in hundreds of workers in the last decade being laid off.
Karen Lincoln, supporter of Occupy London said: “Mick Davies is a prime example of the greedy 1 per cent, lining their own pockets while denying workers pensions. In this time when the government enforces austerity on the 99 per cent, these executives are profiting. The rest of us are having our pensions cuts, health service torn apart and youth centres shut down.
“We refuse to stand by and let this happen. We call on others to join us in the fight for a more just society. Today we have taken this to one of the offices of the 1 per cent. This is only the beginning. Come and join us on 15th December for Occupy Everywhere.”
Occupy London will unveil details of Occupy Everywhere soon. Be ready.
Sheffield University occupied
30-11-2011 17:47
Sheffield student occupation - initial statementYaz: Food and Drug Administration to Discuss Dangerous Contraceptive Pills
30-11-2011 17:38

Yaz: Food and Drug Administration to Discuss Dangerous Contraceptive Pills
Ban demanded / New surveys find increased thrombosis risks / 10,400 lawsuits against BAYER / More than 200 deaths
N30 March In Oxford: My march
30-11-2011 17:35
Thousands of striking workers took to the streets of Oxford to support the national day of action against pension cuts. I went along too, here are my impressions of the demo.Smash EDO: Special noise demo in honour of Mark Rivers
30-11-2011 17:29
As we have previously reported long term Smash EDO campaigner Mark Rivers tragically died in a fire at his flat in Brighton in the early morning on Sunday, 6th of November at the age of 51.There will be a special noise demo in his honour next Wednesday (7th), 4-6 outside EDO/ITT. Spread the info and help us make it big!
Anarchist N30 in St. Andrews
30-11-2011 16:56