UK Newswire Archive
Direct Action Against the Oil Industry
16-10-2010 09:22
Saturday 16th: Climate campaigners are today giving the Oil Industry a Crude Awakening, taking direct action against the industry for its role in exacerbating climate change, as well as its devastating impact on local communities and environments around the world. Three blocs starting from three different places, one mass action - "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty".
For news updates:See CrudeAwakening website, follow the crudeawake and climatecamp twitter accounts or the #crudeawake hashtag, and check out the indymedia london Tumblewire, and the crudeawakening flickr account.
Crude Awakening is part of the Climate Justice Action's global week of action for climate justice, and is supported by a coalition of direct action groups: Space Hijackers, Plane Stupid, Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination, Rising Tide, Climate Camp, Liberate Tate, Earth First, UK Tar Sands network.
See Also:
Oct. 12: Global Mobilization in Defense of Mother Earth and the Peoples
Rising Tide Banner Drop, Avonmouth - Oct 12th
Minga Global 2010
Hugo Talk Online
16-10-2010 08:22
Hugo Blanco Bristol meeting videoHugo Blanco's recent talk on Eco-Socialism in Bristol has now been uploaded here -
Indigenous activist and revolutionary Hugo Blanco spoke in Bristol this week to an audience of over 50 people about the struggle for eco-socialism. A video of his talk is available here -
Sober Living For The Revolution
16-10-2010 02:35
Hardcore Punk, Straight Edge And Radical PoliticsA talk about 25 years of straight edge punk.
At The Hatchet Inn, 27 Frogmore Street at 7.30pm
'Straight edge' has persisted as a drug-free, hardcore punk subculture for 25 years. Its political legacy remains ambiguous and it is often associated with self-righteous macho posturing and conservative Puritanism. While certain elements of straight edge culture feed into such perception, the cultureʼs political history is far more complex.
Since straight edgeʼs origins in Washington, D.C. in the early 1980s, it has been linked to radical thought and action by countless individuals, bands, and entire scenes. Gabriel Kuhn editor of Sober Living for the Revolution (PM Press 2010) traces this history using contributions from famed straight edge punk rockers like Ian MacKaye (of Minor Threat/Fugazi), Dennis Lyxzén (Refused/The (International) Noise Conspiracy), Mark Andersen (Dance of Days) and Andy Hurley (Fall Out Boy); legendary bands like ManLiftingBanner and Point of No Return; radical collectives like CrimethInc. and Alpine Anarchist Productions; and numerous other artists and activists dedicated as much to sober living as to the fight for a better world.
Gabriel Kuhn was born in Austria but soon began moving around with his artist parents. He grew up in various countries, including Turkey, Italy, England and the US, but returned to Austria for most of his formal education and a four-year semi-professional soccer career. Active in radical politics since the late 1980s, publishing projects have always been a focus. In the early 1990s, Gabriel worked with the Austrian autonomist journal TATblatt and anarchist publisher Monte Verita, before turning his attention to DIY zine publishing. Alpine Anarchist Productions was founded in 2000, and distributes pamphlets to this day. Since 2005 Gabriel has been working closely with radical German publisher Unrast. His book 'Neuer Anarchismus' in den USA. Seattle und die Folgen was named "Book of the Year 2008" by Berlin's Library of the Free. Gabriel also contributes regularly to the Swedish anarchist journal Brand.
Cllr Shirley Brown (LibDem) blasts Evening Post's 'political games'
16-10-2010 02:35
has the Bristol Evening Post been smearing Cllr Shirley Brown?Friday Drivetime - Bristol’s weekly current affairs round-up. Discussing the big stories in Bristol. Britain and around the world live with Martin Summers and Marina Morris - at 6pm straight talking and investigative reports
Ashley Cllr. Shirley Brown (LibDem) answers her critics
Duration 15 Mins
also available in high quality
Smash EDO twitter feeds
15-10-2010 23:28
Smash EDO have finally managed to start twittering!SMASH EDO: ITT's Hammertime Reportage
15-10-2010 23:04
On 13th October 2010 hundreds of antimilitarists converged in Brighton for a mass siege of EDO. ITT's Hammertime, named after the hammers used to smash EDO/ITT by the decommissioners, was aimed at closing EDO down for the day.If you were nicked at ITT's Hammertime and want support email

CUTZ: this week in Bristol and beyond ...
