UK Newswire Archive
Picnic and Party Against Atos - part 2 - Monday May 9th
08-05-2011 21:16
Monday, May 9 · 2:00pm – 6:00pmAtos Origin HQ, Triton Square, London, NW1
UK: We will continue to fight against terrorism wherever it rears its head
08-05-2011 18:28

Unemployed Daytime Disco #5
08-05-2011 17:52
UNEMPLOYED DAYTIME DISCO #5 - 'THE MERRY MONTH OF MAY'Monday 16 May, 2 - 8 pm, The Rockin Chair, Lower Cathedral Road, Riverside, Cardiff
Hollman Morris to edge in a new era for journalism in Latin America
08-05-2011 17:45
Award-winning Colombian journalist Hollman Morris is using social networking sites such as 'Twitter', 'Facebook' and 'YouTube' in an attempt to self-finance his investigative reporting program 'Contravia'.IMHRO: 9 people executed in Ahwaz: 2 died under torture: Western English Media s
08-05-2011 16:11
Following recent peaceful demonstration in Ahwaz death toll rise to more than 60 people, 9 young men executed in city of Ahwaz and 2 died under torture by Iranian intelligence service. Sources inside al- Ahwaz told the names of those who killed as following:Nottingham Animal Rights Campaigning
08-05-2011 14:55
Two more weeks and more of active campaigning in Nottingham and beyond.
Monday 9th May 2011
Foston Pig Farm Demo
Join the demo against the planning application at 12noon at Bank Road, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3NN (pick-up at 10:30 at sumac).
Midland Pig Producers plans Britain's largest pig factory farm to subject around 25,000 animals to a life of permanent confinement, suffering and boredom. The farm intends to produce one thousand pigs a week who will be transported off site to slaughter. Object before 13th May.
Details from
Tuesday 10th May 2011 to Sunday 22nd May
Protest the 'Great' British Circus
The Japanese Water Gardens, near Nottingham, plays host to Martin Lacey's Lincolnshire-based circus, one of just three in Britain to still use wild animals. Animals used in the circus include tigers, zebra, camels, llamas, horses, ponies, dogs, goats and reindeer.
Tuesday 10th: Demo 6pm @ Japanese water gardens, Stapleford/ pick-up 5:20 @ sumac
Weds 11th - 6:30 @ Japanese water gardens
Sunday 15th - 2pm.
Demos continue to Sunday 22nd May - to be kept informed join the Nottingham Animal Rights mailing list at
or call 07709 231267 / 07508 521066.
Details from
Thursday 12th May 2011
Brinsley Animal Rescue Workday, transport from Bramcote 6:30
Details from
Friday 13th May 2011
Nottingham Greyhound Stadium Demo
Starts 18:30 - Approx fortnightly
Details from
Saturday 14th May 2011
Global Boycott Procter & Gamble Day XV
Nottingham stall: Old Market Square 12:00
Details from
Sunday 15th Great british circus demo 2pm @ JWG pickup 1:30 canning circus
Wednesday 18th May 2011
Derby Animal Rights meeting
Venue to be confirmed - call 07951 304652
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Thursday 19th May 2011
Nottingham Animal Rights Networking
7:30 @ Broadway
Details from
Saturday 21st May 2011
Veggies catering @ National Vegetarian Week Launch Event in Manchester
Details from
Sunday 22nd May 2011
Nottingham Green Festival
Details from
Sunday 22nd May 2011
Veggies also catering at Hope Pastures Sanctuary Open Day
Details from
Tuesday 24th - Free food give-away in Derby for National Vegetarian Week
Nottingham Free food give-away date to be announced.
Osama bin Laden mainstream media Twitter campaign
08-05-2011 14:54
Why is the mainstream media just repeating what the White House tells them about the"death" of Osama bin Laden? Are these news stories driving you mad?
6th trafalgar sq occupation against cuts
08-05-2011 13:55
the trafalgar sq occupation is in its 6th week and is going strong
for the sixth weekend in a row, the 'occupation against the cuts' camped at 6.30 last night for another 24 hour protest in trafalgar square.
a dozen tents and a gazebo make up the camp and they welcome supporters until 6.30 this afternoon.
