UK Newswire Archive
Open Letter to UAF re: Northern March Against Racism 2010
05-11-2010 23:44
Dear TCAR members and supporters,The following open letter is being sent this week by the organising group for the Northern March Against Racism, after much consideration. It is a response to an unacceptable act of sectarianism by a leading member of UAF (Unite Against Fascism) to undermine the Northern March Against Racism, which has been called by TCAR. Unfortunately, this is not the first time that leading members of UAF around the Socialist Worker Party have attempted to undermine the work of other anti-racist organisations in the North East. We are writing this open letter in the hope that this issue will be addressed by UAF and that similar situations can be avoided in the future.
Anti-cuts action against vodafone - Brighton
05-11-2010 22:37
Demo against Vodafone's 6 billion tax dodge.12:00pm
Clock Tower, Queens Road, Brighton
BAe confronted in Oxford
05-11-2010 22:09

Oxfordians protest against Trident
05-11-2010 21:22
In May 2005, a Trident Ploughshares Affinity Group called The Tamarians occupied Drakes Island for six days and put up enormous ban the bomb banners overlooking Plymouth Sound.uprising in forest of dean
05-11-2010 21:22
foresters resist privatisation of forestsee call to arms for bonfire rally on sat 6
Cinderford district councillor Graham Morgan said, referring to the Dean Forest Riots of 1831: “I predict another Warren James-style uprising, with fences being torn down. You’ll see me at the front of the barricades.”
Cinderford shopkeeper Alan Bowkett has set up a Facebook group called Stop The Forest Of Dean From Being Sold Off, and there is a national online petition at
Cambridge Students Against Fees Demo
05-11-2010 20:16

NUJ Strike : members picket at BBC Nottingham
05-11-2010 19:25
Friday 5th November 2010, BBC staff joined the picket outside the BBC building here in Nottingham.
Friday 5th November 2010, BBC staff joined the picket outside the BBC building here in Nottingham.
Journalists from across the BBC walked out at midnight in the first of two 48 hours strikes in protest at plans to devalue their pensions.
NUJ members at the BBC started taking part in strike action at 12.01am on Friday 5 November 2010 for the next 48 hours to stop the BBC Pensions Robbery.
NUJ members have been working and paying into a pension scheme, the BBC have proposed ripping up the current pension arrangements and replacing them with a pension scheme that will see staff paying more in contributions and working longer and getting less in retirement.
As a result, NUJ members have been left with no choice but to strike to defend their financial futures.
The NUJ say that "already been overwhelmed by the support for the campaign so far from staff at the BBC and not just NUJ members. Colleagues in Bectu have inundated us with messages of support, with many refusing to cross picket lines to get into work. It’s clear that staff right across the BBC are keen for us to win - as it would mean a better pensions deal for all".
National Union of Journalists
BBC pensions strike - Live updates
For background information on the dispute leading up to the strike action -
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
This Week in Palestine Week 44 2010
05-11-2010 18:25

Radical Workers' and Students' Bloc on Education March - London - 10th November 2010
05-11-2010 18:22
Meet at 11am at Horse Guards Avenue, SW1.
On Wednesday 10th November 2010 the NUS and UCU have organised a demonstration in London 'Fund Our Future: Stop Education Cuts' in protest against the cuts in education.
Roehampton University Scraps Human Rights
05-11-2010 18:22
Unique and popular Undergraduate Human Rights degree to be scrapped by University in spending cuts, students rise up to make their voices heard!
Roehampton University in London has this week announced that it is to axe its unique Human Rights undergraduate programme which was awarded 4.5 million in government funding and which is one of only several institutions offering an undergraduate degree in Human Rights studies.
Roehampton University is currently home to Crucible - the only government-recognised centre of excellence in teaching and learning in the field of human rights in the country, students from across Europe and the UK come to the University to study on the popular undergraduate programme which explores the concepts of freedom and equality, crimes against humanity and the International Criminal Court. The programme is supported by organisations such as Amnesty International and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and was the first of its kind.
The axing of the Human Rights Degree is the first in a planned series of cuts that the university is rumoured to be making many of which are thought to impact upon humanitites subjects.
Staff and students are embarking upon a large campaign to save their Human Rights department which not only educates those directly enrolled on the course but which creates a general sense of community and awareness amongst the university staging events and talks relating to Fair trade,current affairs and the environment.
Students will be staging a large protest to make their voices heard on Thursday 11th November during an international symposium for human rights which is to be held at the university. There will be a meeting to discuss action on campus on Tuesday 9th November at 1pm. Further details can be found on the Save Human Rights at Roehampton Facebook Page.
