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Croydon EDL Division beaten at Whitechapel Tube

15-08-2010 15:58

Last night (Saturday 14th August) members of the Croydon Division of the EDL (English Defence League) got turned over while flyering at Whitechapel Tube Station by locals. Having had a busy day waving Israeli flags in Central London (Monmouth Street) in support of the cosmetics retailer Ahava, the Croydon Division of the EDL wrongly decided to stop off at Whitechapel Tube Station late Saturday evening when returning from a meeting in Essex.

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Bone Idle: or Work Doesn’t Work!

15-08-2010 13:56

An Interview with Ian Bone and Ray Roughler Jones from has kindly stuck the interview myself and Ray Roughler Jones did for the current issue of ’The Idler’ We nicked it from here

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Picket at Chetwynd Barracks, Nottingham

15-08-2010 12:24

Picket against Afghanistan war held at Chetwynd Barracks on Saturday, 14th.August


Chetwynd Barracks at Nottingham is where many British armed forces personnel are mobilised before being sent to fight In Afghanistan.  A small picket was held on 14th. August under the slogan 'Bad War, Don't Fight!'.  Protestors urged soldiers to follow the example of Lance Corporal Joe Glenton and others by refusing to fight in Afghanistan.  Leaflets (see text below) were distributed to soldiers entering and leaving the camp.  Megaphone appeals were made for the troops to take the initiative in ending this unjust, murderous war.  It was pointed out that although the great majority of people in Britain are against this futile war, the politicians and generals persist in this folly, happy to sacrifice their own soldiers as dead heroes.

The Government and media propaganda campaign in recent years portraying Britsh forces as "heroes" has intimidated many people from protesting to the troops and when they are paraded through town centres..  It is essential to make such demonstrations and today's event shows that this is possible.  Many soldiers have doubts about their part in this war and some would welcome support for their dissent.  The Stop the War Coalition has deliberately avoided taking such actions.

Those of us demonstrating today call for further pickets and demonstrations at military bases and parades across the country.



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American, British and other NATO forces attacked and invaded Afghanistan in 2001.  Since then this war of terror against the Afghani people has dragged on and is intensifying and spreading.  Now NATO are sending in many more thousands of troops because they have failed to crush the resistance of the Afghani people to foreign invasion.

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FACT:  No Afghanis were involved in the 9/11 attack on the 

            <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->Twin Towers in New York.<!--[endif]-->

FACT:  It was America and Britain which attacked

            Afghanistan, the Afghanis did not attack Britain or

            <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->America.<!--[endif]-->

FACT:  NATO has forced on the Afghani people a puppet

             government controlled by corrupt, drug-running war

             lords. The same bunch of murderous thugs had

             <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->previously been thrown out by the Afghani people.<!--[endif]-->

FACT:  Most of the heroin on British streets, especially in

             Nottingham, comes from these criminal warlords who

             have made billions from the misery of drug addiction

             <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->here.<!--[endif]-->

FACT:  The war in Afghanistan is costing billions each year

             while massive cuts are being made in public services

             in Britain.

FACT:  The British Government says that Afghanis are plotting
to carry out terrorist attacks in Britain.  Yet the few acts
            of terrorism in Britain have not been committed by
            <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->Afghanis.

FACT:  British forces in Afghanistan are among the best

             equipped soldiers in the world, able to call in

             devastating attacks by RAF Tornados and Harrier

             fighter-bombers on Afghani villages.

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FACT:  For each dead British soldier the British Army claims it

             has killed at least a hundred Afghanis.

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Ever since 1838, on and off, the British Army has been attacking Afghanistan.  The Afghanis always have fought back and defeated foreign invaders.  In the 1980’s they repulsed a massive invasion from the Soviet Union.  Sending more troops will simply make them fight harder to defend their homeland.

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British soldiers know that the politicians and generals have led them into disaster.  A few military personnel have taken a heroic stand and refused to serve in Afghanistan. Lance Corporal Joe Glenton, jailed for refusing to fight in Afghanistan, said, “The real enemy is not the man in front who is facing your rifle, but the man directly behind and above you telling you to pull the trigger.”  Others should follow his example by not fighting this oppressive war.

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Call-out to Radical Healthcare Workers!

