UK Newswire Archive
Farmers replant gentech test fields
19-04-2002 09:40
Translated from www.resistanceisfertile.orgUnions and anti-capitalists team up for May Day protest
19-04-2002 09:36
.Canada loses face during UN Biodiversity summit
19-04-2002 09:32
Indigenous peoples and their supporters protested against Canada's behaviour during the UN Biodiversity Summit COP6Manchester: latest from NUJ strikers
19-04-2002 09:31
Thanks to all those who have given support to the strikers, including the IMC collective for the front page spot!Latest update from NUJ activists network:
Palestinian Pieta at Jenin (artwork by Latuff)
19-04-2002 09:28
Attention! High resolution file available for free by request (388KB .tif file) for printing purposes, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle for freedom.Japanese tourists try to visit besieged church
19-04-2002 02:53
A pair of Japanese tourists were "rescued" by news reporters in the West Bank city of Bethlehem as they went looking for the Church of the Nativity utterly unaware of the ongoing confrontation at the church between the Israeli Army and Palestinians holed up inside, local news reports said Wednesday.RADICAL DAIRY UPDATE
19-04-2002 01:16
Thank for all the messages of support sent to the Radical Dairy since the police raid last week.IWCA Slams "Misleading" Labour Election Leaflet
19-04-2002 01:09
Community activists from Hackney Independent WorkingClass Association have slammed a Labour election
leaflet distributed in Haggerston Ward.
Campaign against Israeli Government's Atrocities
18-04-2002 23:35
Worker-communist Parties of Iran and Iraq Campaign against Israeli Government's AtrocitiesPublic Meetings in Britain
Repression in Italy against students
18-04-2002 22:47
In PIsa (Italy) two students in jail for a handbillWatch out! Murderer driving! (photomontage by Latuff)
18-04-2002 22:23

Nation of Aztlan Issues a Call to Action
18-04-2002 22:11
" We cannot remain silent and immobile while the Palestinian
people are being systematically exterminated by Ariel
Sharon - the Butcher of Sabra, Shatila, Qibya, and
Jenin." - Chairman Cuauhtemoc
18-04-2002 22:01
UK human rights org continues with attempts to sue police for illegal arrest of 5,000 people during MayDay2001.Murder Once Removed: U.S. Bombing Responsible for Deadly Afghanistan Quakes
18-04-2002 22:00
The death count from earthquakes in Afghanistan in the past few months has nearly reach the number dead from bombing. Now a journalist with a background in geophysics presents evidence that the series of severe quakes in Afghanistan has been caused by the U.S. bombing campaign.Media announce anti-capitalist plan
18-04-2002 21:13
The ITV and BBC have announced their plans for this year’s Mayday Celebration.Repression against students in Germany
18-04-2002 20:42
At March 26 2002 the student café TuCa was evicted at the university of Frankfurt (germany). The university called the police to evict the café wich was already existing for 12 years. At April 17 six students were charged for disturbance of domestic peace.