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English Defence League Hacked & Member Information Leaked

13-12-2010 17:14

EDL Clothing Website Hacked
A list showing the full contact details of shoppers and donors who used the far-right English Defence League’s (EDL) clothing website has been published online.

The website was compromised by hackers early on Sunday morning who replaced it with their own page. Almost 350 people who used the website have had their names, addresses and email addresses published online.

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Anti repression Surprise demo at EDO

13-12-2010 17:13

See and

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Palestine Today 12 13 2010

13-12-2010 16:29

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday, December 13th 2010.

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The MET's published photos. Advice for those identified.

13-12-2010 16:28

Once again the Met have released a set of images of people they want in connection with the student protests last Thursday.

If you or one of your mates is one of them, you’ll be worried and unsure about what to do. Before you do anything, read this first.

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Censorship Forced on London's Gay Art Festival GFEST in 2010

13-12-2010 16:20

GFEST - Gaywise FESTival organisers in London faced a tricky censorship stipulation from GFEST 2010 venue Hampstead Town Hall - where the visual arts exhibition was held in Nov 2010 - to cover a few queer art works post exhibition closing time. They have written to the Town Hall Trustees / board of management to seek their official clarification but haven’t heard anything as yet.

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On violence against the police

13-12-2010 16:03

A participant in the 9 December demonstrations against education cuts and fees in Parliament Square writes on the use of political violence, and condemnation of it in the media.

The condemnations are as predictable as they are boring. The public-school educated Sun hacks, who write like some coked up parodies of proletarian semi-literacy, refer to “louts” and “hooligans”. The Daily Mail complains about someone urinating against Churchill’s statue, and the Telegraph is dismayed that Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall were “attacked”. Probably by a “baying mob”. Meanwhile, someone in a moustache on The Guardian talks about how, no doubt, this will provide a “distraction” from the “real issues”, whose repetition ad nauseam presumably has some intrinsic value for the solemn liberal contingent.

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Beyond Words: Silent Witness to Injustice, 11 January 2011

13-12-2010 15:41

On Tuesday 11 January 2011, the illegal detention and torture camp at Guantánamo Bay will have been open for NINE years. Barack Obama has broken his promise to close it by January this year and the situation for prisoners has recently worsened with Congress voting to prevent any more civilian trials for prisoners facing charges and attempting to block the release of any more prisoners. Join us to protest this unfortunate anniversary...

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Students Occupy Hull University

13-12-2010 15:39

Students in Hull have taken action in protest against the coalition governments cuts in education and beyond, fearing a long-lasting and detrimental effect on a whole generation. The loss of EMA and the destruction of university funding are two of the concerns that have led a group of student protesters to occupy Hull University's central Staff House complex. Now banners fly from the windows, and the students are digging in for the long haul.

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Smash EDO: demo held in support of freedom to protest call to action

13-12-2010 15:12

A loud surprise noise demo was held outside EDO/ITT this morning in response to the freedom to protest call to action ( that had been proposed for the weekend.

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A bloc for every occasion

13-12-2010 14:32

The book bloc at student protests was one of the highlights for me, seeing the police batons raining down on a massive edition of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World was a brilliant example of the refreshing injection of creativity that the students have brought to the new radical landscape.

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Dissident Island - download the latest show!

13-12-2010 14:23

Check out the 71st edition of Dissident Island Radio...

miss it at your peril.

Right-click here to download (155mb)

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Students and workers besiege parliament

13-12-2010 14:22

On Thursday 9th December, the day of the parliamentary vote, two packed coaches filled with students and lecturers from the University of the West England, University of Bristol & City of Bristol College went up to London to join the mass demonstration against the proposed rise in tuition fees. In a fantastic show of solidarity between staff and students, the coaches were funded by the University College Union (UCU) and individual lecturers at UWE.

After leaving the coach the protesters stormed down Oxford Street chanting and joined the demonstration of around 30,000 at Trafalgar Square. From there they marched down the mall and past Green Park into Parliament Square. Fences erected around the green as students sang chants against the Liberal Democrats’ betrayal on the issue and calling for a general strike against cuts.

The police moved forward to kettle the protesters into the square. The mood was high with the protesters dancing the ‘hokey cokey’ and starting small fires with their placards and posters to stay warm. After a while in one corner of the square police began charging into the crowds on horseback causing panic. These repeated baton and horse charges by the police left many demomnstrators injured and 3 students from Bristol hospitalised from police batons and projectiles thrown from the crowd.

Demonstrators began passing fences over their heads to the front to use as a defence themselves from the police violence. This drew further & fiercer attacks from the police. In the crowd masked suspected agent provocateurs urged students to throw bricks that had been left by the abbey. These calls were dismissed as protesters pressed tightly together to protect themselves from horse charges and to escape the kettle.

The kettle continued for ~8 hours with many demonstrators unable to get to their transport home. After many hours police began allowing small numbers of protesters to leave via the embankment where many were frustrated to find their National Union of Students (NUS) representatives holding an alternative ‘rally’.

Tired, battered and betrayed by their parliamentary representatives students faced further police horse charges in order to make history by breaking into the Treasury. Further abreast from the kettle groups of students targeted Vodaphone & Topshop (parent company Arcadia) flagship stores on Oxford Street in protest at their exploitation of tax loopholes costing the country £6 billion & £1.2 billion respectively.

The interruption of the royal’s night on the town by protesters clearly represents the feeling among many students (a particularly impoverished section of our society) that this proposed retraction in the provision of education clearly represents an attack by the ruling class & the old orders on against the rest of us.