15-10-2010 22:55
Avant le deluge ...[most links removed]
Hewlett Packard are axing a further 1,300 jobs in the UK to switch the work overseas. This comes on top of 900 job losses announced in June. It's not yet clear how this will affect the HP site at Frenchay, which was considerably downsized last year. However, most of the redundancies are known to be in HP Enterprise Services - the new name for the merger of the HP consulting group with the EDS computer group - who handle outsourced work for banks, corporations and government and have a large presence in Bristol.
Commenting on the Hewlett Packard announcement, the Unite union said, “the government's belief that the hi-tech private sector will be the motor for growth and new jobs is largely a mirage.
“Lax employment protection in the UK compared to other European countries means that the UK is bearing the brunt of cuts, as it’s quicker and cheaper to sack UK people and export their jobs abroad.”
The Public and Commercial Services union are threatening industrial action over the job losses, especially if there are compulsory redundancies. General secretary Mark Serwotka said: “This is not being driven by financial necessity, but by Hewlett Packard’s relentless obsession with profit.
A former HP worker said on the Bristol Evening Post website, "Pay cuts, massive job cuts and arbritary changes to terms and conditions is what happens at HP now. You would have thought that the company was in trouble – but no, they’re making massive profits and the top brass are raking in tens of millions in stock options, whilst thousands of workers are losing their jobs."
Jewel in the crown of the city's much-touted creative industries, Aardman, have announced a £2.5 million loss for last year. They are blaming an expensive move to new trendy Harbourside premises and a higher bill for freelance workers.
The South West Regional Development Agency's chief economist Nigel Jump says the region's businesses will not be able to employ the 115,000 people who may lose their jobs after next week's Comprehensive Spending Review. He believes the so-called economic recovery is already “dramatically slowing down” meaning the private sector will not be able to employ all those who lose their jobs. Five per cent of the South West workforce is set to be cut in next week's spending review..
Price Waterhouse Cooper - who aren't too hot at arithmetic - predict just 80,000 jobs in the South West could be lost as a result of this month's spending cuts. However they say outsourcing and manpower provision (for the public sector) look set to become massive growth industries while some harm "will be mitigated by increased labour market flexibility on wages and hours worked". In other words we're all be working longer hours for less money.
Airbus boss, Louis Gallois was in Bristol on Monday warning that the Government cuts in defence budgets – to be unveiled next Wednesday – were bound to have an effect on the firm.
Meanwhile, we've been tipped off that BAe are asking some staff at Filton if they are interested in voluntary redundancy. This is a tough choice. Take it and you could give someone else the chance to stay in work, don't take it and if you get made redundant, you'll get a worse deal.
The Tories' plans are likely to lead to two large Bristol-based organisations announcing redundancies. The Environment Agency, which employs 1,000 people in the city, will undergo "radical reform" while the Infrastructure Planning Committee, which has its HQ in Bristol, will be scrapped.
A BOC plant in Bristol producing acetylene gas cylinders is to close with the loss of 30 jobs. There was a major industrial accident at the plant earlier this year.
First reported here last week, it's been confirmed by the Bristol Evening Post that vacancies in the Bristol Library Service are running at 15 per cent and some branches are being forced to close on evenings and weekends. Bristol City Council say they need to “maintain flexibility during this period of potential change”.
Bristol's libraries are the victim of Bristol City Council's 'vacancy management' strategy. The city council are yet to deny our report last week that they currently have 1,531 job vacancies on hold.
Charges to the elderly poor for their care needs look set to rise in Bristol. The council are currently running one of their pointless consultations ahead of raising the fees.
The care homes saga in South Gloucestershire continues. We reported last week that the council was rushing through the closure of eight care homes against the wishes of the homes' residents. Now it appears the two replacement homes are certain to be privately-run - contrary to the original plans.
Bristol's Citizens Advice Bureau reports a large increase in people appealing against decisions to move them from Incapacity Benefit to Jobseekers Allowance as the ConDems try to slash the welfare bill by ruthlessly targeting the sick.
The headline says it all. The University of the West of England (UWE) is restructuring. "There is the risk of redundancies and demotions", says the UCL union as Lord Browne’s spending review, published this week, proposes the marketisation of university education. The UCL say the report "has caused serious unrest among UWE academic staff".