Zimbabweans “mourning death of democracy” Event
08-05-2011 12:55
Saturday 7th May
Nottingham Zimbabwean Community Network hosted 'Zimbabwean Day' in Nottingham.
The event was held at the : Goshen Community Centre, 164 Alfreton Road, Nottingham.
In a statement to The Zim Diaspora Regis Manyanya, Chairman of Nottingham Zimbabwean Community Network [NZCN], said that Zimbabwe Day would be celebrated under the theme “mourning the death of democracy”.
Mr Manyanya said the theme was influenced by the tragic events in Zimbabwe which have seen thousands of Zimbabwe people murdered and persecuted by the Mugabe regime.
He said Zimbabwean day, popularly known as the Independence day, is supposed to be celebrated but in Nottingham the mood will be different as many Zimbabweans believe we are still living in bondage.
Taking you back to 1980 the then new Zimbabwean prime minister, Robert Mugabe, told us that "peace and stability was only going to be achieved when all of us, first as individuals and secondly as part of the whole Zimbabwean national community, feel a definite sense of individual security on the one hand and have an assurance of national peace and security on the other."
Mugabe went on to say "whether be it your social, colour line or political beliefs black or white join me in a new pledge to forget our grim past, forgive others and forget, join hands in a new amity, and together, as Zimbabweans, trample upon racialism, tribalism and regionalism and work hard to reconstruct and rehabilitate our society as we reinvigorate our economic machinery."
Barely three years after this speech the army was unleashed in Matabeleland and ever since then the people of Zimbabwe have not experienced any meaningful peace.
Regis Manyanya asks, "what peace? Is there justice in this world? Will some dictators be brought to justice one day, we wonder? There are still stories of Zimbabweans being subjected into slavery in some neighboring countries, some Zimbabweans are still languishing in detention for having had used a Malawian or South African passports to flee the regime in Zimbabwe."
“We have put up the show and invited distinguished speakers drawn from various professionals and politicians among Zimbabweans in the diaspora,” said Manyanya.
He said speakers were expected to explore various socio-economic and political challenges the country was facing. “The mood among Zimbabweans is that they don’t believe they are really free because of their situation back home."
"The failed promises made by Mr Mugabe when he took office in 1980, and the plunder of our rich country will be the main topics?” he said. “I am therefore inviting Zimbabweans from all different background, tribe, colour (black and white) to come and join us in this important talk by distinguished and remarkable speakers,”
Links to earlier events in Nottingham:
2008 Zimbabwean Asylum Rights Demo @ Speakers Corner, Nottingham
2008 Zimbabwe demo calling for release of election results
2008 Full Circle Demo: From weapons to wars to refugees. Market Sq. Nottingham
2009 Zimbabwe ‘Death of Democracy’ Gathering in Hyson Green, Nottingham
2009 Zimbabwe ‘Death of Democracy’ Gathering in Hyson Green [Feature]
Zimbabwe Association for information and asylum assistance:
Zimbabwe Association Ltd
Development House
56-64 Leonard Street
London EC2A 4LT
0207 549 0355
Nottingham Zimbabwean Community Network
The Zim Diaspora
Zimbabwe Civic Action Support Group. Campaigning for freedom and democracy in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Journalists Mark Press Freedom Day With Push for Open Airwaves
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
7/7: MI5 failure and doubts with official version of what happened on 7/7/2005
08-05-2011 10:55
At the conclusion of the 7/7 Inquest on Friday 6th May with the publication of the coroner's recommendations, serious major doubts remain about the official version of events we are expected to swallow.London Met Occupation Rally after Teach-In
08-05-2011 10:55
video from the rally outside the London MET Occupation after the 'Teach In' Education Not Privatisation event, 7th May 2007
found here
What's up with UK Indymedia?
