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758,900 Signatures And Counting- Investigate War Criminal Ariel Sharon !

01-05-2002 04:12

1,000,000 signatures needed for petition to Mary Robinson, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, for an International Investigation Committeee to investigate Ariel Sharon for Crimes Against Humanity.

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Sharon wants UN fact findings?

01-05-2002 02:33

First, Sharon said that he would welcome a UN Jenin fact finding team because the Israelis had nothing to hide. Then he proceeded do the following:

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Mayday Rite

01-05-2002 01:51

A small private ritual will take place in Green Park after noon on May 1st. Exorcising the spirit of the work ethic from participants and the surrounding area.

An art event with ritez, poetry and magick.

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Aufweidersehen Planet - subvert

30-04-2002 23:29

Aufweidersehen Planet - subvert
another billboard spotted around Bristol...busy pixies

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30-04-2002 22:58

I published this a second time to give more people a chance to see it before the newswire goes mental tomorrow (today)

10.30 Queens' Elizabeth II Conference Centre

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Annan 'minded to disband' Jenin mission, UN official tells Security Council

30-04-2002 22:56

Annan 'minded to disband' Jenin mission, UN official tells Security Council
30 April – With recent decisions by Israel signalling that the United Nations will not be able to deploy a fact-finding mission to Jenin with the country's cooperation, Secretary-General Kofi Annan is "minded to disband" the team, which has been working in Geneva while awaiting the green light to travel to the Middle East, a senior UN official told the Security Council today

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Injustice Channel 4 projection pics

30-04-2002 22:44

Injustice Channel 4 projection pics
Picture taken at the projection of 'Injustice' film onto Channel Building, London. April 30, 2002

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Fr Shay Cullen vs western paedophile sex tourists

30-04-2002 22:40

Unlike some right wing neo nazi capitalist priests who sexually abuse,degrade and bully little kids, fr Shay Cullen actually RESCUES children from the clutches of Sex tourists

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Injustice Film Screening - Audio Report

30-04-2002 22:12

Two telephone reports from the injustice film screening projected onto the channel 4 building (article 1)

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30-04-2002 21:40

Disgraceful Newsnight report currently being broadcast.

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Artwork about April 29th, 1992 Los Angeles uprising.

30-04-2002 20:29

Artwork about April 29th, 1992 Los Angeles uprising.
I did this Oil Painting based upon what I witnessed in the immediate aftermath of the "not guilty" verdicts for the LAPD Officers who nearly beat Rodney King to death. The April 29th, 1992 acquittal lead to the bloodiest riots in United States history.

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North London synagogue attacked

30-04-2002 19:58

Was it Nazis or Muslim fundamentalists?

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Support for Palestinians

30-04-2002 19:51

Article in Jewish Chronicle

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Colombia - Arms for the AUC paramilitary: several governments implicated

30-04-2002 19:19

Basically what's happening, with very little notice in
the United States, is that a massive arms supply
operation to equip the vicious AUC death squads is
being exposed in the Latin American press.

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Mayday Legal Advice

30-04-2002 18:35

The Legal Defence & Monitoring Group (LDMG) will distribute bust cards on Mayday - Make sure that you get one!

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Fate of Jews arrested by Israelie police?

30-04-2002 18:28

fate of Netureikarta Jews arrested in Beit Shemesh

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netureikarta Jews speech against war and racism

30-04-2002 18:26

The following speech was delivered in the presence of Rabbi Yisroel D. Weiss and his fellow representatives of the Neturei Karta, at the March on Washington Against War and Racism, in Washington DC, on April 20, 2002

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Will the Real Paranoids Please Raise Their Hands?

30-04-2002 18:24

Those who question the official explanation of what happened 9/11, its precedents or aftermath, are called "conspiracy theorists". Those who don't question are called "patriots". Who is really paranoid? Butler Shaffer explains...

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30-04-2002 18:15

10.30 Queens' Elizabeth II Conference Centre

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Belarus still blighted by Chernobyl

30-04-2002 17:41