It's a lot quieter at the much snootier University of Bristol. Apparently fixed term contracts aren't being renewed and there's said to be "lots of conflict between the physicists with the big
experiments and those people that don't need so much money but don't do dramatic things". Further information welcome ...
The Government's new plan to promote regional economies is a "complete mess". In the West of England, ministers will approve a bid to create a new local enterprise partnership (LEP) for Greater Bristol and another for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly but will block an LEP covering most of the southern half of Somerset and a South Somerset and East Devon partnership. It is also believed ministers will reject proposals for a body to cover Plymouth, Torbay and the rest of Devon. It's feared that if parts of the region have an LEP and others do not it could create an "uneven playing field".
Bristol City FC Chairman, Steve Lansdown (pictured above snuggling up with Bristol's MPs), has cashed in £58m worth of his shares in his stockbroking firm Hargreaves Lansdown. Lansdown is now resident in Guensey in order to avoid tax. Were he to pay tax on his windfall it would almost cover the £22m worth of cuts proposed by Bristol City Council last week.
60 trade unionists, invited by South West TUC regional secretary Nigel Costley, from around the South West are meeting in Plymouth today to discuss the Comprehensive Spending Review. Apparently, the hot topic among the delegates will be the unions' response to the review. Rank and file trade unionists are not invited.
The TUC has a blog explaining "the best strategy to resist the cuts". They say it explains the emphasis they are putting on local campaigning and working with service users in these first stages of the campaign .
Workers at Plymouth bed manufacturer Vi-Spring are to continue their industrial action for another three weeks . The GMB is demanding the reinstatement of shop steward Jimmy Dent, dismissed from the company in the summer.
Kerry McCarthy's Smart Car's gearbox takes another thrashing as Labour's Bristol East MP crunches into reverse gear yet again. Ms McCarthy, pictured above with tax avoider Steve Lansdown, was an avid supporter of Ed Balls for Labour leader. Now she's joined the shadow Treasury team. Balls, of course, was forthright in rejecting Alistair Darling's deficit reduction plans while Kerry's new boss, Labour's Shadow Chancellor, Alan Johnson - who had a fairly undistinguished run in a number of offices of state over the years - thinks they're just great.
Is it really wise for Labour's new Shadow Economic Secretary to the Treasury to be photographed rather coquettishly alongside a tax avoider?
Bath and North East Somerset Council have handed 16 of their play areas over to a housing trust to manage. The council claim the deal would provide the Somer Community Housing Trust with an "incentive to invest money into developing the play areas in line with the community wishes".
The Bath Bomb reports on Bath and North East Somerset Council's efforts to close four youth clubs.
After last week's report, the great and good of Cardiff, Swindon and Bristol appear to have woken up to the fact that the proposed electrification of the Great Western Mainline is about to be scrapped. Their lobbying seems very late in the day. Are they asleep at the wheel?
TWO of Portishead's historic pubs have closed. The White Lion closed last Wednesday and The Poacher – the town's oldest pub – closed on Sunday afternoon. Both pubs are owned by the pub chain Enterprise Inns.
Punch Taverns, which owns 6,000 boozers across the UK, is looking to dispose of at least 1,300 of them after announcing a £130m loss. The highly leveraged corporation owns 40-plus pubs in the Bristol area and says they will be looking to offload unprofitable 'traditional pubs' often associated with poorer areas in favour of 'a more upmarket approach'.
All Bath's secondary schools could soon leave local authority control and become academies to save BANES council some money.
Mendip District Council said this week it faced losing a quarter of its annual government grant. The council's leader, Harvey Siggs, says its budget is likely to be nearly £2 million short next year
First signs of big changes ahead at the MOD. It appears their Abbey Wood site in North Bristol may actually be expanding to bring in work from elsewhere. A ban on anyone living within 3 miles of the site getting a parking permit is to be introduced. You don't do that unless your car parks are expected to overflow ...
Patients being referred by their GP to hospital to see a specialist will be put through 'a filtering system' as part of the plan to tackle a £44 million shortfall facing the NHS in Bath.
Heathcare insiders say the government has issued guidance to PCT's to cut down on expensive prescriptions. This is a thinly veiled attack on the elderly, the ill and the disabled.
