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DEGROWTH - Planned Contraction - 1st N.A. Conference

13-05-2010 21:17

Drastic reduction of footprint before we collapse. 1st North American Degrowth Conference April 2010, Vancouver. Intro by Rex Weyler. Tom Walker on Barcelona Conf. Overview of peak fossil fuels by ASPO'S Dave Hughes. Maximum sustainable human population, Jack Alpert. Radio Ecoshock 100514

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Greece economic crisis and IMF, two cartoons (by Latuff)

13-05-2010 20:54

Cartoon #1
Both cartoons made for Greek newspaper Dromos.

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Redditch Green Fair 2010 - Sat 5 June

13-05-2010 20:44

On Saturday 5th June (World Environment Day), the 5th annual, independent Redditch Green Fair will be bigger and better than ever! With up to 30 stalls, entertainment, childrens fun activities, free vegan food samples, alternative therapists and lots more... And with FREE admission, you can`t go wrong!
If you want a stall or to get involved in some way, please contact us via the website

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Nakba Commemoration in London - Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm

13-05-2010 20:41

On Nakba Day, tell the government to take action now:

Free Palestine!

Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm

Opposite 10 Downing Street, London SW1 (nearest tube Westminster)

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Strong Explosion outside the Central prison of Athens - Korydalos

13-05-2010 20:40

Strong Explosion outside the Central prison of Athens - Korydalos

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General strike in Kurdistan- In respond to the brutality of islami regime.

13-05-2010 19:15

On Sunday May 9, the Islamic regime of Iran committed another savage crime and executed five political prisoners.

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European Squatting Meeting

13-05-2010 18:48

Next 17, 18, 19, and 20 of June, a European Squatting Meeting will be held in the “CSO La Forsa” (Avenida de la Fama, 41, Cornella de Llobregat - Barcelona), so we are contacting groups across Europe who are interested in participate.

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Is the New York Times misleading its readers again - This time on Iran?

13-05-2010 17:52

Recently, we critiqued a Washington Post article that relied almost entirely on unnamed U.S. officials and a known terrorist organization to make the Iraq-redux argument that Iranian “defectors” are providing the U.S. government with critical information about Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. Yesterday, The New York Times ran an article—by Nazila Fathi, ostensibly reporting on the execution of five prisoners in Iran on Sunday—that epitomizes the same kind of agenda-driven, threat-hyping approach as the Post’s piece on Iran’s nuclear program.

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Burnt Flag (antifascist newsheet): Spring Issue

13-05-2010 17:44

Spring issue of the popular Nottingham antifascist newsheet. Read all about recent Nottingham fash bashery, plus analysis special on why militant antifascism.

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European Squatting Meeting. Barcelona June 2010

13-05-2010 17:13

A European Squatting Meeting
“Present, Past and ..Future??? of Squatting in Europe”

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Willmott Dixon Day of Action - 28th May - Take Action

13-05-2010 16:02

Friday 28th May - Willmott Dixon Day of Action

National contruction company, Willmott Dixon, are the main contractors for the building of a new animal testing laboratory at the University of Leicester, where thousands of animals will be held and used in cruel experiments.

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Venezuela is not Greece

13-05-2010 15:56

"Nonetheless, the country still faces significant economic challenges, some of which have been worsened by mistaken macroeconomic policy choices. The economy shrank by 3.3% last year. The international press has trouble understanding this, but the problem was that the government's fiscal policy was too conservative – cutting spending as the economy slipped into recession. This was a mistake, but hopefully the government will reverse this quickly with its planned expansion of public investment this year, including $6bn for electricity generation."

Your "new"(really the same old gov this time with a new name to "fool you again") leadership is just the other side of the business party as is the case here in the U.S. the Dems qnd the Repubs, Labour vs a conservative/liberal coalition. They are working together to screw us all. ONLY A TRUE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM CAN SAVE US! We need to build it now!

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Greece: Blood and tears for the proletariat!

13-05-2010 15:25

During the general strike in Athens
In order to resist the policy of blood and tears which the bourgeoisie inflicts on it, the proletariat has no other possibility than the resumption of the class struggle, starting with the rejection of anti-worker measures by the government and the calls for “national solidarity”, and for sacrifices “to defend the fatherland and democracy”.

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Peace activists reclaim tree outside Downing Street

13-05-2010 15:02

Photos by Yvonn Jakobsen
At approximately 14:10 yesterday, two concerned citizens from the Democracy Village on Parliament Square climbed a tree outside Downing Street and unfurled a banner which read: "Come on Dave, its time for peace, bring the boys home". This action is part of an ongoing campaign by citizens at the Democracy Village to call on the new government to withdraw British forces from Afghanistan.

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Palestine Today 05 13 2010

13-05-2010 14:54


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Thursday May 13th, 2010.

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Top media lies about Iran

13-05-2010 14:38

The Times, 14 December 2009
The Peace Prize President in the White House continues to increase his empty, but angry rhetoric in an attempt to garner enough support for a strike on Iran. The propaganda juggernaut is in full action, and thousands of articles, TV shows, and politicians are beating the drums for a war against Iran. If this sounds eerily familiar, it's because it is.

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First Contractor Pulls from Leicester Lab

13-05-2010 14:17

Despite going to their best efforts to hide all contractors involved in the construction of the new laboratory at the University of Leicester, we have managed to track them all down.

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DIY Britain: The Real Big Society

13-05-2010 13:19

Two part documentary on Guardian site about the Real DIY Britain - not the one David Cameron has in mind:

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Second attempt to remove Huseini Abubakar

13-05-2010 13:02

Personal Appeal from Huseini - Removal this Sunday

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Greek Anarchists 1985 - 1990

13-05-2010 12:54

Greek Anarchists 1985 - 1990