UK Newswire Archive
#J30 Sheffield Rally at the end of the March
30-06-2011 19:52

More photos of the Manchester j30 march
30-06-2011 19:32

All pictures are Creative Commons licensed. Pinkolady would like to be credited where they are used.
Cardiff J30- BHS and Vodafone occupied
30-06-2011 19:07
In solidarity with striking workers today, Cardiff city centre hosted "Busk Against the Cuts", Food not Bombs and 3 seperate UK Uncut actionsBristol Indymedia And Bristol Animal Rights Collective Presents Bold Native
30-06-2011 18:55
Monday 4th July, 8pm, 3/4 but nobody refused for lack of funds - At Cube Cinema
" amazing and informative experience..."
Monday 4th July, 8pm, entry £3, £4 but nobody refused for lack of funds - At Cube Cinema
Bold Native is a fiction feature film. Charlie Cranehill, an animal liberator wanted by the United States government for domestic terrorism, emerges from the underground to coordinate a nationwide action as his estranged CEO father tries to find him before the FBI does. The film simultaneously follows a young woman who works for an animal welfare organization fighting within the system to establish more humane treatment of farmed animals. From abolitionists to welfarists, Bold Native takes on the issue of modern animal use and exploitation from several angles within the context of a road movie adventure story. Film will be introduced by Bristol Animal Rights Collective More info...
Critical Mass 30th June 11
30-06-2011 18:55
Thursday 30th June saw the first attempt to a General Strike in Britain for more than 80 years, although it was primarily a Public Sector workers' strike.
As part of the support for the strike from people who are not necessarily public sector workers, a Critical Mass happened in South London, visiting the picket lines that had been announced and showing support.
We met at about eight in the morning in Burgess Park. About 50 people on bikes set off at about half past eight, with more and more people joining as we biked.
The first drivers showed their solidarity by tooting, and soon we reached Elephant and Castle, where we greeted the picket outside the London College of Communication. After two rounds to the roundabout, the Mass continued towards Brixton, on the way meeting another picket line. We stayed with the workers for a few minutes while the mobile sound system got fixed, and we had music from then on.
Once in Brixton Oval (the public open space where Reclaim Your Food used to give away food every Sunday) we also joined some workers demonstrating there for a few minutes, and then what look like a hundred-strong crowd appeared at the door of Lambeth Town Hall.
After a brief spell up Brixton Hill we headed East again, towards Camberwell and on to New Cross. Up to that point the cyclists had managed to deal with the traffic by doing things like corking (staying static at junctions while the mass passed safely unrammed by cars and bigger vehicles). From New Cross on we had the kind help of Police (seven vans at one point) which made a difference in terms of respect showed by motorists. Amazing what the mere presence of a well-marked police vehicle can do to motorists' behaviour. On the occasions when we lost sight of them and then they appeared behind us again, all yelling at us, insulting and generally threatening behaviour from drivers on four wheels dissapeared. So in that sense their presence had a positive effect except on one occasion when a driver almost knocked off one of the bikers and a police officer just threatened to arrest both the aggressor and the victim.
When the mass arrived outside Deptford Town Hall, at about ten, it joined the demonstration that was taking place there. Lots of flags and a banner of South London Solidarity Federation were the landmark of a brief street party interrupted by the forces of law and order. The joint demonstration became a march towards Deptford and once there, the march and the mass went their own separate ways.
Police did not seem to realise it though, and a line of police on foot started to follow the critical mass. When it was obvious they would not keep up with the bikers, they were picked up – and apparently seven vans were needed for the picking up operation.
Critical Mass then made its way to Whitehall and Parliament Square, where it melted itself in the crowd.
J30 March in Manchester
30-06-2011 18:39

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#J30 Sheffield March Against Cuts
30-06-2011 18:25

#J30 Sheffield Rally at start of March
30-06-2011 16:35

J30: More Photos from Wrexham
30-06-2011 16:22

J30: Photos and Report from Wrexham
30-06-2011 16:13

JCP and Atos Origin superglued shut
30-06-2011 15:55
J30 solidarity action
Last night we superglued the locks to the doors of Job Centre Plus on Canal Street, and also Atos Origin on Stoney Street.
Solidarity to the J30 strikers, unemployed workers, and all those suffering from the severe austerity measures forced upon us by government, which is combined with the corporate greed of private companies who are happy to aid the oppression of the state.
Palestine Today 06 30 2011
30-06-2011 15:51