Lloyds Banking Group - 40% taxpayer-owned - is axing another 4,500 jobs. They're now on course to cut 20,000 posts as they integrate HBOS with existing Lloyds operations. Both HBOS and Lloyds have headquarters in Bristol. Some of the jobs will be relocated to offshore centres the bank have said.
Lloyds have announced more job cuts at their Cheltenham & Gloucester subsidary. At least 100 staff are expected to be laid off in Gloucester and 120 in Bristol.
Police chiefs have told community support officers in Clevedon and Portishead to catch the bus while on duty to save money.
A private fringe meeting at the Tory Party Conference on personal debt organised by Welfare Secretary Iain Duncan Smith's Centre for Social Justice was sponsored by Cash Converters.
The Tax Payers Alliance are up to their old tricks discovering "non-jobs" in local authorities.
Plymouth has put its Civic Centre up for sale. The Grade II-listed council HQ went on the market yesterday with Plymouth City Council saying it is eager to find out if developers or investors want to buy the place.
Cornwall County Council chief executive Kevin Lavery has taken a voluntary 5% pay cut "in recognition of the difficult financial situation facing Cornwall". Cornwall Councillors should do us a favour and put a zero after that five.
Chippenham MP Duncan Hames has asked ministers to change rules that allowed four senior Wiltshire County Council officials to enjoy generous golden handshakes. They shared £2m between them. In Bristol it's common for senior local government officers to retire with large payouts and then be rehired as consultants. The council's Head of HR, Bob Britton, recently performed the scam!
The Bristol Evening Post's relentlessly upmarket foodie restaurant reviewer, Mark Taylor, is now eating and reviewing breakfasts for £1.95 in Broadmead.
Warnings are emerging that 1930s-style competitive currency devaluation is starting to take place. Hold on, it could be a bumpy ride ...
Demonstration and rally against the cuts starts in Castle Park, Bristol on Saturday 23 October at 11.00am. Be there!
Being made redundant? Problems at work? Being cut? Contact BRISTOL IWW - the union where you're invited. or Tel: 07506 592180
Got any news about cuts in Bristol, Bath or beyond? Send stories, rants, gossip and informed speculation to Cutz, the brashest and best cuts news in the west:
SUBSCRIBE by email and get all the news with all the links. Email
Comment to make? Something to say? Cutz is also available at for discussion
Jimmy Mubenga posters in South London
15-10-2010 21:20
Because of the current practical media blackout and misinformation surrounding the events aboard BA Flight 77 where Jimmy Mubenga was murdered, anti deportation activists have taken it upon themselves to inform people about these tragic and disgusting events.Bristol sends off convoy to Gaza
15-10-2010 19:22
Press Report for Saturday 9th October 2010SORRY FOR DELAY DUE TO OVER-ZEALOUS SPAM FILTER
A large crowd gathered in Lawrence Hill on Saturday 9th October to celebrate send-off of the latest Bristol Convoy to Gaza. In just three weeks the group, Bristol-Gaza-Link has raised the money for five vehicles which will make the journey to Gaza. They are a mini-bus with wheel-chair facility and a large box-van and three cargo vans. They have been decorated with flags, images of Bristol friendship with Gaza, and solidarity messages (see pictures attached).
The vans were loaded with donated aid including medical and educational materials. The Quaker and Baptist churches in Bristol provided a special donation of stationery and office equipment destined for the Baptist Church in Gaza. The Red Notes Choir sang and there was live music was provided. Cllr Tess Green (Green Party) spoke at the send-off rally plus contributions from the convoyers themselves. Messages of support were received from Cllr Helen Holland, Leader of the Labour group on Bristol City Council, from Adeela Shafi Conservative Party PPC for Bristol East and Stephen Williams MP for Bristol West (LibDem).
The five vehicles and supporters marched through the Easton area of Bristol before the vehicles left for London. Leading the group of seven was Mohamed Elhaddad, chair of Bristol-Gaza-Link Association. Four more members are planning to join the convoy en-route. These include a prominent SW trade union representative who aims to link up with fire-fighters in Gaza, a Bristol Graffiti artist, and others.
