UK Newswire Archive
LIBYA: NATO massacre at Sirte
29-08-2011 22:38

Dale Farm in Court to stop Eviction
29-08-2011 19:55
Dale Farm residents are going to attend a high court hearing on Wednesday (31 August) in a final bid to stop the bulldozing of their homes.
Dale Farm residents are going to attend a high court hearing on Wednesday (31 August) in a final bid to stop the bulldozing of their homes.
They are calling on supporters join them outside the Royal Courts of Justice, in the Strand, London, at 12 noon.
"This is our last chance to appeal to a judge to stop the eviction", said Kathleen McCarthy. "We hope British justice will see fit to save us from this act of ethnic-cleansing."
Final notice to quit their land at Dale Farm, Basildon,Essex, expires at midnight on Wednesday.
15 Websites Now Defying Atos Legal Threats - please help!
29-08-2011 15:19

Please join in and support these sites!
A few quick clarifications on the recent riots
29-08-2011 10:47
In light of these conflicting interests it is puzzling to see so many - among them Anarchists - defending "communities" and denouncing attacks on them. These communities are not communes, no free associations of producers and consumers, not groups with common interests, but ensembles of conflicting ones. Shop owners, workers, estate kids, council workers, small and large scale capitalists, they do not have the same interests, many of them have directly conflicting ones. The call for community spirit in disregard of what these communities are is, in essence, the same as a nationalist call for unity: a call to subject ones' own interests to that of the "common good". A common good that asks for subordination and restriction. This appreciation of the moralistic collective is what appeals to right-wing, left-wing and some radical writers alike.The British left spreads misinformation about Libya
29-08-2011 07:20
Can we trust the left over Libya?Bankrupt Agrexco face possible criminal prosecution
28-08-2011 21:22
Agrexco, the Israeli part-state owned agricultural export company that supports illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and has been the target of an international boycott campaign as a result, now faces possible criminal prosecution in Israel.Auditors of the bankrupt firm have uncovered accountancy fraud apparently intended to cover up Agrexco's intimate relationship with the Israeli governments agricultural policies.
Although not expressly stated in this report, the report suggests that Agrexco was propping up illegal settlements in the OPTs with financial payments in order to support Israeli Govt settlement colonisation policies at the expense of their own profitability. If this is so, the case against Agrexco put by BDS campaigners over the past 7 years, of the company's complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity, has just been strengthened substantially.
NATO's rape of Libya: Never forgive, never forget
28-08-2011 18:50

Call for a database of vicitms of Police violence.
28-08-2011 15:32
Given the numbers of people becoming victims of Police violence, from the beating in the Police station to cold blooded execution, we need to keep records of all the cases that occur. There is no independent database, or details of victims at present.Post-riot repression hits Nottingham
28-08-2011 11:55
In the aftermath of the riots that swept the UK earlier this month, local courts and authorities have been swift to crackdown. Notts Police have charged 75 people with offences relating to the disorder, including 18-year old Amed Pelle who was sent to prison for 2 years and 9 months for comments made on Facebook. Nottingham City Council have also jumped at the opportunity to look tough and Leader Jon Collins has said he ‘will seek to evict anyone who is directly involved, or whose sons or daughters have been involved in disturbances.’ In response a group has formed to resist any evictions.
On the newswire: 2 yrs 9 mths for chatting shit on Facebook | Stop Jon Collins’ vindictive evictions
Previous feature: Riots spread to Nottingham
With the Tories calling for exceptionally tough sentencing for those involved in the disturbances, a number of high profile cases have made headlines including a mother jailed for 5 months for handling stolen shorts (who was later freed on appeal), a man jailed for 6 months for stealing a bottle of water and a man jailed for 16 months for taking a lick of an ice cream.
There have also been sentences of several years for posting material on the internet that supposedly incited rioting. Two men from the North West were sentenced to 4 years in prison for ’inciting riots’ on 16th August. Jordan Blackshaw organised an event that only himself and the police turned up to, whereas Perry Sutcliffe-Keenan made a joke page called the Warrington Riots whilst drunk and then removed it the next morning. In Nottingham, 18-year old Amed Pelle was sentenced to 2 years 9 months in jail after making a number of pro-riot comments on his Facebook page.
Soon after the riots began the Government considered banning people from accessing social networking sites in order to quell the riots and met with the heads of Facebook, Twitter and Research in Motion (the company behind the Blackberry Messenger service) to ‘discuss their responsibilities in this area’. David Cameron asked the police whether they needed new powers to shut off social networking sites. Although the Government has since backtracked it is worth noting that the move received praise from the Chinese state. It is also worth noting that only months before, during the Arab Spring, the UK was commending the social networking of rioters who overthrew governments in Tunisia and Egypt.
Various central government and local authorities have also called for other punishments for those linked to rioting and their families, including stripping them of welfare benefits and evicting them from their council houses. Proceedings have already begun in the London Boroughs of Wandsworth and Southwark to evict tenants who have been charged along with their families. Campaigners against the evictions call the moves double punishment and collective punishment and have demonstrated outside the home of Ravi Govindia, the leader of Wandsworth Council. Nottingham City Council is also threatening to evict tenants from Nottingham City Homes properties. NCCLOLs has examined the tenancy agreement and recommends that those who might be affected seek legal advice soon.
Atos Macht Frei – That Censored Carer Watch Post Revealed!
28-08-2011 11:42