15-08-2010 12:19

Online discussion forum launched

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Picket at Chetwynd Barracks, Nottingham

15-08-2010 12:06

Anti-Afghanistan War Picket at Chetwynd Barracks, Nottingham

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Bristol YouTube tribute to the Mavi Marmara dead

15-08-2010 11:22

Shoppers at the main Waitrose supermarket, in Bristol (UK), were greeted by Palestine campaigners this Saturday (14th August). Protesters were handing out leaflets for the Boycott-Israeli Goods campaign. Store management and security were very jumpy. Perhaps guilty they hadn’t replied to campaigner’s letters pointing out that stocking Israeli goods was a contradiction of their “Responsible Sourcing” policy. Or more likely that Waitrose had never experienced a demonstration in their tranquil Henlease suburb. Several police were in attendance, including a support vehicle and for a while a riot van. A considerable number of shoppers expressed support for Palestine and the Boycott campaign. One even joined the protest group.
The main event was a tribute to the nine aid workers who were killed onboard the Mavi Marmara on its way to Gaza on the 31st May this year. Nine campaigners dressed in red tee-shirts including the picture of each of the dead. One-by-one they fell to the ground, shot by a towering eight-foot high Israeli soldier. The group have a produced a YouTube movie available at

The event was organised by the Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign A spokesperson said “We were all relived the two Bristolians returned safely from the Mavi Marmara. But now more details are emerging of the brutality of the Israeli attack, our thoughts are with the nine that were killed. They were all very ordinary hard-working people. Their partners, children and families are left grieving. And the details of their wounds are especially harrowing, many were shot many times and several through the head.

They go on to say “We stand in solidarity with the 9 Turkish Peace activists that were shot dead by Israeli forces as part of the May Aid Mavi Marmara flotilla to Gaza, Bristol PSC acted out a scene from these terrible events. This took place in front of a Waitrose store in Bristol to inform and persuade shoppers against buying Israeli products in light of the illegal and brutal actions Israel undertook against these peace protesters and which they are carrying out on a daily basis to Palestinians in conflict to international law. Bristol PSC and lots of Bristol's citizens stand hand in hand with the Palestinians plight and wont stop until this brutal regime has been halted”

Bristol has a long history of links with Palestine. From peace campaigners to faith groups, from football teams to Banksy, many Bristolians have visited Palestine. A group called Bristol-Gaza-Link was set up last year with all party support on the Council. The city sent substantial amounts of humanitarian aid to Gaza with the Viva Palestina convoys, including a giant articulated truck of medial aid decorated with iconic images of Wallace and Grommit. Five Bristol people have just been cleared of two hundred thousands pounds worth of damage to an Israel-linked arms factory in Brighton. Recently two Bristol citizens were within inches of death when Israeli commandos attacked the aid ship the Mavi Marmara. Bristol is the first local council in the country passing a motion condemning these attacks and calling for boycott and divestment of Israel. The Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign group has a long history of work in Bristol and is currently concentrating on the Boycott campaign and organised the recent picket of the Johnny Rotten concert in opposition to his forthcoming trip to Israel.

Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign

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Bath Bomb #32 Out Now

15-08-2010 11:02

The latest offering from the dark underbelly of proud, proud Bath

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Violence Haunts Iraqs Youngest victims

15-08-2010 10:48

How the war, invasion and continued violence is having an impact upon the mental health of Iraqi children.

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‘Conditions in Youth Prisons’

14-08-2010 23:45

In this article, social prisoner John Bowden exposes the violent control methods carried against young people in UK prison. The prison guards who act out their brutal fantasies on young people are not isolated ‘bad’ individuals but part of a de-humanising authoritarian system of exploitation and power. This situation is not simply a case for the United Kingdom, young people are imprisoned in disgusting conditions everywhere, and all these prisons must be torn to the ground with the guards scattered. Fire to the Prisons.

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Climate Camp Cymru eviction shows need for action

14-08-2010 23:30

Climate Camp Cymru near Selar and Nant-Helen opencast coal mines, Glyn-Neath in South Wales was brought to a premature end on Saturday afternoon with a massive police incursion to evict the camp. The camp was expected to last until Tuesday 17th August.

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Fight Britain's racist immigration laws! Close Communications House!

14-08-2010 23:23

Tuesday 31 August • 5-6pm

outside Communications House Immigration Reporting Centre, Old Street London, EC1V 9BR

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We are Bradford - unity against the racist EDL

14-08-2010 22:24

Demonstrate against the racist EDL. in Bradford

The English Defence League have announced that they will be demonstrating in Bradford on Saturday 28 August. The EDL is a racist group with Nazis at its core who are dedicated to attacking Asian people and Muslims. Its aim is to divide us by making scapegoats of one community, just as the Nazis did with Jews in the 1930s.

Today they threaten Muslims. Tomorrow it could be Jewish people, Hindus, Sikhs, Black people, Lesbians and Gay men, Travellers and Eastern Europeans. There is no place for Nazis or racists in Bradford's multiracial, multifaith community (or anywhere else).