Media coverage
ITV-West News weekend 9th/10th October 2010
Bristol Evening Post Monday 11th October 2010
Star & Jack FM Radio Saturday, October 9th
Avrupa Gazette
Pictures videos and links at
The Bristol team are joining the Roads To Hope convoy ( which left London on 10.10.10. The route takes them through southern Europe and crossing to North Africa and through Libya and Egypt to Gaza. The Bristol team will be among several different convoys, arriving by land, air and sea to Tripoli where they will be joined by the Libyan Convoy Al Quds 5. Road to Hope will then leave Tripoli on 17th October via Egypt to arrive in Gaza at the end of October 2010.
A report by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) released last week, concludes “that the blockade (of Gaza) amounts to collective punishment in violation of Israel’s obligations under international humanitarian law.” And that it “was inflicting disproportionate damage upon the civilian population in the Gaza strip and as such the interception could not be justified and therefore has to be considered illegal.”
“Abject poverty" among refugees tripled since the imposition of the blockade from 100,000 to 300,000 and 61 percent of households are food insecure. And according to the UN, despite the recent easing of the siege, the Israeli policies have “brought to new peaks the severe human dignity crisis resulting from the deteriorated public services, widespread poverty, food insecurity”. Unemployment (Over 40 percent) and aid dependence (80 percent) have reduced People’s lives to a daily struggle in an attempt to secure the most basic needs.
People can support the convoy by
• donating online :
• SMS: Text VIVA to 84424 to donate £3
• Sending a cheque to: Bristol Gaza Link. 5 Russell Town Avenue, BS5 9LT
• Bank transfer: Coop Bank. Account name “Bristol-Gaza-Link”. Account 65360523, Sort code 08-92-99.
Mohamed Elhaddad, chair of Bristol-Gaza-Link says “This is the fourth time, in the space of less than 2 years that Bristol is actively engaging in the delivery of aid to these besieged people – an achievement that makes us all proud. As we have done before, we turn to the generous people of Bristol to support us in our endeavours to bring this unjust and unlawful siege to an end. Please donate as much as you can. All funds will be used to purchase vehicles that will be filled with educational and medical equipment that are badly needed in Gaza.”
Bristol has a long history of links with Palestine. From peace campaigners to faith groups, from football teams to Banksy, many Bristolians have visited Palestine. The group Bristol-Gaza-Link was set up last September with all party support on the Council. Its aims and objectives are to build humanitarian, cultural, educational and social links with Gaza and Palestine. The city sent substantial amounts of humanitarian aid to Gaza with the Viva Palestina convoys, including a giant articulated truck of medial aid decorated with iconic images of Wallace and Grommit. In May Bristol citizens were within inches of death on-board the aid ship the Mavi Marmara when it was attacked by Israeli commandos. Bristol was also the first local council in the country passing a motion condemning these attacks and calling for boycott and divestment of Israel.
Thanks to Bristol Indymedia for also covering this event see
Geek Club is back!
15-10-2010 19:22
"Geek Club" at The Factory, 2-8 Cave Street (just off Portland Square) Tuesday 19th October from 7-9pm.After an extended hiatus while we found a new home, I am pleased to announce the return of "Geek Club" at the Factory.
- Got a problem with your PC or laptop?
- Want to try free, open source alternatives to Microsoft or Apple?
- Want to help recycle or re-purpose some hardware?
- Fancy helping setup an "internet cafe/edutainment centre"?
Then come to "Geek Club" at The Factory, 2-8 Cave Street (just off Portland Square) Tuesday 19th October from 7-9pm.
You can also join our Google Group where you can ask for, or offer, help or kit.
Many thanks to the lovely people at The Factory for support and infrastructure!
Defend Afghan asylum seeker, Mohammed Pardesi!
15-10-2010 19:22
Please sign the e-petition in support of MohammedMohammed fled Afghanistan when he was 15. He settled in Swindon, made a new life for himself and got engaged. Now he is 18 the UK Borders Agency want to deport him. Please sign the e-petition to protest against this inhumane decision.
On Monday 11th, while signing on at the police station, Mohammed was seized by the police and locked up. He has subsequently been bundled from one detention centre to another and is now in Brook House facing deportation to Afghanistan in the early hours of Tuesday.
His fiancée Emma says it feels like ‘her heart has been ripped out’ and the family are absolutely devastated. There has already been a protest outside Swindon police station and currently the family are working on the legal side of things, to try and stop his deportation.
Free Mohammed Pardesi!