The offending piece was not written by a Carer Watch forum member, but was a repost with a clear link to the site on which it originally appeared. Please republish.
Sexual and physical abuse of domestic worker must be stopped
28-08-2011 10:17
While the Arab spring is bringing democracy to Libya and Egypt Saudi Arabia continues to abuse millions of domestic workers. Hundreds and maybe thousands of working class women working as virtual slave labourers in their employers houses in middle-eastern countries have been killed without. Nothing is done as working class women from poor countries are seen as expendable.Lies on Libya
28-08-2011 10:02
Are we living in an Orwellian world in regard to Libya. Below is an extract from a UN human rights report on Libya that was published on January 2011. If Gaddafi was a brutal dictator, you'd have though they would have noticed it.URGENT call out against Evictions
27-08-2011 17:16
Southwark Council has written to 35 tenants where they or a member of their household have been charged over the disorder earlier this month. This is another opportunity for us to fight back against these draconian measures.
Let's send a clear message that we will not accept this spiteful attitude.
Southwark - not in our name - not with our money.
Follow us on twitter: @EndEvictions
BBC Link

Solidarity Action for a comrade detained in Norway - !Acción Solidaria
27-08-2011 15:42
Greetings friends and comrades ! Solidarity needed against Scandinavian fascism, hate and homophobia, I have been executed social/Psych. by the community of Tromsø, and UNN TROMSØ, please read carefully, the situation is horrible -.-bins set alite in Newton, Tameside
27-08-2011 10:04
fires keep on burning...2 yrs 9 mths for chatting shit on Facebook
27-08-2011 09:55
18-year old Amed Pelle of New Basford has been sent down for 2 years and 9 months for supposedly inciting rioting on Facebook. Pelle wrote 'Nottz Riot whose onit?' and 'Kill one black youth; we'll kill a million Fedz: riot til we own cities' on his page during the riots earlier this month. There is no evidence that he or any of his friends actually did anything during the riots.
Pelle is quoted as having said in his police interview that he hoped that 'youth would take over the streets and Government, police and society could do nothing'. But whether he is seriously responsible for inciting rioting seems questionable. It looks much more like he's just a naive kid who was easy for the justice system to pick on to make itself look tough. It can't have helped him that he's pretty much a stereotype Daily Mail hate figure, being an immigrant and a benefits claimant as well as young and black.
In sentencing, Judge John Milmo told Pelle that his comments 'encouraged attacks on the people of Nottingham as a whole, and the people of other cities.' This of course is untrue. Pelle only mentioned the police in his message.
The case follows the cases of two men who were jailed for 4 years for using Facebook to 'organise riots' that never happened in the North West. Jordan Blackshaw (20) and Perry Sutcliffe (22) were also young and naive about using social networking sites. Jordan claims his posts were a joke.
There is no evidence that any of these three was involved in rioting or looting. Their only 'crime' has been to gob off on a very public site that the police regularly monitors for intelligence purposes. Essentially they are being jailed for having anti-state thoughts.
Interestingly, no cases for incitement to murder are currently being brought against the hundreds of reactionaries who used social networking sites to urge people to shoot, hang and otherwise dispatch rioters during the disturbances. It seems that it's only if you express anti-state opinions that the law applies in these circumstances. On the Post website, Pelle has been threatened with being strung up, deported to Cuba and a poster 'hope[s] he has a hard time in jail'. I don't suppose the police will hurry to investigate these online threats. It's zero tolerance for the excluded and anything goes for the hateful mainstream.
The use of social networking to promote anti-state activity is scaring the authorities so much that the government and police actually want the ability to turn off sites during times of unrest. Well known lovers of free speech in the Chinese state have praised the increasing totalitarianism of the government.
People must make sure they DON'T use personal or personally identifiable social networking profiles to call for anti-state action. This is the kind of shit you could end up in if you're not carefuly about staying anonymous on the net. Use sites that don't log your IP address like Indymedia for news posts, Network 23 for blogs and for microblogging. If you're going to use sites like Facebook and Twitter don't use a profile with your real personal details and use software like Tor to mask your IP address.
We should support Pelle as someone who has been royally fucked over by the state for daring to call for insurrection. We should do what we can to try to prevent people getting caught for thought crimes in the first place.
Critical Mass
27-08-2011 02:09
London Critical Mass ride this friday was an excellent rideThe looting continues. 9000 families homeless
26-08-2011 22:55
In the first 3 months of this year, house repossessions jumped 17% compared with last year. More than 9000 households, unable to service their debt, were forcibly evicted by thuggish bailiffs acting on court orders granted to lenders, who in some cases had been bailed out by taxpayers thanks to an un-mandated UK Govt when in a similar situation themselves.New anti-fascist group formed
26-08-2011 20:28
3 Counties Anti-Fascist Alliance is a new initiative in the Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire area.