The 'We are Bradford' unity event against the racist EDL is supported by many organisations across the trade union movement and a host of organisations of many different faiths and ethnicities. For a list of supporters, please visit the Unite Against Fascism website at

Nottingham Unite Against Fascism have organised transport. The coach will be leaving at 8am outside Nottingham Royal Centre (opposite Cornerhouse). For more information, please contact 07834 364529. You can also email UAF at


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Climate Camp Cymru has been evicted

14-08-2010 22:22

Climate Camp Cymru has been evicted. No arrests as far as we know. Watch here for updates.
This just goes to show the priorities of the current government, who are more interested in protecting climate criminals like Celtic Energy and in repressing those taking action on climate change, than on actually tackling the climate crisis themselves.

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Zionists and EDL Unite for counter-demo at Ahava

14-08-2010 20:11

In celebration of the recent court victory which saw four campaigners acquitted for blockading the Ahava shop in Covent Garden during 2009, approximately 60 protestors gathered outside its doors in Monmouth Street, central London, to celebrate and continue promoting boycott, divestment and sanctions against the Israeli occupation. While demonstrators were met by the usual Zionist counter-demonstrators, on this occasion they arrived flanked by the openly racist English Defence League.[video]

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Stop Hinkley "C" Action Weekend

14-08-2010 19:22



11th – 12th SEPT 2010
Join our weekend of activities in opposition to the proposed EdF nuclear power station at Hinkley Point in Somerset

Saturday 11th

11am – 5pm Talks and Workshops – Trinity Hall, St Saviours Avenue, Bridgwater


Speakers: Ben Ayliff (Greenpeace Nuclear Campaigner) “National Action

to Halt Nuclear’s Advance”

Neil Crumpton (Bellona Foundation) “How to Keep the Lights On

Without Nuclear”

Chris Busby (Green Audit) “Radiation and Health: The Latest Evidence”

Facilitators: Seeds for Change

Workshop - non-violent direct action: Seeds for Change

8pm -12am Dance Night – Unity House, Dampiet Street, Bridgwater

Music from local DJs. Licensed bar

Sunday 12th

12pm Protest at Hinkley Point power station, near Bridgwater

Guided tour of proposed Hinkley “C” site, including area to be desecrated

by EdF in advance of approval for the nuclear plant

Meet at power station entrance, bring banners, placards, music

To register for the Action Weekend, email with your name and contact phone number. If you would like somewhere to stay on Saturday night, contact Crispin Aubrey ( or 01278 732921). Camping available at Hockpitt Farm, Nether Stowey (9 miles from Bridgwater, 4 miles from Hinkley Point).

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Remembering Liverpool’s “Bloody Sunday”

14-08-2010 18:56

On Friday 13th August, members of the Liverpool Solidarity Federation distributed leaflets by St George’s Hall to raise peoples’ awareness of a pivotal moment in working class history. The Liverpool Transport Strike and the battle of August 13th, 1911 – our “Bloody Sunday.”

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Sunrise Offgrid - reclaiming & redesigning our future - dancing our dream awake

14-08-2010 16:57

free your mind and dance your dream awake
I have put together a bunch of videos after trawling through 65 hours of footage from last year- there is so much more to come - check them out and share them with your friends both on and off facebook. - Hopefully these videos will give you an idea about the content, ethos and process of this dynamic event. 2010 event 19th - 22nd august somerset

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Arrogance and greed of Tony Blair

14-08-2010 15:17

Tony Blair 'alleged' war Criminal
The arrogance and greed of Tony Blair beggars belief.

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group4 targetted in bristol

14-08-2010 13:22

biggest security firm not untouchable
the evening of 11/08/10 g4s were greeted with the hate of fun loving people
No sigh no more!, g4s plaque was removed & taken away, the intercom was left from the wall by 5ft of wire at the red front door 10,portland sq , st paul's, so where were the biggest security firm when hit at home? can't protect themselves? , would you trust them with inmates or your property? , The growth of the security industry is an indication that the natives are growing restless

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Iraq: NATO assists in building new Middle East proxy army

14-08-2010 11:26

NATO is assisting the U.S. in building a new army in Iraq. This first fully American-created armed forces in the Middle East will be concentrating less on domestic security and more on regional geopolitics. The new proxy army is part of a broader U.S. strategy aimed in the first instance against Iran.

The encirclement, in fact the siege, of Iran continues apace and Iraq, which shares with it a 1,458-kilometer border, is slated to play a major role in plans to isolate, undermine and attack Iran, replicating the model used with devastating effect against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq itself. NATO is actively assisting the U.S. and Israel with those war plans.