‘Sow the seed’ for a fair deal on climate change
15-10-2010 18:22
Growing cress in pots - something fun you remember doing as a kid? Now musicians The Magic Numbers and Get Cape Wear Cape Fly have joined Oxfam to give this small fun task a big new meaning.
This Saturday, 16th October is World Food Day and the musicians will be joining hundreds of people around the UK, growing cress in yoghurt pots, to support Oxfam's call to UK MP's to ‘Sow the Seed' needed to help the world's poorest people adapt to climate change.
Climate changes are putting whole communities at risk as rains are becoming more erratic, flood and droughts more frequent. In order to adapt, money is needed.
I have been really inspired by this campaign. It is using this simple action as a symbol to remind world leaders when they meet at the next climate change talks in December that in the poorest places, people, especially women, are struggling to grow food to feed their families due to climate change. Oxfam is calling on world leaders to deliver on their promise to provide vulnerable countries with $100bn a year by 2020 to reduce emissions and adapt to a changing climate.
The Magic Numbers band member Romeo said: "Climate change means that more people are going hungry, which is why we are supporting Oxfam's ‘Sow the Seed' campaign. Get growing and join the campaign!"
I'm going to join the cress growing extravaganza - will you? Visit for more information and to upload your own images!
Musicians back Oxfam's call to ‘sow the seed' for a fair deal on climate change
"Taking on EDO with Octogenarian Quaker John and the New Kids on the Black Bloc
15-10-2010 17:30
***Slideshow from "Hammertime" EDO/ITT Brighton
Bristol Students Protest BAE Systems at Careers Fair
15-10-2010 17:22
A group of students from Bristol university staged a protest against BAE systems at the university careers fair this Wednesday (13th October). BAE systems is one of the biggest arms companies in the world, and is well known for having sold arms to oppressive regimes such as Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, as well as having been fined millions for corruption. While a group stood outside with banners, speaking with and leafleting potential employees, a second group staged a 'die in' in front of BAE's stand. They were evicted by university security pretty quickly, but not before many students had seen the action, and hopefully were challenged to question BAEs ethics, and whether a 'career in killing' is really something they want.A group of students from Bristol university staged a protest against BAE systems at the university careers fair this Wednesday (13th October). BAE systems is one of the biggest arms companies in the world, and is well known for having sold arms to oppressive regimes such as Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, as well as having been fined millions for corruption. While a group stood outside with banners, speaking with and leafleting potential employees, a second group staged a 'die in' in front of BAE's stand. They were evicted by university security pretty quickly, but not before many students had seen the action, and hopefully were challenged to question BAEs ethics, and whether a 'career in killing' is really something they want.
Photos are copyright Tristan Martin (not me!) - please ask permission to re-use
Austerity? Fuck No! Everyone To Downing St, Oct 20th 6pm
15-10-2010 16:46

Spreading this date and time and intention as far and as wide as possible through your email lists, facebook, twitter etc is a good idea. Word of mouth is a great way to get people out.
Maqui talks to D*I about 29 Sept in Spain
15-10-2010 16:22
(insert summary here)
(insert description here)
What's the Blogging Story? [1]
15-10-2010 14:22
Discussion and debate on Blogging and the Media.TWO media events are coming up next week in Bristol, co-organised by Bristol NUJ, MediaAct and MediaWise, on journalism, blogging and technology – and the conflicts and challenges they raise.
There’s a fantastic line-up of star speakers, and workshops where you can get to grips with the issues. It’s open to the public, down at the Watershed and the Pervasive Media Studio, so whether you’re a blogger or a journalist, neither or both, come and join us: tickets are on sale now!
What’s the Blogging Story?
Top bloggers and journalists in innovative debate
Bristol Festival of Ideas event
Watershed Media Centre, Fri, Oct 22, 7pm
Plus NEWSFUTURES – two workshops on the impact of the blogosphere
Pervasive Media Studio, Bristol, Sat, Oct 23, 11am-4pm
The blogosphere is a powerful new force in Britain today as the Foreign Secretary William Hague could testify; only a month ago, he was forced to deny he was gay after sustained gossip on the internet.
But who can you believe in this age of blogs, tweets and high speed broadband? What’s the relationship between traditional and new media – the tired and the wired as some call them?