The vote passed with a surprisingly slim majority, doubtless as a result of a wave of student protests and action that have been both massive and militant. In the wake of the vote, students may be expected to retreat and lick their wound yet the student occupations and demonstrations across the country rage on and intend to escalate. With the energy & confidence of the student movement inspiring workers nationwide MPs & blue bloods could be forgiven for investing in bunkers.

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EDL, BNP: What A Year!

13-12-2010 14:18

It's been a bit of a year for the far right and now they are being eclipsed by other, more important matters!

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December 7th BankRun2010 : Withdraw all your money to end 'criminal, corrupt' financial system

13-12-2010 13:22

  p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }a:link { The organizers of "Bank Run 2010" have chosen December 7 as the day when protesters are meant to withdraw all their money from the banks, which they hope will cause a run on the banks that could collapse financial institutions. And restore Money power to Main Street.

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Rally and General Assembly Against the Coming Cuts to be held in St Andrews

13-12-2010 13:22

Rally and General Assembly Against the Coming Cuts to be held in St Andrews

A rally and general assembly of students, workers and claimants is to be held outside of the Main Library, off North Street, on Tuesday 30th of November at 12 noon.

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Saint Andrews General Assembly

13-12-2010 13:22


Following a rally of over fifty students and academics in Saint Andrews, dozens entered the Old Psychology Library at 1300 hours and are 'sitting-in' for the purpose of a General Assembly dealing with education cuts.

More information will follow.



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Free Julian Assange! Hands Off WikiLeaks!

13-12-2010 13:22

December 2010 
Sinister Attack on WikiLeaks to Cover Up Imperialist CrimesFree Julian Assange! Drop All Charges!

Julian Assange, presenting WikiLeaks’ release of files on Afghanistan war in London, July 26. (Photo: Getty Images)

The December 7 arrest in London of Julian Assange, the founder and editor-in-chief of the Internet investigative site WikiLeaks, is a threat to freedom of the press and an attempt to silence critics who expose the bloody deeds of imperialism. We are convinced, along with many others, that Assange is innocent of the trumped up accusations of the crimes of rape and sexual molestation that are being manipulated by Swedish authorities to request his detention and extradition. It is clear that sinister forces are pushing the persecution of this courageous man, and his life could be in danger.

We have no hesitation in naming the criminal forces who are behind this frame-up: first and foremost, the United States government of Barack Obama and its military and spy agencies. They have enlisted U.S. corporations such as Amazon, MasterCard, PayPal and others, Swiss banks and the complaisant Swedish, British and Australian governments in their war on WikiLeaks. They seek to silence whistleblowers who have not only caused them diplomatic embarrassment but also lifted a corner of  the veil on Washington’s Murder, Inc. If the would-be masters of the world cannot stop the leakage of information through judicial/police methods, they will surely resort to other means.

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Glasgow FRFI Two Arrests

13-12-2010 13:22




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FILM SCREENING: Culture Clash on the Frontline @ the Factory

13-12-2010 13:22

Mon 20th Dec from 5pm - 28 portland square, st pauls. FREE ENTRY
Forget the suspension bridge, forget those hot air balloons, forget Brunel - this is St Pauls, Bristol! With unique, never before seen footage, and a powerful sound track, ‘Culture Clash on the Frontline’ is a must see.

There will be acoustic performances at about 7pm from local Jamaican folk artists – Troy Ellis, Lionel Andy and Tanteddy!

Food will be served from 6pm, by donations.

Entry is free (doors will open at 5pm)

28 Portland Square, St Pauls, Bristol, BS2 8RU. Enter by the green on cave street (please keep quiet on the streets to respect residents and neighbours).

The film be shown around 8pm.
Culture Clash On The Front Line – from 5pm Monday 20th Dec @ the Factory, St Pauls

St Pauls has always had a certain notoriety in the city. Whispers and rumours abound as to what goes on here. Come watch a film that tells it how it is from the people that live here. ‘Culture Clash on the Frontline’ covers the last six decades of what is now the second largest Jamaican community in the world outside Jamaica. Told by the people in St Pauls, this is an emotive and intense story in which subsequent generations of Jamaican descendants recount their pasts and presents on screen. From mass migration into Bristol with British promises of prosperity, fighting segregation, workers rights, the introduction of drugs onto the streets by the government, the 1980s riots, armed police on the streets, St Pauls carnival every year, the Jamaican food, the Jamaican music, the continued community spirit, this film tracks decades of the goings on in Bristol’s famous district...

Forget the suspension bridge, forget those hot air balloons, forget Brunel - this is St Pauls, Bristol! With unique, never before seen footage, and a powerful sound track, ‘Culture Clash on the Frontline’ is a must see. This story lays down historical facts and community experiences that reflect the complexities of race in Bristol, directly traced to inequalities passed on from an earlier generation that suffered under the brutal legacy of slavery and colonialism. Today, more than ever, it is essential to preserve and reflect on this heritage, so the peoples of Bristol, blacks and whites, can better comprehend their social surroundings and forge new relationships based in a better understanding of what has gone on…

There will be acoustic performances from local Jamaican folk artists – Troy Ellis, Lionel Andy and Tanteddy!

Food will be served from 6pm, by donations.

Entry is free (doors will open at 5pm)

28 Portland Square, St Pauls, Bristol, BS2 8RU. Enter by the green on cave street (please keep quiet on the streets to respect residents and neighbours).

For help getting there, check the map:
For more imfo on the film check:
For updates on the factory check:

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Protest Against Welfare Cuts Wed 15th - Newcastle

13-12-2010 13:02

National Day of Protest Against Welfare & Housing Benefit Cuts
Wed 15th December

Linking to recent student protests - keep up the momentum and support all action against the cuts!