Students arise – anti-fees/cuts actions coming up
05-11-2010 18:22
Will S Williams MP keep his pledge?Or will he prove to be another back-sliding MP, and like so many LibDem MP's utterly corrupted by power?
Now is the time for current and prospective higher education students to take to the streets. Resist. Strike. Occupy.
This is what Stephen Williams, MP for Bristol West, pledged before the elections:
“I hope you will be pleased to learn that it remains the policy of the Liberal Democrats to scrap tuition fees for all students undertaking their first undergraduate level degree. I believe it is right both in principle and in practice to scrap the tuition fee model of part-financing for higher education. In addition, I think it is only fair that part and full-time students should be treated equally, whatever the system, when studying for their first degree. The Liberal Democrats will therefore also abolish fees for part-time students studying for a first undergraduate level degree.”
We dont think he will keep to his pledge, will he prove us wrong tonight? And if he wont keep his pledge, what shall we do with him?
Debate tonight at Uni of Bristol Student Union, 6.30 to 8pm, with Stephen Williams & Kerry McCarthy MP's, plus President of the NUS, on the Question 'Are we all in it together?'
Students Arise – now is the time to kick back
Hot on the heels of French students demos and occupations, and with 40,000 Irish students on the streets of Dublin just a few days ago (, now its time for UK students to get stuck in. With the LibDemCon's confirming removal of the fees cap, and prospective students facing fees of upto £9k per year,
National student anti-cuts demo 10 November in London – lets do it.
Possible days of action locally 23 & 24 November, focusing on occupations, 'lobbying' or lobbing MP's, outreach to the public, and encouraging high school students to join in to defend their futures.
National Campaign Against Fees & Cuts -
Publicising resistance to the LibDemCon cuts -
EDL, Brighton, the Crude Awakening, Anti-cuts marches - what can we learn?
05-11-2010 17:53
Lessons for the movement:The Poll Tax Riots and 4 weeks of actions – EDL, Brighton, the Crude Awakening, Anti-cuts marche. How can we learn and move forward.
Nottm Animal Rights Events:
05-11-2010 17:25
Time once again to get off the net and onto the streets.
Draw a big breath, its time again for a round-up of Nottm Animal Rights events:
Find more details on:
Veggies/Sumac Diary:
The Animal Rights Calendar:
or the search box at
(Thanks Dave for this report)
Saturday 6th - Animal Aid Compassionate Christmas Fair (Sheffield)
Also Veggies catering at Lincoln Veggie Fair
Sunday 7th - Veggies catering at Kensington Animal Charities Fair
and hoping to help at Alternative Vegan Festival (also in London) on the same day
Thursday 11th - Brinsley Animal Rescue Work Day, transport from Broxtowe, 6:15pm - call 07599 282851
Now that winter draws on the Tuesday work days may be replaced by sessions on Saturdays, when the group is not busy elsewhere.
Thurs 11th is also Remembrance Day - Remember the animal victims of war, today and on Sunday.
Friday 12th - demo at Harlan (Hillcrest Farm, a bunch of nasty people supplying animals for vivisection) 3pm-5pm
Transport from Sumac 2:30pm to support Derby AR on their first Harlan Demo
Followed by Greyhound demo at Colwick Park at 6:30
Sat 13th - National Anti-Fur March in London
Shared transport with Derby AR Group
Day of action -FOR- Humane Medical Research:
info stall in Nottingham, probably by Victoria Centre Clock Tower.
or meet 11:00 @ Natural Food Co.
Vegggies catering at Footprint Zines Fair in Leeds
Sunday 14th fur demo @ Paul Smith
12noon at 20 Low Pavement Nottingham, NG1 7EA, near side entrance of Broadmarsh,1272,SP.html
Weds 17th - Possible Friend or Food 'dog meat' trailer campaign in Derby
Thurs 18th- Possible Friend or Food 'dog meat' trailer campaign in Nottingham
boycott vodaphone demo newcastle tommrow 6th november
05-11-2010 17:14
demo against vodaphone tommrow 12pm25,000 students march in Ireland
05-11-2010 17:00

Student Uprising as University Axe Human Rights
05-11-2010 15:47
Roehampton University plans to axe its unique Human Rights degree programme which was originally boosted after a 4.5million goverment injection of funding . Students are planning a nationwide campaign to save the Human Rights department which is one of only several in the UK and which was the very first of its kind. Angry students are organising protests to coincide with an International Symposium on Human Rights to be held at the University next week.Support the BBC Strikes
05-11-2010 15:22
Stop the LibCon Cuts!Please support BBC staff who are on strike for 48 hours this Friday and Saturday 5 & 6th November over the corporation's proposal to cut their pensions.