Are blogs a new, democratic kind of journalism, giving a voice to everyone? Or are they just a platform where gossip, speculation and bias are passed on as fact, and nothing can be trusted?
Join some of the UK’s leading journalists and bloggers for a lively, and no doubt heated, debate to determine who will dominate the future of news, in a Bristol Festival of Ideas event at the Watershed on Friday October 22 at 7pm.
Speakers include Roy Greenslade (The Guardian), Donnacha Delong (NUJ Vice President), Sunny Hundal (Liberal Conspiracy), Brooke Magnanti (Belle du Jour), and Anton Vowl (Enemies of Reason and Mailwatch), plus an audience which will include some of Bristol’s leading bloggers.
The event has been organised as part of Bristol Festival of Ideas in association with the NUJ Bristol branch, the University of the West of England MediaAct project and MediaWise, and is part of a weekend study on the impact of the blogosphere.
Watershed Media Centre, Bristol
Friday 22nd October, 7pm.
Tickets £7/£5 concessions & NUJ members
Box office: 0117 927 5100
Two workshops for bloggers as part of the UWE MediaAcT Project,
organised in association with Bristol NUJ and the MediaWise Trust.
Pervasive Media Studio, Leadworks, Anchor Square. Bristol.
Saturday 23nd October, 11m - 4pm
Blogging Hell! 11am-1pm
Finding common cause across borders: Planning for international action on media standards.
What’s the role of online journalism in sustaining democratic societies? What role can the blogosphere play in more rigidly controlled societies? Can bloggers develop systems of self regulation that could enhance journalism standards?
This is the opening workshop in what promises to be a long-running debate.
Jo Bloggs – but is it journalism? 2pm-4pm
Is blogging the new journalism?
Are blogs a new, democratic kind of publishing, giving a voice to everyone? Or are they just a platform where gossip, speculation and bias are passed on as fact, and nothing can be trusted?
As the lines between traditional and citizen journalism blur, how are mainstream media owners and regulators responding? Are the interests of citizen journalists, bloggers and mainstream journalists the same or contradictory? Where does the National Union of Journalists fit in the new media world? Should bloggers be able to
join the NUJ?
Join leading bloggers and mainstream journalists for a revealing discussion and some possible resolutions.
Pervasive Media Studio, Leadworks, Anchor Square. Bristol.
Workshop places are free, but space is limited. To register your interest go to
MediaAct is a 13-nation EU-funded study of media accountability systems across Europe and the Arab world. Researchers at the University of the West of England are
building a platform for bloggers to discuss issues of regulation and their influence on mainstream media content and standards.
Bristol Branch of the National Union of Journalists has pioneered debate about the relationship between bloggers and union.
MediaWise is the journalism ethics charity based at UWE.
©NUJ Bristol Branch; free to distribute for publicity purposes.
Related Link:
Dissident Island Radio - 1st October 2010
15-10-2010 12:24
Dissident Island is ace. And available to download now!!! yeah!!! woohoo!!!
• 'What does it mean to grow up' - audio from a recent informal discussion at LARC
• A participant in the Right to Work campaign on mobilising to demonstrate at the Tory Conference on 3 October
• exclusive new tracks from Freddy Frog
• DJ Vacuum Cleaner spinnin disco
• and so very much more
ready for you to download at:
A Benefit for Bristol Antifa and Bristol No Borderes
15-10-2010 12:22
The PloughEaston
Thurs 4th Nov
Pipes n Pints : czech's answer to Dropkick Murphys
Spanner : Bristol Militant Ska Punk
Kilnaboy : Protest Folk Punk from over the bridge
Amsterdam anti-fascists call out for resistance against EDL demonstration
15-10-2010 12:00
Press release: Amsterdam anti-fascists call out for resistance against pro-Wilders EDL demonstration.On the 30th of October the notorious racist hooligans from the English Defence League (EDL) are planning a demonstrative gathering on the Museumplein in Amsterdam.
They do this to express their support for Geert Wilders while he awaits the verdict in his prosecution for hate incitement en discrimination. They also want to use this event to launch an pan-european movement with new divisions formed in the Netherlands and France.
The EDL are an mixed collection of racists, neo-Nazi’s and hefty hooligans who in Great-Britain organise regular demonstration that most of the times end in brutal violence against random members of the public, cops and counter protestors.