"Let Them Go!"
30-06-2011 15:25
Witness' see black men being stopped and searched.The 30th June Strikes and the Need for a New Working Class Movement
30-06-2011 14:12

Teacher and lecturers pension cuts
30-06-2011 12:38

j30 Critical Mass
30-06-2011 11:55
Watch live broadcasts from all over London, from the point of view of a cyclist! Follow live broadcasts from the critical mass cyslists who set off early this morning to ride around London to give support and encouragement to public section workers who are striking today. Brixton, Peckham, New Cross are some of the areas they will be passing.
They are now in New Cross:
Watch LIVE broadcasts here:
UG#555 - Homo Systematicus (Machines of Loving Grace & The World of Conspiracio)
30-06-2011 11:41

Fashion Show to Fight Human Trafficking and Support Fair Trade
30-06-2011 11:36

trafalgar sq occupation - arrests & eviction
30-06-2011 10:55
the 9th peaceful anti-cuts occupation in trafalgar square began last night. during the evening there were six arrests and plenty of intimidation. this morning couple of dozen protestors were evicted by a police operation involving 150 officers. they were also told a section 60 is in force today J30.
click on image for larger version. all images are 'some rights reserved' - free for credited non-commercial use, otherwise contact author for permission
at 6.30 yesterday evening, the anti-cuts occupation began in trafalgar square, with around 20 activists setting up a small marquee, and a ring of tents at the bottom of the steps near the olympic clock display.
as they have peacefully occupied this area on eight previous occasions, and as they had checked with the GLA that the square was not being used until friday morning, by which time they had pledged to peacefully leave, they did not expect any problems.
however, after a couple of hours, the heritage wardens, who had been filming them, were joined by police, and one of the protestors was targetted to be read the bye-laws. it was explained first by a heritage warden that he was in breach of the bye-laws and if he refused to leave he would have to submit his name and address for possible action against him. the police then added that if he didn't submit his details he would be arrested and taken to the station until he did so.
two grey suited GLA personnel seemed to be in charge of the operation, one of them continuously talking, perhaps to legal advisors, on the phone, and liaising with his wardens and the police.
the occupation group had a concensus meeting and agreed a principle of non-co-operation while leaving individuals to make their own decisions if targetted. the first arrest duly took place, and the activists was walked to the van and taken to charing cross station. there, he soon gave his details, and was allowed to leave, returning to the camp immediately.
after a while the heritage wardens approached another person and the same ritual was enacted. this time, the activist refused to walk with police and was then dragged to the next waiting van. he too returned after giving his details.
the third arrest was made all the more comical, pointless and surreal, due to the fact that the activists wore his 'v for vendetta' anonymous mask throughout the whole proceedings. the arrest was filmed, and appears to be unlawful because the police did not read him his rights, nor explain to him why he was being arrested, despite repeated requests on camera. apparently he kept his mask on throughout the encounter, eventually giving up his details and being allowed back to the square, mask intact.
the whole process occurred three more times, with the targets chosen perhaps arbitrarily or perhaps because wardens recognised them as regulars from previous occupations. also by about 11pm, a loose ring of 30 police were surrounding the camp at a distance in the square, and around half a dozen police vans littered the pavements, including a large prisoner transporter. a little before midnight they were also joined by a van of tsg riot police, and it looked like an eviction might be under consideration.
without explanation though, the police then withdrew, leaving just a few observing the occupation, and the night passed peacefully.
at around 7am this morning, they camp was again addressed by police, who told them that the area was needed to begin setting up for tomorrow's 'canada day' celebrations and that they were therefore required to leave, and would be evicted if necessary.
slowly the camp organised itself, and by 8.30 they were near the end of a concensus meeting at which they had made the decision to peacefully leave, when they were completely surrounded by more than 100 police, and they then packed up and were escorted out of the square.
the 'anonymous' mask wearer was told to remove his face covering this morning, informed that there was a section 60 in force throughout the day. are the police expecting to cause trouble with the public sector unions i wonder?
j30 Critical Mass
30-06-2011 10:32
Watch live broadcasts from a Nokia Phone all over London, from the point of view of a cyclist!