Please join us from 8am on Friday morning till lunchtime at Broadcasting House, Whiteladies Road and Belgrave Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2LR.
NUJ members will be there with the Branch banner in support of our colleagues on the picket line defending their rights to a fair deal for their pensions.
Please send messages of support to campaigns at Make a donation: make cheques payable to NUJ (marked on back BBC Strike hardship fund) and send to General Secretary, NUJ, Headland House, 308 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8DP.
Staff face losing tens of thousands of pounds over the course of their pension after they retire under a new BBC scheme which would cap pension increases at only 1% a year. NUJ members have voted overwhelmingly to take industrial action
The NUJ's General Secretary Jeremy Dear says:
"Can you afford to simply give away £100,000, £25,000 or even 'just' £10,000? Of course not. But those are the kinds of sums every journalist faces losing under the BBC's latest pension proposal.
It's unfair and unacceptable. For all BBC staff it means paying more, working longer or getting significantly lower pensions. In some cases, all three!
BBC journalists are not asking for higher pensions. They are not even saying they wouldn't consider paying more or working longer for a fair pension settlement. That means a deal based on the real deficit in the scheme, not speculative and questionable figures.
It means a pension which does not lose a significant part of its value every single year for the rest of their lives - which is what will happen under the current proposals.
And it should be a deal that means what has been promised to them - which they have already paid for - is protected.
The current offer fails those tests and it fails BBC staff.
That's why they've been left with no choice but to take industrial action on 5 and 6 November and 15 and 16 November. They can't afford not to…and they need YOUR support."
For more information please see the national NUJ website, and our Bristol Branch website.
Support BBC staff to stop the BBC pensions robbery.
Benefit with 'Seize the Day' for the Coal Train Blockaders and Nottingham 114 defendants [1]
05-11-2010 15:22
Seize The Day + support18th November, 7pm, The Old Fire Station, Bridewell Island, Bristol
Benefit for coal train blockaders and Nottingham 114 defendants
£3/£4 Tickets available from Bristol Ticket Shop and Kebele Infoshop
Seize the Day - A tremendously vibrant and ultra-energetic 9-piece acoustic band whose songs draw on many popular traditions, but have a radical new content, reflecting the political and personal struggles of our times. In both their music and activism they tackle issues as diverse as climate change, worker struggles, animal rights and Palestine in fresh and very human ways. Seize The Day inspire, enlighten and entertain; they make you laugh, they make you cry and they empower you. One of those acts that simply must be experienced.
Voted winners of the BBC World Music Audience Award 2003, they are now celebrating the release of their new album, Standing Strong.
Clayton Blizzard - "Rapid-fire agit-prop from one man, a guitar and the truth. Effortlessly gliding between songsmith and rapper, it's ferociously sharp and funny" - Venue
Ceilidh Minogue - Stomping folk band, with banjo, accordion and beautiful harmonies.
DJ Krackpotkin - Playing klezmer/ska/swing/beats
Arrive early for puppet show telling the story of the coal train blockaders.
+ cake, radical bookstall and raffle!
Back Story:
Last April a group of individuals who met through Bristol & Bath Rising Tide, in a series of bold blockades stopped a coal train from leaving Ffos-y-Fran open cast coal mine in Merthyr Tydfil on its way to nearby Aberthaw power station. The result was thousands of pounds of economic damage to Miller Argent who own the mine and the arrest and subsequent trial of the activists. Although the charges against those involved were eventually scaled down, 13 were still convicted of Section 36 of the malicious damages act 1861 and ordered to pay court costs and in some cases damages to Miller Argent. The activists are also still fighting a restraining order imposed upon them indefinitely banning them from entering a large area encompassing Ffos-y-Fran, Aberthaw and the adjoining railway.
This month also sees the start of the month long trial of 20 of the 114 activists arrested in a school in Nottingham, April 2009, on suspicion of conspiring to shut down Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station. The activists are pleading Not Guilty on the grounds of necessity. This means they are admitting they planned to shut the power station down in order to prevent loss of life and serious injury caused through climate change.
They have been through an 18 month mentally, emotionally, and financially grueling experience in the lead up to this month's trial. Any support people can give will be enormously appreciated.
Check out the campaign support group's website for the background story and full details of how you can get involved in supporting them.
Come and show your support on the night and have a good old jig too!