UK Newswire Archive
09-04-2002 12:09
The spirit of William wallace lives on in Scotland and Ireland.VIDEO - Israeli War on Palestine DUBLIN Flagburn/March
09-04-2002 11:54

About 2,000 people gathered at the Central Bank on Saturday to protest against Israel's actions. They then rallied at the GPO, after which a large number marched to the Israeli Embassy in Ballsbridge, Video of march and ISRAELI and USA Flag Burning
Palestine updates 9th April
09-04-2002 11:50
LATEST NEWS UPDATE AND TIMELINE FROM PALESTINE:maasive rejection of privatisation
09-04-2002 10:21
Tenants of Birmingham authority, England's biggest municipal landlord, overwhelmingly reject switch of homes to not-for-profit companyInternational Day for Laboratory Animals
09-04-2002 09:53
A call to action for all those who careRoger Davies - A shit judge for a shit case!!!!
09-04-2002 08:06
Yesterday a pre-trial review was held at Horseferry Road Magistrates Court for the Womble 7 trial. The court claim that they do not know who will be trying the case, even though it is scheduled for a 5 day hearing in 3 weeks time.Political Strategy: PFLP
09-04-2002 04:53

Zionists are the real Nazis
09-04-2002 02:32
Israeli politician David Levy looking just like Hitler himself.Update Palestina
09-04-2002 02:23
Latest update from Palestina, from IMC NorwaySeptember 11th, let's look at what we think we know (CIA complicity)
09-04-2002 02:12
please commentIsrael is not the enemy
09-04-2002 01:29
Israel is not the enemy, war does nothing for the israeli economy, it does nothing for anyone, people die on both sides, Israel is just protecting itself, like any other country would do!NORTHAMPTON STOP THE WAR COALITION 'MOCK FUNERAL'
09-04-2002 00:01

08-04-2002 23:20
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Palestine Solidarity, Cardiff, Saturday
08-04-2002 21:44
A demonstration in Cardiff, in support of Palestine