08-05-2011 10:55
Many users of the UK Indymedia site will have seen some strange changes over the past week and may be confused over what is going on on the site. This is an attempt to explain what is going on behind the scenes as briefly as possible. Of course, it is our own version of events and others may dispute it.
First of all, it is important to realise that the Nottingham site isn’t going to change at all. We will still be here and our feeds will still appear on the Be the Media site. They disappeared from the UK site for a few days but appear to be working again today.
When it was set up, the UK Indymedia site was the site of a London-based collective which later split up into a network of local collectives. Over time, political disagreements and interpersonal conflicts led to a total breakdown of that network as a body that could make decisions together. This was formalised in the final meeting of the network in Bradford last year. Two competing ideas for the site existed that were not mutually compatible. Because all attempts to come to an agreement over the future of the site had failed, a decision was made to ‘fork’ the site into two separate projects. In the minutes these are referred to as Group A and Group B and which have since become known as Mayday and Be the Media. The minutes note that ‘Everything has to be done by the first of May’. After this date, neither group would be permitted to use the domains or or call themselves UK Indymedia. In other words, the decision lay the groundwork for the closure of not just the UK network but also the UK Indymedia site:
We accept to archive, and and as static html with a banner on
top of each page that says along the gist of “this a archived version of the site For a active version of this page go to, there is also the aggregator at”
There will be splash page at / that links to the archive site, site and
We agree that henceforth noone can call themselve Indymedia UK, UK network and UK collective anymore.
- Minutes of Bradford UK network meeting, Dec 2010
Nottingham Indymedia was broadly aligned with the Be The Media collective, but we agreed to support the Mayday collective’s new Indymedia application.
In April, the Mayday collective disputed that the 1st May deadline still applied because the Mayday collective’s New IMC application did not look like it would pass before that date. All prospective Indymedia collectives have to go through the New IMC Process in order to be accepted into the network. The minutes refer to and Since Mayday did not have an Indymedia subdomain, they claimed that the Bradford agreement did not apply. A feature explaining the implications of the fork was blocked by members of the Mayday collective because they did not agree that it was accurate. No resolution to this disagreement seemed possible and 1st May approached with Mayday aiming to continue maintaining the UK site and Be the Media aiming to implement the fork.
On 1st May, the Mayday collective did not implement the fork. Be the Media claimed that they had broken the Bradford agreement and implemented some of the changes specified in the Bradford agreement (archiving UK Indymedia and putting up a splash page to link to Mayday and Be the Media sites). Mayday called this ‘an attempt to shutdown UK Indymedia’ and undid the changes. They have also blocked administrative access to UK Indymedia to all members of Be the Media.
Those who want to know more about the ongoing events surrounding this disagreement should look at the UK Process list archives.
We hope that the situation can be resolved and that both projects can continue in independence from one another.
World Week for the Abolition of Meat - May 2011 Ca
08-05-2011 08:55
Our societies have to pronounce on the unjustifiable character of meat consumption from an ethical viewpoint: it involves sacrificing the basic interests of innumerable sentient beings whereas eating meat is unnecessary. The idea is to claim loud and clear that it is not only the duty of each individual to stop supporting the murderous exploitation required by the consumption of animal flesh and "by-products", but that it is also, therefore, the duty of societies as a whole to declare themselves in favor of the banning of farming, fishing and hunting.Women Up North 2011
08-05-2011 01:55
On Saturday 7th May women travelled from across the north of England to meet up in Manchester for a day long feminist event including workshops, entertainment and making new friends.
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A Question of Sovereignty
08-05-2011 00:12
Queen Elizabeth II is going to be called as a witness to a historic trial that is set to begin Monday, May 9th, 2011 in the Southwark Crown court at 10am.This might postpone her scheduled and unprecedented trip to Ireland and should be of major interest to everyone in the U.K. and around the world.
The Media War on Libya: Justifying War through Lies and Fabrications
07-05-2011 20:00
The War on Libya - PART IIIn the first part of this text , the events that led to the conditions that set the backdrop for the present conflict in Libya were discussed.